| Older |
Bonds - Sale - Security for Deposit | | 2011/08/11 09:39 | 2011/08/19 08:36 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Bonds, Budget, Finances, Library Law |
Rural, island, and intercounty rural districts – Budget for capital outlays – Accumulation of funds | | 2011/08/19 08:31 | 2011/08/19 08:31 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, Finances, Library Law |
Limitation of levies | | 2011/08/19 08:33 | 2011/08/19 08:34 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, Finances, Levies, Library Law |
Budgeting | | 2013/05/01 14:47 | 2020/10/23 09:33 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, Budgeting |
Definitions pertaining to budgets | | 2015/09/18 16:12 | 2017/09/07 14:34 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, Budgeting, Definitions |
Creating a Budget | | 2015/09/21 15:17 | 2017/09/07 09:52 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, Budgeting |
Spending | | 2015/09/21 15:18 | 2017/09/07 10:15 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, Budgeting |
May a city that participates in a regional library keep and independently manage the proceeds of bond sales for regional library costs? | | 2020/11/20 14:03 | 2020/11/20 14:11 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
May a public library use the Master Contracts Usage Agreement (MCUA)? | | 2020/11/20 14:16 | 2020/11/20 14:21 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Are taxing districts required to use the same rate on all taxable property within their boundaries? | | 2020/11/20 14:23 | 2020/11/20 14:24 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Is there a limit on the regular property tax levy? | | 2020/11/20 14:27 | 2020/11/20 14:28 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
When are taxing district boundaries established? | | 2020/11/20 14:30 | 2020/11/20 14:30 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Does a levy lid lift request have to go through county commissioners first? | | 2020/11/20 14:32 | 2020/11/20 14:32 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Can the Timber Excise Tax be used as a source of funding for libraries? | | 2020/11/20 14:34 | 2020/11/20 14:34 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Is there a taxing authority for a non-charter city library? | | 2020/11/20 14:36 | 2020/11/20 14:36 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Could a city give nondesignated funds (e.g., log forest “windfall” monies) to the library? | | 2020/11/20 14:43 | 2020/11/20 14:43 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
After the library’s budget is approved, is the library director free to allocate funds as he or she sees fit? | | 2020/11/20 14:45 | 2020/11/20 14:45 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
What role does the library board play in the budget? | | 2020/11/20 14:48 | 2020/11/20 14:48 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
What is the role of the library director in helping the board to monitor the budget? | | 2020/11/20 14:56 | 2020/11/20 14:58 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Who oversees a library capital facility area? | | 2020/11/20 15:00 | 2020/11/20 15:00 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
How much should a city or county have in general fund reserves? | | 2020/11/20 15:03 | 2020/11/20 15:14 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
May the board of trustees of a rural county library district or an intercounty rural library district file a revised budget with the county commissioners after the county budget date if unanticipated funds arise? | | 2020/11/20 15:20 | 2020/11/20 15:23 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Does a library district hold the authority to contract for insurance coverage of library property? | | 2020/11/20 15:24 | 2020/11/20 15:27 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Do nonprofit organizations pay or charge sales tax on their purchases or sales in Washington? | | 2020/11/20 16:08 | 2020/11/20 16:21 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Are MARC records subject to sales tax? | | 2020/11/20 16:23 | 2020/11/20 16:23 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Are digital goods and services subject to sales tax? | | 2020/11/20 16:25 | 2020/11/20 16:25 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
What process must a city or town use to accept a donation? | | 2020/11/20 16:27 | 2020/11/20 16:27 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Does state law require libraries to go out to bid for a periodical subscription service if it exceeds a certain amount? | | 2020/11/20 16:28 | 2020/11/20 16:29 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
What does a county assessor do? | | 2020/11/20 16:31 | 2020/11/20 16:31 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
What does a county treasurer do? | | 2020/11/20 16:32 | 2020/11/20 16:32 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Are charitable contributions to governmental units tax-deductible? | | 2020/11/20 16:36 | 2020/11/20 16:36 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Are there any restrictions on library boards with regard to direct fundraising (independent of foundations and Friends groups)? | | 2020/11/20 16:37 | 2020/11/20 16:38 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
May a public library charge user fees for the services provided by the library? | | 2020/11/20 16:40 | 2020/11/20 16:41 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Does a public library operated by a city organized under the Optional Municipal Code (RCW 35A) have authority to charge fines for overdue books and other library materials? | | 2020/11/20 16:43 | 2020/11/20 16:44 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |
Can a library charge user fees for services provided to non-residents? | | 2020/11/20 16:44 | 2020/11/20 16:45 | Jeremy Stroud | Jeremy Stroud | Budget, FAQ |