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(Kitsap County Resources [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Pages/HH-Resources.aspx])
(Washington Department of Veteran's Affairs)
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==Department of Veteran Affairs==
=='''Department of Veteran Affairs'''==
===VA Welcome Kit [https://www.va.gov/files/2021-11/va-welcome-kit-color.pdf]===
===VA Welcome Kit November Nov 2021 [https://www.va.gov/files/2022-07/va-welcome-kit-color.pdf]===
*Learn what VA can do for you. VA can support you and your loved ones in different ways throughout your life. Your VA Welcome Guide provides a broad overview of services VA can offer you. This guide helps you understand your eligibility and services available in Health Care, Finances, Housing, Employment, Education and Memorialization.  
*Learn what VA can do for you. VA can support you and your loved ones in different ways throughout your life. Your VA Welcome Guide provides a broad overview of services VA can offer you. This guide helps you understand your eligibility and services available in Health Care, Finances, Housing, Employment, Education and Memorialization.  
[https://www.va.gov/welcome-kit/ Source Page]
[https://www.va.gov/welcome-kit/ Source Page]
===Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors 2019 ed. [https://www.va.gov/opa/publications/benefits_book/2019_Federal_Benefits_for_Veterans_Dependents_and_survivors.pdf]===
===Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors 2021 ed. [https://www.va.gov/opa/publications/benefits_book/2021_Federal_Benefits_for_Veterans_Dependents_and_survivors.pdf]===
*Veterans of the United States Armed Forces may be eligible for a broad range of benefits and services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These benefits are codified in Title 38 of the United States Code. This booklet contains the most commonly requested VA benefits and services. This booklet is a brief overview of the commonly sought information concerning Veterans Benefits.
*Veterans of the United States Armed Forces may be eligible for a broad range of benefits and services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These benefits are codified in Title 38 of the United States Code. This booklet contains the most commonly requested VA benefits and services. This booklet is a brief overview of the commonly sought information concerning Veterans Benefits.
[http://www.va.gov/opa/publications/benefits_book.asp Source Page]
[http://www.va.gov/opa/publications/benefits_book.asp Source Page]
Also on [[Recursos en español]] page.
*También disponible en español Recursos en español [[Recursos en español]]
===Request Your Military Service Records [https://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-record]===
===Request Your Military Service Records [https://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-record]===
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===PTSD: National Center for PTSD [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/index.asp]===
===PTSD: National Center for PTSD [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/index.asp]===
*PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault. It's normal to have upsetting memories, feel on edge, or have trouble sleeping after this type of event. If symptoms last more than a few months, it may be PTSD. The good news is that there are effective treatments.
*PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault. It's normal to have upsetting memories, feel on edge, or have trouble sleeping after this type of event. If symptoms last more than a few months, it may be PTSD. The good news is that there are effective treatments.
*''This website has more resources not linked here. If you have more questions about PTSD information please ask library staff.''
*What is PTSD[https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand/what/ptsd_basics.asp]
*What is PTSD[https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand/what/ptsd_basics.asp]
*Get Help in a Crisis [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/gethelp/crisis_help.asp]
*Get Help in a Crisis [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/gethelp/crisis_help.asp]
*Self Help and Coping [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/gethelp/selfhelp_coping.asp]
*Self Help and Coping [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/gethelp/selfhelp_coping.asp]
*Treatment Basics [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand_tx/tx_basics.asp]
*Treatment Basics [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand_tx/tx_basics.asp]
**Undertanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/publications/print/understandingptsd_booklet.pdf]
**Understanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment [https://www.ptsd.va.gov/publications/print/understandingptsd_booklet.pdf]
*Washington PTSD Programs [https://www.va.gov/directory/guide/state_PTSD.cfm?STATE=WA]
*Washington PTSD Programs [https://www.va.gov/directory/guide/state_PTSD.cfm?STATE=WA]
Also on [[Recursos en español]] page
Also on [[Recursos en español]] page
==Washington State Veteran's Resources==
=='''Washington State Veteran's Resources'''==
===Military & Veteran Legal Resource Guide [https://agportal-s3bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/OMVLA/MilVetLegalResGuide_2020_v3.pdf]===
===Military & Veteran Legal Resource Guide 2022 [https://agportal-s3bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/OMVLA/MilVetLegalResGuide_2022.pdf]===
*The Attorney General’s Office is proud to support our military service members, veterans and their families. These proud Americans have done their part to honor and serve our country—and it’s only right to honor and serve them in return. The Attorney General's Office does this by working to:Engage veteran and military communities;Educate veterans, military personnel, and their families about their legal rights and benefits; Enforce the laws within the office's scope of authority that protect veterans and military service members; and Encourage the development of policies that benefit veterans and military service members.
*The Attorney General’s Office is proud to support our military service members, veterans and their families. These proud Americans have done their part to honor and serve our country—and it’s only right to honor and serve them in return. The Attorney General's Office does this by working to: Engage veteran and military communities; Educate veterans, military personnel, and their families about their legal rights and benefits; Enforce the laws within the office's scope of authority that protect veterans and military service members; and Encourage the development of policies that benefit veterans and military service members.
[http://www.atg.wa.gov/veteran-and-military-resources Source Page]
[http://www.atg.wa.gov/veteran-and-military-resources Source Page]
===Department of Veteran's Affairs Benefits by County [http://dva.wa.gov/resources/county-map]===
===Washington Department of Veteran's Affairs===
*Ask library staff for printouts of the Veteran's Resources by county
*Veterans Homes [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/Edited%20WA%20Veterans%20Homes.pdf]
*Walla Walla Veterans Home [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/PRINT%20Walla%20Walla.pdf]
*Veterans Transitional Housing Program [https://www.dva.wa.gov/veteran-homes/veterans-transitional-housing-program]
**Transitional housing facilities in Port Orchard and Orting help those in need with stable housing, vocational rehabilitation, and employment. Veterans are surrounded with staff and wrap-around services that lead to successful program completion and return to the community.
**Transitional Housing for Veterans Brochure [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/Transitional%20Housing%20Program%20for%20Veterans%20print.pdf]
**Program Application [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2023-02/THP_Application-ElectronicVersion.pdf]
===Veterans Transitional Housing Program [https://www.dva.wa.gov/veteran-homes/veterans-transitional-housing-program]===
*Transitional housing facilities in Port Orchard and Orting help those in need with stable housing, vocational rehabilitation, and employment. Veterans are surrounded with staff and wrap-around services that lead to successful program completion and return to the community.
*Benefits for Veteran's and Family Members [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/Edited%20WA%20Veterans%20Benefits.pdf]
*Transitional Housing for Veterans Brochure [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/Transitional%20Housing%20Program%20for%20Veterans%20print.pdf]
*Guide for Veterans Attending College [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/Edited%20Veterans%20College.pdf]
*Program Application & Eligibility [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-09/Transitional%20Housing%20Admission%20Application.pdf]  
*Department of Veteran's Affairs Benefits by County [http://dva.wa.gov/resources/county-map]
**Ask library staff for printouts of the Veteran's Resources by county
==Other Services==
===WAServes Greater Puget Sound [http://washington.americaserves.org/]===
*Employment and Support Services for Homeless Veterans [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/HVRP%202019%20print.pdf]
*WAServes – Greater Puget Sound offers service members, veterans and their families access to an approved continuum of providers that cover fifteen service categories. Ranging from housing and emergency service providers to employment, recreation and fitness, financial assistance, benefits help and more. WAServes – Greater Puget Sound is designed to provide those who serve, have served, and their families, with the most comprehensive service delivery experience available anywhere in the nation.
*Washington State Counseling Program [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/PTSD%20-%20print.pdf]
*Veterans in Apprenticeship [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2021-06/Apprenticeships%202021%20Final%20Print.pdf]
*Veteran Peer Corps [https://www.dva.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-02/Veterans%20Peer%20Corps%20-%20print.pdf]
**Often, there is no better person to talk about experiences with than another Veteran. A Veterans Peer Corps Mentor is a Veteran, or a Veteran’s family member, who receives training and certification and then serves as a peer mentor by facilitating meetings and activities. The Veterans Peer Corps gives Veterans places to gather, share experiences and stories, heal together, and ultimately create a sense of a Veteran Community within their own community.
[https://www.dva.wa.gov/resources/document-repository Source Page]
=='''Other Services'''==
===Adams State University Prison College Program [https://www.adams.edu/academics/print-based/prison-college-program/]===
===Adams State University Prison College Program [https://www.adams.edu/academics/print-based/prison-college-program/]===
*At Adams State University, we know how important education is to all individuals, especially for those who happen to be incarcerated. Through correspondence courses, Adams State University provides an opportunity for incarcerated students to work for college credit and towards a degree.
*At Adams State University, we know how important education is to all individuals, especially for those who happen to be incarcerated. Through correspondence courses, Adams State University provides an opportunity for incarcerated students to work for college credit and towards a degree.
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===American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance [http://www.legion.org/financialassistance]===
===American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance [http://www.legion.org/financialassistance]===
*TFA is limited to minor children (17 years or younger) whose biological parent, or legal guardian, is a veteran and is, or would have been, eligible for American Legion membership.
*TFA is limited to minor children (17 years or younger) whose biological parent, or legal guardian, is a veteran and is, or would have been, eligible for American Legion membership.
===How to Get a Military Discharge Upgrade (Nolo) [https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/how-get-military-discharge-upgrade.html]===
*Some veterans want their discharge changed even if they remain eligible for many VA benefits, because they feel it dishonors the service they provided to their country. Other veterans want their discharge changed because they feel that after serving their country it is grossly unfair that they are denied VA benefits.
===Your Money, Your Goals Toolkit and Companion Guides===
===Your Money, Your Goals Toolkit and Companion Guides===
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*Focus on People with disabilities March 2019 [https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_ymyg_focus-on-people-with-disabilities.pdf]
*Focus on People with disabilities March 2019 [https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_ymyg_focus-on-people-with-disabilities.pdf]
[https://www.consumerfinance.gov/your-money-your-goals/ Source Page]
[https://www.consumerfinance.gov/your-money-your-goals/ Source Page]
Also on [[Financial Literacy, Coaching and Counseling]] Page, [[Reentry Guides]] Page, [[Tribal Resources]] Page. <br />
Also on [[Financial Literacy, Coaching and Counseling]] Page, [[Tribal Resources]] Page.  
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También disponible en Español [[Recursos en español]]
También disponible en Español [[Recursos en español]]
==Regional Services==
==Regional Services==
==='''Clark County'''===
===Clark County===
Clark County Community Services
====Clark County Community Services====
*Veteran Resource Guide 8-25-[https://clark.wa.gov/sites/default/files/media/document/2021-09/Veteran%20Resources%20in%20Clark%20County.pdf]
*Veteran Resource Guide 8-25-2021 [https://clark.wa.gov/sites/default/files/media/document/2021-09/Veteran%20Resources%20in%20Clark%20County.pdf]
[https://clark.wa.gov/community-services/veterans-assistance-fund Source Page]
[https://clark.wa.gov/community-services/veterans-assistance-fund Source Page]
Clark County Veterans Assistance Centers [https://ccvac.net/]
====Clark County Veterans Assistance Centers [https://ccvac.net/]====
*Clark County Veterans Assistance Center (CCVAC) was born from many conversations by local Vietnam Veterans who said, “There oughta be a place…” Through the dedication of countless volunteered hours, the center opened in 2011 as a 501 c3 non-profit organization.  The mission was, and remains that, of providing a welcome and safe environment to assist Veterans and their families in obtaining benefits, services, and resources to meet basic needs.
*Clark County Veterans Assistance Center (CCVAC) was born from many conversations by local Vietnam Veterans who said, “There oughta be a place…” Through the dedication of countless volunteered hours, the center opened in 2011 as a 501 c3 non-profit organization.  The mission was, and remains that, of providing a welcome and safe environment to assist Veterans and their families in obtaining benefits, services, and resources to meet basic needs.
*Veterans Assistance Center [https://ccvac.net/veterans-assistance-center/]
*Clark County Veterans Assistance Fund [https://www.ccvac.net/vet-fund]
*Clark County Veterans Assistance Fund [https://ccvac.net/veterans-assistance-fund/]
*The Veterans Assistance Fund administered by the Clark County Veteran’s Assistance Center offers financial assistance to low income, qualified veterans who need help. The fund helps Veterans bridge financial difficulties until they can secure permanent employment or survive a difficult financial period. The fund is supported by tax dollars and has limitations.
*The Veterans Assistance Fund administered by the Clark County Veteran’s Assistance Center offers financial assistance to low income, qualified veterans who need help. The fund helps Veterans bridge financial difficulties until they can secure permanent employment or survive a difficult financial period. The fund is supported by tax dollars and has limitations.
*Veterans Assistance Program Eligibility Certification 2019 [https://ccvac.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-application-for-veterans-assistance.pdf]
*Veterans Assistance Program Eligibility Certification 2023 [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63deea1b82c0495b5dcfb585/t/6471371a7519c05ac9d3f541/1685141274644/2023+Application+for+Veterans+Assistance.pdf]
*Disability Claims Assistance Survivor Benefits [https://ccvac.net/disability-claims-assistance/]
*Disability Claims Assistance [https://www.ccvac.net/claims-assistance]
Also on [[Clark County]] page.
Also on [[Clark County]] page.
Vancouver Housing Authority
====Vancouver Housing Authority====
*Vancouver Housing Authority offers several programs and resources to help low-income families, elderly, and disabled in Clark County find housing that they can afford. Getting started can be a challenge, but we are here to help you find the resources you need. You may qualify for one or more housing assistance programs. It is best to begin with the program that best describes your situation. For example, veterans should get in touch with the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program, and people with chronic illness should learn more about our Special Needs housing program. Section 8 and Subsidized Housing programs are available for qualified applicants in our area. Other housing is available for low-income families and individuals even if you do not qualify for Section 8 vouchers or our subsidized housing programs. You may be able to find affordable housing in Clark County that you qualify for based on your income or situation.  
*Vancouver Housing Authority offers several programs and resources to help low-income families, elderly, and disabled in Clark County find housing that they can afford. Getting started can be a challenge, but we are here to help you find the resources you need. You may qualify for one or more housing assistance programs. It is best to begin with the program that best describes your situation. For example, veterans should get in touch with the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program, and people with chronic illness should learn more about our Special Needs housing program. Section 8 and Subsidized Housing programs are available for qualified applicants in our area. Other housing is available for low-income families and individuals even if you do not qualify for Section 8 vouchers or our subsidized housing programs. You may be able to find affordable housing in Clark County that you qualify for based on your income or situation.  
*Getting Started [http://vhausa.org/housing/getting-started] ''Printing note: the page is very difficult to print. There are several options for expansion. Just printing the page will not provide all information.''
*Getting Started [http://vhausa.org/housing/getting-started] ''Printing note: the page is very difficult to print. There are several options for expansion. Just printing the page will not provide all information.''
*Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing [http://vhausa.org/section-8/veterans-affairs-supportive-housing]
*Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing [https://vhausa.org/housing/veterans-affairs-supportive-housing]
*Contact [http://vhausa.org/contact-us/contact-us]
*Contact [http://vhausa.org/contact-us/contact-us]
Also on [[Clark County]] page, for more information about non-Veteran Vancouver Housing Authority programs see Clark County page.
Also on [[Clark County]] page, for more information about non-Veteran Vancouver Housing Authority programs see Clark County page.
==='''King County'''===
===King County===
Michael’s Place Transitional Housing Program for Veterans - Catholic Community Services [https://ccsww.org/get-help/housing/transitional-housing/michaels-place/]
====Michael’s Place Transitional Housing Program for Veterans - Catholic Community Services [https://ccsww.org/get-help/housing/transitional-housing/michaels-place/]====
*Michael’s Place offers eighteen beds of transitional housing for Veterans, who are homeless, in recovery from drugs and alcohol and/or have a mental health diagnosis.
*Michael’s Place offers eighteen beds of transitional housing for Veterans, who are homeless, in recovery from drugs and alcohol and/or have a mental health diagnosis.
** Also on [[King County]] page
Also on [[King County]] page
Compass Housing Alliance Veterans Programs [https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/veterans-programs/]
====Compass Housing Alliance Veterans Programs [https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/veterans-programs/]====
*Military veterans experience post-traumatic stress, injury and other unique challenges as they return from duty and re-integrate into society. We offer a variety of programs and housing that meet the specific needs of military veterans and their families, so that the men and women who served our country are not forgotten. If you are currently a homeless veteran or at risk of losing housing, please call the VA’s Homeless Outreach Clinic at 425-203-7200.
*Military veterans experience post-traumatic stress, injury and other unique challenges as they return from duty and re-integrate into society. We offer a variety of programs and housing that meet the specific needs of military veterans and their families, so that the men and women who served our country are not forgotten. If you are currently a homeless veteran or at risk of losing housing, please call the VA’s Homeless Outreach Clinic at 425-203-7200.
*For Compass Housing Alliance non-Veterans programs information see the King County Resources
*For Compass Housing Alliance non-Veterans programs information see the King County Resources
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Also on [[King County]] page
Also on [[King County]] page
King County Veterans Program [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/veterans/programs-services.aspx]
====King County Veterans Program [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/veterans/programs-services.aspx]====
*Veterans, current service members, National Guard members, Reserve members, and dependents of these military personnel may be eligible for services. Clients are subject to program requirements, length of service standards, and income guidelines.
*Veterans, current service members, National Guard members, Reserve members, and dependents of these military personnel may be eligible for services. Clients are subject to program requirements, length of service standards, and income guidelines.
*Program Brochure 5/2021 [https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/community-human-services/adult-services/documents/KCVPBrochure_May2021.ashx?la=en]
*Program Brochure May 2021 [https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/community-human-services/adult-services/documents/KCVPBrochure_May2021.ashx?la=en]
*Folleto sobre el Programa Para Veteranos [https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/community-human-services/adult-services/documents/KCVPBrochure_May2021_SP.ashx?la=en]
*Folleto sobre el Programa Para Veteranos Mayo 2021 [https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/community-human-services/adult-services/documents/KCVPBrochure_May2021_SP.ashx?la=en]
*Eligibility [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/veterans/programs-services/eligibility.aspx]
*Also on [[King County]]
Also on [[King County]], [[Recursos en español]] page
*También disponible en Español [[Recursos en español]]
==='''Kitsap County'''===
===Kitsap County===
Kitsap Community Resources Veterans Assistance [https://www.kcr.org/veterans/]
====Kitsap Community Resources Veterans Assistance [https://www.kcr.org/veterans/]====
*If you are a veteran, Kitsap County and KCR would like you to know that we are proud of you and that we are thankful for your sacrifice in serving our country. In order to extend help to veterans in need, Kitsap Community Resources (KCR) operates the Veterans Assistance Program under contract with the Kitsap County Veterans Program. This program provides eligible veterans and/or immediate family members with emergency financial assistance.
*If you are a veteran, Kitsap County and KCR would like you to know that we are proud of you and that we are thankful for your sacrifice in serving our country. In order to extend help to veterans in need, Kitsap Community Resources (KCR) operates the Veterans Assistance Program under contract with the Kitsap County Veterans Program. This program provides eligible veterans and/or immediate family members with emergency financial assistance.
Also on [[Kitsap County]] page.
Also on [[Kitsap County]] page.
Kitsap County VAB Temporary Emergency Assistance [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Pages/VAB-Temporary-Emergency-Assistance.aspx]
====Kitsap County VAB Temporary Emergency Assistance [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Pages/VAB-Temporary-Emergency-Assistance.aspx]====
*Kitsap County Department of Human Services Administers the Veterans Assistance Fund (formally known as the Soldiers and Sailors or Relief Fund) for veterans in need. The money comes from a small portion of property taxes and is dedicated to providing assistance to veterans and their families.
*Kitsap County Department of Human Services Administers the Veterans Assistance Fund (formally known as the Soldiers and Sailors or Relief Fund) for veterans in need. The money comes from a small portion of property taxes and is dedicated to providing assistance to veterans and their families.
*Manual 2017 [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Documents/Policy_and_Procedures_Manual_for_Assistinig_Veterans_in_Need_in_Kitsap_County_Resolution_062-2017.pdf]
*Manual 2017 [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Documents/Policy_and_Procedures_Manual_for_Assistinig_Veterans_in_Need_in_Kitsap_County_Resolution_062-2017.pdf]
*Application [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Documents/Application_VAF_2019%20(003).docx]
*Application [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Documents/Application_VAF_2019%20(003).docx]
Also on [[Kitsap County]] page.
Also on [[Kitsap County]]
Kitsap County Resources [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Pages/HH-Resources.aspx]
====Kitsap County Resources [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Pages/HH-Resources.aspx]====
*Kitsap county resource guides located on the Kitsap County website.  
*Kitsap county resource guides located on the Kitsap County website.  
*Kitsap Free Meals Guide Fall Winter 2021-2022 [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/HOUSINGBLOCK/FREE%20KITSAP%20MEALS%20Fall-Winter%202021-2022.pdf]
*Kitsap Free Meals Guide Fall Winter 2021-2022 [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/HOUSINGBLOCK/FREE%20KITSAP%20MEALS%20Fall-Winter%202021-2022.pdf]
*Sally's Homeless and Low-Income Resource Guide Fall Winter 2021 [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/HOUSINGBLOCK/RESOURCEgdFALL-Winter2021-2022%20Updated9-8-2021.pdf]
*Sally's Homeless and Low-Income Resource Guide Fall Winter 2021 [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/HOUSINGBLOCK/RESOURCEgdFALL-Winter2021-2022%20Updated9-8-2021.pdf]
*Veterans Housing Options [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/HOUSINGBLOCK/Veteran%20Housing%20Options%20Brochure.pdf]
*Veterans Housing Options [https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/HOUSINGBLOCK/Veteran%20Housing%20Options%20Brochure.pdf]
Also on [Kitsap County] page
Also on [[Kitsap County]]
==='''Multnomah County (Oregon)'''===
===Multnomah County (Oregon)===
Multnomah Veterans' Services [https://multco.us/veterans-services]
====Multnomah Veterans' Services [https://multco.us/veterans-services]====
*The goal of the Veterans Services Office is to provide benefits information, assistance and advocacy to all who have served and their families. Many Veterans are unsure of their entitlement to benefits so we ask that anyone who identifies as having served to contact our office to be directed to an appropriate resource.  
*The goal of the Veterans Services Office is to provide benefits information, assistance and advocacy to all who have served and their families. Many Veterans are unsure of their entitlement to benefits so we ask that anyone who identifies as having served to contact our office to be directed to an appropriate resource.  
*Brochure [https://multco.us/file/58085/download]
*Brochure [https://multco.us/file/58085/download]
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Also on [[Multnomah County (Oregon)]] Page
Also on [[Multnomah County (Oregon)]] Page
==='''Snohomish County'''===
===Snohomish County===
Lutheran Community Services Northwest - Community Resource Centers [https://lcsnw.org/program/family-support-centers/]
====Lutheran Community Services Northwest - Community Resource Centers [https://lcsnw.org/program/family-support-centers/]====
*LCS Northwest’s Community Resource Centers make a powerful impact on people and communities by working to eliminate barriers and provide hope. We can assist with: Finding a place to live, Retaining current housing, Basic necessities: food, toiletries, diapers, Mental health support, DSHS and government benefit applications, Medical insurance applications, Connecting those living with disabilities to support resources, Veteran services, Job search: resumes and cover letters, Utilities (with disconnection notice), Emergency clothing and household items, Back to school supplies, Holiday giving for children, Referrals to community resources
*LCS Northwest’s Community Resource Centers make a powerful impact on people and communities by working to eliminate barriers and provide hope. We can assist with: Finding a place to live, Retaining current housing, Basic necessities: food, toiletries, diapers, Mental health support, DSHS and government benefit applications, Medical insurance applications, Connecting those living with disabilities to support resources, Veteran services, Job search: resumes and cover letters, Utilities (with disconnection notice), Emergency clothing and household items, Back to school supplies, Holiday giving for children, Referrals to community resources
Also on [[Snohomish County]] page.
Also on [[Snohomish County]] page.
==='''SW Washington (Pacific, Lewis, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz)'''===
===SW Washington (Pacific, Lewis, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz)===
Housing Opportunities of SW Washington [http://www.hoswwa.org/index.php]
====Housing Opportunities of SW Washington [http://www.hoswwa.org/index.php]====
*We promote and provide stable, affordable housing, and supportive services in an environment that nurtures individuals and families while encouraging personal responsibility.
*We promote and provide stable, affordable housing, and supportive services in an environment that nurtures individuals and families while encouraging personal responsibility.
*Veteran Integration Program [https://hoswwa.org/veteran-integration-program/]  
*Veteran Integration Program [https://hoswwa.org/veteran-integration-program/]  
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Also on [[Pacific County]], [[Lewis County]], and [[Wahkiakum County]] and [[Cowlitz County]] pages.
Also on [[Pacific County]], [[Lewis County]], and [[Wahkiakum County]] and [[Cowlitz County]] pages.
==='''Thurston County'''===
===Thurston County===
Lacey Veterans Services Hub [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/]
====Lacey Veterans Services Hub [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/]====
*We are proud to provide assistance to all Veterans and their families in Thurston County. We are a one-stop shop for the needs of veterans and their families. It is our community's way of thanking you for your service and sacrifice. Lacey Veterans Services Hub provides benefits assistance, on-site counseling, housing assistance, financial assistance and counseling, employment assistance, education assistance, nutrition assistance, healthcare assistance, legal assistance, and transportation assistance.  
*We are proud to provide assistance to all Veterans and their families in Thurston County. We are a one-stop shop for the needs of veterans and their families. It is our community's way of thanking you for your service and sacrifice. Lacey Veterans Services Hub provides benefits assistance, on-site counseling, housing assistance, financial assistance and counseling, employment assistance, education assistance, nutrition assistance, healthcare assistance, legal assistance, and transportation assistance.  
*Thurston County Veterans Resource Resource Guides
*Thurston County Veterans Resource Resource Guides
Line 171: Line 189:
**Mental Health and Therapeutic Services [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Mental-Health-and-Therapeutic-Services.pdf]
**Mental Health and Therapeutic Services [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Mental-Health-and-Therapeutic-Services.pdf]
**Multiple Resource Facilities [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Multiple-Resource-Facilities.pdf]
**Multiple Resource Facilities [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Multiple-Resource-Facilities.pdf]
**Rent_Utility_Housing Assistance [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Rent_Utility_Housing-Assistance.pdf]
**Rent Utility Housing Assistance [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Rent_Utility_Housing-Assistance.pdf]
**State_Federal Food and Child Assistance [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/State_Federal-Food-and-Child-Assistance.pdf]
**State Federal Food and Child Assistance [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/State_Federal-Food-and-Child-Assistance.pdf]
**Transportation Services [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Transportation-Services-v2.pdf]
**Transportation Services [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Transportation-Services-v2.pdf]
**Veteran Service Organizations [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Veteran-Service-Organizations.pdf]
**Veteran Service Organizations [https://www.laceyveteranshub.org/s/Veteran-Service-Organizations.pdf]
Also located on the [[Thurston County]] Page
Also located on the [[Thurston County]] Page
==='''Yakima County'''===
===Yakima County===
Yakima County Veterans Program [https://www.yakimacounty.us/159/Veterans-Program]
====Yakima County Veterans Program [https://www.yakimacounty.us/159/Veterans-Program]====
*2022 Program Brochure [https://www.yakimacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/29912/2022-Program-Brochure]
*2022 Program Brochure [https://www.yakimacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/29912/2022-Program-Brochure]
*Yakima County 2022 Veterans Resource Guide [https://www.yakimacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/29913/2022-Resource-Guide-Master]  
*Yakima County 2022 Veterans Resource Guide [https://www.yakimacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/29913/2022-Resource-Guide-Master]  
*Dental Care 2022 [https://www.yakimacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/29914/Dental-Care-2022]
*Dental Care 2022 [https://www.yakimacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/29914/Dental-Care-2022]
Also located on the [[Yakima County]] page.
Also located on the [[Yakima County]]
LastAuditDate 2022-02-15

Revision as of 14:24, 20 September 2024


Department of Veteran Affairs

VA Welcome Kit November Nov 2021 [1]

  • Learn what VA can do for you. VA can support you and your loved ones in different ways throughout your life. Your VA Welcome Guide provides a broad overview of services VA can offer you. This guide helps you understand your eligibility and services available in Health Care, Finances, Housing, Employment, Education and Memorialization.

Source Page

Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors 2021 ed. [2]

  • Veterans of the United States Armed Forces may be eligible for a broad range of benefits and services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These benefits are codified in Title 38 of the United States Code. This booklet contains the most commonly requested VA benefits and services. This booklet is a brief overview of the commonly sought information concerning Veterans Benefits.

Source Page

Request Your Military Service Records [3]

  • Military personnel records can include DD 214s/Separation Documents, service personnel records found within the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), and medical records. Military personnel records can be used for proving military service or as a valuable tool in genealogical research. Please note that NPRC holds historical Military Personnel Records of nearly 100 million veterans. The vast majority of these records are paper-based and not available on-line.
  • Military Records Request Using Standard Form [4]
  • Standard Form 180 [5]

Incarcerated Veterans [6]

  • Veterans can sometimes run into issues with law enforcement and the criminal justice system resulting in incarceration. It is important justice-involved Veterans are familiar with VA benefits including what VA benefits they may still eligible to receive, what happens to the VA benefits they are already receiving if they become incarcerated, and what programs are available to assist them with reintegrating back into the community once released from incarceration.

Veterans Justice Outreach Program [7]

  • The aim of the Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) program is to avoid the unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible, justice-involved Veterans have timely access to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) services, as clinically indicated. VJO specialists provide direct outreach, assessment and case management for justice-involved Veterans in local courts and jails and liaison with local justice system partners.
  • VJO Fact Sheet January 2021 [8]

Also on Legal Assistance and Literature page.

Health Care for Re-entry Veterans Services and Resources [9]

  • Most Veterans who are in jail or prison will eventually reenter the community. VA’s HCRV program is designed to promote success and prevent homelessness among Veterans returning home after incarceration. HCRV services include: Outreach and pre-release assessments services for Veterans in prison; Referrals and linkages to medical, mental health and social services, including employment services on release; Short-term case management assistance on release. VA may not provide medical services that are provided by correctional institutions.
  • Washington HCRV Specialist: Anthony Sparber / [email protected]

PTSD: National Center for PTSD [10]

  • PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault. It's normal to have upsetting memories, feel on edge, or have trouble sleeping after this type of event. If symptoms last more than a few months, it may be PTSD. The good news is that there are effective treatments.
  • This website has more resources not linked here. If you have more questions about PTSD information please ask library staff.
  • What is PTSD[11]
  • Get Help in a Crisis [12]
  • Self Help and Coping [13]
  • Treatment Basics [14]
    • Understanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment [15]
  • Washington PTSD Programs [16]

Also on Recursos en español page

Washington State Veteran's Resources

Military & Veteran Legal Resource Guide 2022 [17]

  • The Attorney General’s Office is proud to support our military service members, veterans and their families. These proud Americans have done their part to honor and serve our country—and it’s only right to honor and serve them in return. The Attorney General's Office does this by working to: Engage veteran and military communities; Educate veterans, military personnel, and their families about their legal rights and benefits; Enforce the laws within the office's scope of authority that protect veterans and military service members; and Encourage the development of policies that benefit veterans and military service members.

Source Page

Washington Department of Veteran's Affairs


  • Veterans Homes [18]
  • Walla Walla Veterans Home [19]
  • Veterans Transitional Housing Program [20]
    • Transitional housing facilities in Port Orchard and Orting help those in need with stable housing, vocational rehabilitation, and employment. Veterans are surrounded with staff and wrap-around services that lead to successful program completion and return to the community.
    • Transitional Housing for Veterans Brochure [21]
    • Program Application [22]


  • Benefits for Veteran's and Family Members [23]
  • Guide for Veterans Attending College [24]
  • Department of Veteran's Affairs Benefits by County [25]
    • Ask library staff for printouts of the Veteran's Resources by county


  • Employment and Support Services for Homeless Veterans [26]
  • Washington State Counseling Program [27]
  • Veterans in Apprenticeship [28]
  • Veteran Peer Corps [29]
    • Often, there is no better person to talk about experiences with than another Veteran. A Veterans Peer Corps Mentor is a Veteran, or a Veteran’s family member, who receives training and certification and then serves as a peer mentor by facilitating meetings and activities. The Veterans Peer Corps gives Veterans places to gather, share experiences and stories, heal together, and ultimately create a sense of a Veteran Community within their own community.

Source Page

Other Services

Adams State University Prison College Program [30]

  • At Adams State University, we know how important education is to all individuals, especially for those who happen to be incarcerated. Through correspondence courses, Adams State University provides an opportunity for incarcerated students to work for college credit and towards a degree.
  • Adams State Incarcerated Veterans One Stop Packet [31]

Additional information in Resources for the Currently Incarcerated

American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance [32]

  • TFA is limited to minor children (17 years or younger) whose biological parent, or legal guardian, is a veteran and is, or would have been, eligible for American Legion membership.

How to Get a Military Discharge Upgrade (Nolo) [33]

  • Some veterans want their discharge changed even if they remain eligible for many VA benefits, because they feel it dishonors the service they provided to their country. Other veterans want their discharge changed because they feel that after serving their country it is grossly unfair that they are denied VA benefits.

Your Money, Your Goals Toolkit and Companion Guides

  • The toolkit has information that helps you have money conversations with the people you serve. Use the tools to help achieve goals and work through challenges. You can use the toolkit to help people: Make spending decisions that can help them reach their goals, Order and fix credit reports, Make decisions about repaying debts and taking on new debt, Keep track of their income and bills
  • Your Money Your Goals - English June 2020 [34]
  • Su Dinero, Sus Metas - Español Diciembre 2016 [35]
  • Focus on Reentry March 2017 [36]
  • Focus on Military Communities January 2021 [37]
  • Focus on Native communities May 2019 [38]
  • Focus on People with disabilities March 2019 [39]

Source Page Also on Financial Literacy, Coaching and Counseling Page, Tribal Resources Page.
También disponible en Español Recursos en español

Regional Services

Clark County

Clark County Community Services

  • Veteran Resource Guide 8-25-2021 [40]

Source Page

Clark County Veterans Assistance Centers [41]

  • Clark County Veterans Assistance Center (CCVAC) was born from many conversations by local Vietnam Veterans who said, “There oughta be a place…” Through the dedication of countless volunteered hours, the center opened in 2011 as a 501 c3 non-profit organization. The mission was, and remains that, of providing a welcome and safe environment to assist Veterans and their families in obtaining benefits, services, and resources to meet basic needs.
  • Clark County Veterans Assistance Fund [42]
  • The Veterans Assistance Fund administered by the Clark County Veteran’s Assistance Center offers financial assistance to low income, qualified veterans who need help. The fund helps Veterans bridge financial difficulties until they can secure permanent employment or survive a difficult financial period. The fund is supported by tax dollars and has limitations.
  • Veterans Assistance Program Eligibility Certification 2023 [43]
  • Disability Claims Assistance [44]

Also on Clark County page.

Vancouver Housing Authority

  • Vancouver Housing Authority offers several programs and resources to help low-income families, elderly, and disabled in Clark County find housing that they can afford. Getting started can be a challenge, but we are here to help you find the resources you need. You may qualify for one or more housing assistance programs. It is best to begin with the program that best describes your situation. For example, veterans should get in touch with the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program, and people with chronic illness should learn more about our Special Needs housing program. Section 8 and Subsidized Housing programs are available for qualified applicants in our area. Other housing is available for low-income families and individuals even if you do not qualify for Section 8 vouchers or our subsidized housing programs. You may be able to find affordable housing in Clark County that you qualify for based on your income or situation.
  • Getting Started [45] Printing note: the page is very difficult to print. There are several options for expansion. Just printing the page will not provide all information.
  • Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing [46]
  • Contact [47]

Also on Clark County page, for more information about non-Veteran Vancouver Housing Authority programs see Clark County page.

King County

Michael’s Place Transitional Housing Program for Veterans - Catholic Community Services [48]

  • Michael’s Place offers eighteen beds of transitional housing for Veterans, who are homeless, in recovery from drugs and alcohol and/or have a mental health diagnosis.

Also on King County page

Compass Housing Alliance Veterans Programs [49]

  • Military veterans experience post-traumatic stress, injury and other unique challenges as they return from duty and re-integrate into society. We offer a variety of programs and housing that meet the specific needs of military veterans and their families, so that the men and women who served our country are not forgotten. If you are currently a homeless veteran or at risk of losing housing, please call the VA’s Homeless Outreach Clinic at 425-203-7200.
  • For Compass Housing Alliance non-Veterans programs information see the King County Resources
  • Renton Veterans Center [50]
  • Shoreline Veterans Center [51]
  • Pioneer Square Men's Program [52]

Also on King County page

King County Veterans Program [53]

  • Veterans, current service members, National Guard members, Reserve members, and dependents of these military personnel may be eligible for services. Clients are subject to program requirements, length of service standards, and income guidelines.
  • Program Brochure May 2021 [54]
  • Folleto sobre el Programa Para Veteranos Mayo 2021 [55]
  • Also on King County
  • También disponible en Español Recursos en español

Kitsap County

Kitsap Community Resources Veterans Assistance [56]

  • If you are a veteran, Kitsap County and KCR would like you to know that we are proud of you and that we are thankful for your sacrifice in serving our country. In order to extend help to veterans in need, Kitsap Community Resources (KCR) operates the Veterans Assistance Program under contract with the Kitsap County Veterans Program. This program provides eligible veterans and/or immediate family members with emergency financial assistance.

Also on Kitsap County page.

Kitsap County VAB Temporary Emergency Assistance [57]

  • Kitsap County Department of Human Services Administers the Veterans Assistance Fund (formally known as the Soldiers and Sailors or Relief Fund) for veterans in need. The money comes from a small portion of property taxes and is dedicated to providing assistance to veterans and their families.
  • Manual 2017 [58]
  • Application [59]

Also on Kitsap County

Kitsap County Resources [60]

  • Kitsap county resource guides located on the Kitsap County website.
  • Kitsap Free Meals Guide Fall Winter 2021-2022 [61]
  • Sally's Homeless and Low-Income Resource Guide Fall Winter 2021 [62]
  • Veterans Housing Options [63]

Also on Kitsap County

Multnomah County (Oregon)

Multnomah Veterans' Services [64]

  • The goal of the Veterans Services Office is to provide benefits information, assistance and advocacy to all who have served and their families. Many Veterans are unsure of their entitlement to benefits so we ask that anyone who identifies as having served to contact our office to be directed to an appropriate resource.
  • Brochure [65]
  • FAQ [66]
  • Other Resources For Vets [67]

Also on Multnomah County (Oregon) Page

Snohomish County

Lutheran Community Services Northwest - Community Resource Centers [68]

  • LCS Northwest’s Community Resource Centers make a powerful impact on people and communities by working to eliminate barriers and provide hope. We can assist with: Finding a place to live, Retaining current housing, Basic necessities: food, toiletries, diapers, Mental health support, DSHS and government benefit applications, Medical insurance applications, Connecting those living with disabilities to support resources, Veteran services, Job search: resumes and cover letters, Utilities (with disconnection notice), Emergency clothing and household items, Back to school supplies, Holiday giving for children, Referrals to community resources

Also on Snohomish County page.

SW Washington (Pacific, Lewis, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz)

Housing Opportunities of SW Washington [69]

  • We promote and provide stable, affordable housing, and supportive services in an environment that nurtures individuals and families while encouraging personal responsibility.
  • Veteran Integration Program [70]
  • Rent Well Veteran Rental Assistance [73]

Also on Pacific County, Lewis County, and Wahkiakum County and Cowlitz County pages.

Thurston County

Lacey Veterans Services Hub [74]

  • We are proud to provide assistance to all Veterans and their families in Thurston County. We are a one-stop shop for the needs of veterans and their families. It is our community's way of thanking you for your service and sacrifice. Lacey Veterans Services Hub provides benefits assistance, on-site counseling, housing assistance, financial assistance and counseling, employment assistance, education assistance, nutrition assistance, healthcare assistance, legal assistance, and transportation assistance.
  • Thurston County Veterans Resource Resource Guides
    • Chemical Dependency [75]
    • Clothing_Furniture Assistance [76]
    • Communications [77]
    • Education [78]
    • Emergency Shelters-Housing-Homeless Services [79]
    • Family Support [80]
    • Food Banks [81]
    • Health Care [82]
    • Hot food locations [83]
    • Hygiene [84]
    • Mental Health and Therapeutic Services [85]
    • Multiple Resource Facilities [86]
    • Rent Utility Housing Assistance [87]
    • State Federal Food and Child Assistance [88]
    • Transportation Services [89]
    • Veteran Service Organizations [90]

Also located on the Thurston County Page

Yakima County

Yakima County Veterans Program [91]

  • 2022 Program Brochure [92]
  • Yakima County 2022 Veterans Resource Guide [93]
  • Dental Care 2022 [94]

Also located on the Yakima County

LastAuditDate 2022-02-15