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'''Self-Help Guides'''
=='''Self-Help Guides'''==
ACLU Questions and Answers about Legal Financial Oblications (LFOs) [https://www.aclu-wa.org/questions-and-answers-about-legal-financial-obligations-lfos]
===Ask a court to cancel your non-restitution interest and/or reduce your LFOs [https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/files/C9D2EA3F-0350-D9AF-ACAE-BF37E9BC9FFA/attachments/A2CB7BC2-E2A4-49D7-8EEA-FA93B99B3382/9913en_how-to-ask-a-court-to-cancel-non-restitution-lfo-interest-waive-lfos.pdf]===
*If you were convicted of a crime in Washington State, this packet has the forms and instructions you need to ask the court to: Cancel (waive) non-restitution interest that has built up, Reduce the legal financial obligations (LFOs) that the court imposed on you at sentencing. If you are no longer in “total confinement,” you are eligible to file these court forms. Total confinement means you are no longer in 24-hour custody of the Department of Corrections. If you are in work release or on community custody (“on paper”), you are in partial confinement, so you are eligible to file this petition.
*[https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org Source Page]
===My license might be suspended. What can I do? [https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/files/C9D2EA3F-0350-D9AF-ACAE-BF37E9BC9FFA/attachments/84436952-A249-437D-9C40-69C1A4FAFB94/9353en_my-drivers-license-might-be-suspended-what-do-i-do.pdf]===
*If you think your driver's license might be suspended, learn how to find that out and also how to reinstate a suspended license.
*[https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/resource/my-drivers-license-might-be-suspended-what-do-i-do Source Page]
How to Ask a Washington State Court to Reduce or Forgive Your Legal Financial Obligations[https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/files/C9D2EA3F-0350-D9AF-ACAE-BF37E9BC9FFA/attachments/8627DE75-4487-42B2-9696-7DC430B66616/9913en_how-to-ask-court-to-reduce-or-waive-lfo.pdf]
===My driver’s license was suspended for unpaid criminal traffic fines. Can I get it back? [https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/files/C9D2EA3F-0350-D9AF-ACAE-BF37E9BC9FFA/attachments/92C2C2AE-4B50-49C6-B3F2-C882F3C7956A/9356en_unpaid-criminal-traffic-tix-get-dl-license-back.pdf]===
*The legal process and forms described in this packet will not work for everybody. The legal forms in this packet will only work if either 1.) you have a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony criminal conviction in a Washington state district, municipal, or superior court OR 2.) your driver’s license is suspended for failure to pay fines on a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor offense.
*[https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/resource/my-driver-license-was-suspended-can-i-get-it#i92C2C2AE-4B50-49C6-B3F2-C882F3C7956A Source Page]
*Source Page [https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/resource/filing-a-motion-to-remit-remove-financial-legal-obligations-in-district-or-municipal-court]
*Also on [[Forms of Identification]] page.
===Got unpaid non-criminal traffic fines? You may be able to get your license back.[https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/files/C9D2EA3F-0350-D9AF-ACAE-BF37E9BC9FFA/attachments/62F85420-48CD-4ADF-9CD0-11757E168EE3/9359en_driver-license-suspended-for-non-criminal-traffic-fines.pdf]===
*Learn how to get your license back if it was suspended for unpaid fines from non-criminal traffic tickets, also sometimes called “civil traffic infractions.”
*[https://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/resource/unpaid-non-criminal-traffic-fines-get-your-driver-license-back Source Page]
Washington Appleseed Reentry Guide [http://wareentryguide.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ReentryGuide_final.pdf]
Also on [[Forms of Identification]] page.
*The Washington Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest is pleased to offer this guidebook as a tool to help you get back on your feet after a period of incarceration. We know that knowledge is power, and we hope the information in these pages will help you navigate the numerous systems you will encounter in your life post-prison. This guidebook contains legal information on sixteen different topics related to coming home: from finding employment, to securing housing, continuing your education, figuring out how to get around, and much more. While it is impossible to cover every individual circumstance, we included answers to the most frequently asked questions in each topic and organized the content in a question and answer format.
*Source Page [http://wareentryguide.org/]
*Also on [[Reentry Guides]] page.
=='''Legal Assistance'''==
Lavender Rights Project Trans Advocacy in Rural Places (TARP) [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/tarp]
===Northwest Justice Project - Get Legal Help [https://nwjustice.org/get-legal-help]===
*''See also Lavender Rights Project Legal Assistance below''
*TARP Document Database Legal Document Bank [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/tarpdocbank]
**Quick Tip Sheet for Transgender Legal Rights and Processes in WA [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/s/2019-Trans-Rights-Quick-Tips.pdf]
**Quick Tips Sheet for Two Spirit Tribal Member Name and Gender ID Updates [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/s/Tribal-Name-Change-Quick-Tips-pdf-for-website.pdf]
**Quick Tip Sheet for Transgender Competency for Court Professionals, Lawyers and Judges [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/s/TARP-Legal-Pros-Tip-Sheet-zrjy.pdf]
**Quick Tips Sheet for Trans, 2Spirit, Queer, LGBQIA+ Youth in WA [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/s/2019-Trans-Youth-Rights-Quick-Tips.pdf]
**Sample Doctor's Letter for Passport and Social Security [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/s/Sample-Doctor-Letter-for-Passport-Updates.docx]
**For TARP Legal Form Document Banks for [[Franklin County]], [[Grays Harbor County]], [[Jefferson County]], [[Okanogan County]], [[Snohomish County]], [[Thurston County]], [[Walla Walla County]], [[Whatcom County]], [[Whitman County]] and [[Yakima County]] check those County pages.
*Also on [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]] for county specific legal information check County pages listed above.
'''Legal Assistance'''
Northwest Justice Project - Get Legal Help [https://nwjustice.org/get-legal-help]
*NJP provides legal assistance to eligible low-income families and individuals needing help with civil (non-criminal) legal problems in Washington state.  
*NJP provides legal assistance to eligible low-income families and individuals needing help with civil (non-criminal) legal problems in Washington state.  
*CLEAR Hotline -  Outside of King County 1-888-201-1014 weekdays between 9:15 am - 12:15 pm, or inside King County at 211 weekdays 8:00 am  - 6:00 pm.[https://nwjustice.org/clear-hotline]
*CLEAR Hotline -  Outside of King County 1-888-201-1014 weekdays between 9:15 am - 12:15 pm, or inside King County at 211 weekdays 8:00 am  - 6:00 pm. [https://nwjustice.org/clear-hotline]
*Frequently Asked Questions [https://nwjustice.org/faq/all]
*Frequently Asked Questions [https://nwjustice.org/faq/all]
===Washington State Board Moderate Means Service [http://www.wsba.org/Legal-Community/Volunteer-Opportunities/Public-Service-Opportunities/Moderate-Means-Program/Moderate-Means-Legal-Help/]===
Washington State Board Moderate Means Service [http://www.wsba.org/Legal-Community/Volunteer-Opportunities/Public-Service-Opportunities/Moderate-Means-Program/Moderate-Means-Legal-Help/]
*To be eligible for the Moderate Means Program, you must be facing a family, housing, or consumer law issue and your household income must fall between 200%–400% of the federal poverty level (FPL).  
*To be eligible for the Moderate Means Program, you must be facing a family, housing, or consumer law issue and your household income must fall between 200%–400% of the federal poverty level (FPL).  
===Neighborhood Legal Clinic - King County Bar Association===
Neighborhood Legal Clinic - King County Bar Association
*The purpose of the Neighborhood Legal Clinics program (NLC) is to offer free, limited legal advice and referrals to King County residents and Washington State residents with legal issues in King County who might otherwise have no access to the legal system. It is a goal of the program to make the clinics accessible regardless of barriers such as income, education, language or disability. [http://www.kcba.org/pbs/NLC.aspx]
*The purpose of the Neighborhood Legal Clinics program (NLC) is to offer free, limited legal advice and referrals to King County residents and Washington State residents with legal issues in King County who might otherwise have no access to the legal system. It is a goal of the program to make the clinics accessible regardless of barriers such as income, education, language or disability.[http://www.kcba.org/pbs/NLC.aspx]
*KCBA Pro Bono Services [http://www.kcba.org/pbs/pdf/clientbrochure.pdf]
*KCBA Pro Bono Services [http://www.kcba.org/pbs/pdf/clientbrochure.pdf]
*Neighborhood Legal Clinics Brochure [http://www.kcba.org/Portals/0/pbs/pdf/062020_NLC_Brochure.pdf]
*Neighborhood Legal Clinics Brochure [http://www.kcba.org/Portals/0/pbs/pdf/062020_NLC_Brochure.pdf]
*Legal Resources and Assistance Brochure [http://www.kcba.org/pbs/pdf/legalresourceassistance.pdf]
*Legal Resources and Assistance Brochure [http://www.kcba.org/pbs/pdf/legalresourceassistance.pdf]
*''note: also on [https://wiki.sos.wa.gov/ILSRe-entry/index.php?title=King_County King County] page''
Also on [[King County]] Page
===Columbia Legal Service===
Columbia Legal Service
*For many years, Columbia Legal Services has represented communities facing poverty and oppression, and we use every legal tool available on their behalf. We have a special responsibility to serve people whose access to free legal services is restricted, due to institutionalized or immigration status. We share a deep commitment to serve and advocate alongside our clients as we seek justice together. Our role to serve people and use advocacy that might otherwise not be available makes our work an integral part of the Washington Alliance for Equal Justice.
*Resources to address the legal needs of people with criminal histories.
*About [https://columbialegal.org]
*About [https://columbialegal.org]
*Advocacy Issue - Criminal Justice Reform [https://columbialegal.org/issues/criminal-justice-reform/]
*Advocacy Issue - Criminal Justice Reform [https://columbialegal.org/issues/criminal-justice-reform/]
*Also on [[King County]] page
Also on [[King County]], [[Advocacy Organizations]] page.
*Also on [[Advocacy Organizations]] page
===Union Gospel Mission Legal Services [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/provide-and-serve/legal-services/]===
Union Gospel Mission Legal Services [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/provide-and-serve/legal-services/]
*We're giving poor and homeless men and women a voice, so they can move on to the next stage of life. By clearing up their legal issues we equip them to leave chronic homelessness in the past. Our volunteer lawyers and paralegals meet with each client to hear their story. Then we help them build a plan to address the issue. We exist to provide affordable legal assistance to those in greatest need.
*We're giving poor and homeless men and women a voice, so they can move on to the next stage of life. By clearing up their legal issues we equip them to leave chronic homelessness in the past. Our volunteer lawyers and paralegals meet with each client to hear their story. Then we help them build a plan to address the issue. We exist to provide affordable legal assistance to those in greatest need.
*''note: also on [https://wiki.sos.wa.gov/ILSRe-entry/index.php?title=King_County King County] page''
Also on [[King_County]] page.
===Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers [http://www.tacomaprobono.org/]===
*Tacomaprobono changes lives, fights systemic racism and works against chronic poverty by providing access to timely, effective, professional civil legal aid services for low-income clients.  We are focused on providing efficient, dignified solutions to legal issues affecting basic human needs such as housing and family safety.
*Legal Clinics [https://tacomaprobono.org/clinics/]
*Family Law Help [https://tacomaprobono.org/family-law-help/]
*Housing Justice Project [http://tacomaprobono.org/hjp/]
*Contact [https://tacomaprobono.org/contact/]
Also on [[Pierce County]]
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project [https://www.nwirp.org/get-help/]
=='''Immigrant Rights and Legal Assistance'''==
===Northwest Immigrant Rights Project [https://www.nwirp.org/get-help/]===
*Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) is a non-profit legal services office that provides legal representation and community education to low-income immigrants in Washington State.  
*Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) is a non-profit legal services office that provides legal representation and community education to low-income immigrants in Washington State.  
*Eligibility Requirements
*Eligibility Requirements
Line 68: Line 60:
*Community Education [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/community-education/]
*Community Education [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/community-education/]
*Survivors of Domestic Violence & Other Crimes[https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/survivors-of-violence/]
*Survivors of Domestic Violence & Other Crimes[https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/survivors-of-violence/]
*Asylum [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/asylum/]
*Family Services [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/family-services/]
*Family Services [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/family-services/]
*Children & Youth[https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/children-youth/]
*Children & Youth [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/children-youth/]
*Citizenship [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/citizenship/]
*Citizenship [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/citizenship/]
*DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) [https://nwirp.org/daca/]
*DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) [https://nwirp.org/daca/]
*Detention and Deportation Defense[https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/detention-deportation/]
*Detention and Deportation Defense [https://www.nwirp.org/our-work/direct-legal-services/detention-deportation/]
*Northwest Detention Center Guide
*Northwest Detention Center Guide
**English [https://www.nwirp.org/uploads/2018/02/NWIRP-Guide-to-NWDC-Feb.-2017-ENG-FINAL.pdf]
**English [https://www.nwirp.org/uploads/2018/02/NWIRP-Guide-to-NWDC-Feb.-2017-ENG-FINAL.pdf]
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*NWIRP Know Your Rights Brochure
*NWIRP Know Your Rights Brochure
**English [https://www.nwirp.org/uploads/2019/07/NWIRP-Know-Your-Rights-_-New-Design-_-2019.pdf]
**English [https://www.nwirp.org/uploads/2019/07/NWIRP-Know-Your-Rights-_-New-Design-_-2019.pdf]
**Conozca Sus Derechos[https://www.nwirp.org/uploads/2019/07/NWIRP-Know-Your-Rights-SPAN-2019.pdf]
**Conozca Sus Derechos [https://www.nwirp.org/uploads/2019/07/NWIRP-Know-Your-Rights-SPAN-2019.pdf]
===Immigration Law Help Washington [https://www.immigrationlawhelp.org/search?state=WA]===
*Printing note: there are two pages of results. You can refine the search to counties served or types of legal assistance provided at the bottom of the page.
Immigration Law Help Washington [https://www.immigrationlawhelp.org/search?state=WA]
=='''Parental Rights'''==
*Printing note: there are two pages of results. You can refine the search to counties served or types of legal assistance provided at the bottom of the page.
===Washington Defender Association Incarcerated Parents Project [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/]===
Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers [http://www.tacomaprobono.org/]
*Tacomaprobono changes lives, fights systemic racism and works against chronic poverty by providing access to timely, effective, professional civil legal aid services for low-income clients.  We are focused on providing efficient, dignified solutions to legal issues affecting basic human needs such as housing and family safety.
*Legal Clinics [https://tacomaprobono.org/clinics/]
*Family Law Help [https://tacomaprobono.org/family-law-help/]
*Housing Justice Project [http://tacomaprobono.org/hjp/]
*Contact [https://tacomaprobono.org/contact/]
**Also on [[Pierce County]] page
Washington Defender Association Incarcerated Parents Project [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/]
*We provide legal resources by providing case assistance to incarcerated parents and parents facing incarceration, family members, indigent defenders, and others; legal motions and briefs; expert referrals; and legal training to defenders, other court participants and community members; and we engage in collaborative policy efforts to keep parents in the community, ensure high quality, meaningful connections are maintained between children and their parents during incarceration, and to remove stigma associated with parental incarceration.
*We provide legal resources by providing case assistance to incarcerated parents and parents facing incarceration, family members, indigent defenders, and others; legal motions and briefs; expert referrals; and legal training to defenders, other court participants and community members; and we engage in collaborative policy efforts to keep parents in the community, ensure high quality, meaningful connections are maintained between children and their parents during incarceration, and to remove stigma associated with parental incarceration.
*IPP Need Help [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/ipp-need-help/]
*IPP Need Help [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/ipp-need-help/]
*Commonly Asked Questions [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/ipp-need-help/commonly-asked-questions/]
*Commonly Asked Questions [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/ipp-need-help/commonly-asked-questions/]
*IPP Resources [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/ipp-legal-resources/]
*IPP Resources [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/ipp-legal-resources/]
*Visiting Information (WA State)[https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/detention-and-facility-information/]
*Visiting Information (WA State) [https://defensenet.org/case-support/incarcerated-parents-project/detention-and-facility-information/]
*Also on [[Family Resources]] page.
Also on [[Family Resources]] page
Disability Rights Washington [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/about-us/]
=='''Disability Rights'''==
===Disability Rights Washington [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/about-us/]===
*We are a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights.
*We are a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights.
*Amplifying Voices of Inmates with Disabilities (AVID)[https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/programs/avid/]
*Amplifying Voices of Inmates with Disabilities (AVID) [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/programs/avid/]
**AVID focuses on improving conditions, treatment, services, and reentry for people with disabilities who are incarcerated in our state’s jails and prisons, as well as those who reside at the Special Commitment Center.  AVID works to ensure that those who are reentering the community have their voices heard and their rights protected. One Page Informational Flyer [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/AVID-Program-Informational-One-Pager-2.1.18.pdf]
**AVID focuses on improving conditions, treatment, services, and reentry for people with disabilities who are incarcerated in our state’s jails and prisons, as well as those who reside at the Special Commitment Center.  AVID works to ensure that those who are reentering the community have their voices heard and their rights protected. One Page Informational Flyer [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/AVID-Program-Informational-One-Pager-2.1.18.pdf]
*Resources Tools to Help You [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/resources/]
*Resources Tools to Help You [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/resources/]
Line 113: Line 95:
*Request Services [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/request-services/]
*Request Services [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/request-services/]
*Contact Us [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/contact-us/]
*Contact Us [https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/contact-us/]
*Also on [[Advocacy Organizations]] page.
Also on [[Advocacy Organizations]] page.
=='''LGBTQIA+ Legal Assistance'''==
Lavender Rights Project - Legal Assistance  
===Lavender Rights Project - Legal Assistance===
*''See also Lavender Rights Project Trans Advocacy in Rural Places (TARP) above''
*Lavender Rights Project elevates the power, autonomy, and leadership of the Black intersex & gender diverse community through intersectional legal and social services. We utilize the law as an organizing principle to affirm our civil rights and self-determination. Our organization disrupts oppressive systems that target Black gender diverse and intersex communities of color and lead to disproportionate levels of poverty, housing disparities, and gender-based violence, especially among Black and Indigenous people.  [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/about]
*Lavender Rights Project elevates the power, autonomy, and leadership of the Black intersex & gender diverse community through intersectional legal and social services. We utilize the law as an organizing principle to affirm our civil rights and self-determination. Our organization disrupts oppressive systems that target Black gender diverse and intersex communities of color and lead to disproportionate levels of poverty, housing disparities, and gender-based violence, especially among Black and Indigenous people.  [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/about]
*Legal Services [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/services/legal-services]
*Legal Services [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/services/legal-services]
Line 123: Line 104:
*Legal Clinics [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/legal-clinics]
*Legal Clinics [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/legal-clinics]
*Prisoner Name Change Clinics [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/prisoner-name-change-clinics]
*Prisoner Name Change Clinics [https://www.lavenderrightsproject.org/prisoner-name-change-clinics]
*Also on [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]] Page
Also on [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]] Page
===QLaw Foundation===
QLaw Foundation
*King County LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic [http://www.qlawfoundation.org/lgbtq-legal-clinic.html]
*King County LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic [http://www.qlawfoundation.org/lgbtq-legal-clinic.html]
**The QLaw Foundation LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic is organized by the QLaw Foundation and is one of the King County Bar Association’s Neighborhood Legal Clinics. The LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic offers a free consultation with a volunteer attorney. Attorneys determine whether the client has a legal problem, suggest possible options, and provide appropriate referrals. These attorneys will not represent you in court.   
**The QLaw Foundation LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic is organized by the QLaw Foundation and is one of the King County Bar Association’s Neighborhood Legal Clinics. The LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic offers a free consultation with a volunteer attorney. Attorneys determine whether the client has a legal problem, suggest possible options, and provide appropriate referrals. These attorneys will not represent you in court.   
*King County Family Matters a legal clinic to establish LGBTQ legal parental rights [https://www.qlawfoundation.org/family-matters-legal-clinic.html]
*King County Family Matters a legal clinic to establish LGBTQ legal parental rights [https://www.qlawfoundation.org/family-matters-legal-clinic.html]
**The QLaw Foundation Family Matters Clinic is a full-representation legal clinic that helps LGBTQ families get legal orders affirming their legal parental relationship to the children they are raising.   "Full representation" means that client families will be assigned an attorney who will work with them from start to finish.  
**The QLaw Foundation Family Matters Clinic is a full-representation legal clinic that helps LGBTQ families get legal orders affirming their legal parental relationship to the children they are raising. "Full representation" means that client families will be assigned an attorney who will work with them from start to finish.  
*Also on [[King County]] Page
Also on [[King County]] and [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]]
*Also on [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]] Page
<br />
*Also on Recursos en español [[Recursos Condado]] Page
También disponible en Español [[Recursos Condado]]
=='''Veteran's Legal Assistance'''==
Veterans Justice Outreach Program [https://www.va.gov/homeless/vjo.asp]
===Veterans Justice Outreach Program [https://www.va.gov/homeless/vjo.asp]===
*The aim of the Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) program is to avoid the unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible, justice-involved Veterans have timely access to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) services, as clinically indicated. VJO specialists provide direct outreach, assessment and case management for justice-involved Veterans in local courts and jails and liaison with local justice system partners.
*The aim of the Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) program is to avoid the unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible, justice-involved Veterans have timely access to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) services, as clinically indicated. VJO specialists provide direct outreach, assessment and case management for justice-involved Veterans in local courts and jails and liaison with local justice system partners.
*VJO Fact Sheet [https://www.va.gov/HOMELESS/docs/VJO/Veterans-Treatment-Court-Inventory-Update-Fact-Sheet-Jan-2021.pdf]
*VJO Fact Sheet January 2021 [https://www.va.gov/HOMELESS/docs/VJO/Veterans-Treatment-Court-Inventory-Update-Fact-Sheet-Jan-2021.pdf]
*Also on [[Veterans]] page.
*Also on [[Veterans]] page.
LastAuditDate 2022-02-14

Revision as of 14:20, 20 September 2024

Self-Help Guides

Ask a court to cancel your non-restitution interest and/or reduce your LFOs [1]

  • If you were convicted of a crime in Washington State, this packet has the forms and instructions you need to ask the court to: Cancel (waive) non-restitution interest that has built up, Reduce the legal financial obligations (LFOs) that the court imposed on you at sentencing. If you are no longer in “total confinement,” you are eligible to file these court forms. Total confinement means you are no longer in 24-hour custody of the Department of Corrections. If you are in work release or on community custody (“on paper”), you are in partial confinement, so you are eligible to file this petition.
  • Source Page

My license might be suspended. What can I do? [2]

  • If you think your driver's license might be suspended, learn how to find that out and also how to reinstate a suspended license.
  • Source Page

My driver’s license was suspended for unpaid criminal traffic fines. Can I get it back? [3]

Got unpaid non-criminal traffic fines? You may be able to get your license back.[4]

  • Learn how to get your license back if it was suspended for unpaid fines from non-criminal traffic tickets, also sometimes called “civil traffic infractions.”
  • Source Page

Also on Forms of Identification page.

Legal Assistance

Northwest Justice Project - Get Legal Help [5]

  • NJP provides legal assistance to eligible low-income families and individuals needing help with civil (non-criminal) legal problems in Washington state.
  • CLEAR Hotline - Outside of King County 1-888-201-1014 weekdays between 9:15 am - 12:15 pm, or inside King County at 211 weekdays 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. [6]
  • Frequently Asked Questions [7]

Washington State Board Moderate Means Service [8]

  • To be eligible for the Moderate Means Program, you must be facing a family, housing, or consumer law issue and your household income must fall between 200%–400% of the federal poverty level (FPL).

Neighborhood Legal Clinic - King County Bar Association

  • The purpose of the Neighborhood Legal Clinics program (NLC) is to offer free, limited legal advice and referrals to King County residents and Washington State residents with legal issues in King County who might otherwise have no access to the legal system. It is a goal of the program to make the clinics accessible regardless of barriers such as income, education, language or disability. [9]
  • KCBA Pro Bono Services [10]
  • Neighborhood Legal Clinics Brochure [11]
  • Legal Resources and Assistance Brochure [12]

Also on King County Page

Columbia Legal Service

  • For many years, Columbia Legal Services has represented communities facing poverty and oppression, and we use every legal tool available on their behalf. We have a special responsibility to serve people whose access to free legal services is restricted, due to institutionalized or immigration status. We share a deep commitment to serve and advocate alongside our clients as we seek justice together. Our role to serve people and use advocacy that might otherwise not be available makes our work an integral part of the Washington Alliance for Equal Justice.
  • About [13]
  • Advocacy Issue - Criminal Justice Reform [14]

Also on King County, Advocacy Organizations page.

Union Gospel Mission Legal Services [15]

  • We're giving poor and homeless men and women a voice, so they can move on to the next stage of life. By clearing up their legal issues we equip them to leave chronic homelessness in the past. Our volunteer lawyers and paralegals meet with each client to hear their story. Then we help them build a plan to address the issue. We exist to provide affordable legal assistance to those in greatest need.

Also on King_County page.

Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers [16]

  • Tacomaprobono changes lives, fights systemic racism and works against chronic poverty by providing access to timely, effective, professional civil legal aid services for low-income clients. We are focused on providing efficient, dignified solutions to legal issues affecting basic human needs such as housing and family safety.
  • Legal Clinics [17]
  • Family Law Help [18]
  • Housing Justice Project [19]
  • Contact [20]

Also on Pierce County

Immigrant Rights and Legal Assistance

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project [21]

  • Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) is a non-profit legal services office that provides legal representation and community education to low-income immigrants in Washington State.
  • Eligibility Requirements
    • Spanish Eligibility [22]
    • English Eligibility [23]
  • Community Education [24]
  • Survivors of Domestic Violence & Other Crimes[25]
  • Asylum [26]
  • Family Services [27]
  • Children & Youth [28]
  • Citizenship [29]
  • DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) [30]
  • Detention and Deportation Defense [31]
  • Northwest Detention Center Guide
  • NWIRP Know Your Rights Brochure

Immigration Law Help Washington [36]

  • Printing note: there are two pages of results. You can refine the search to counties served or types of legal assistance provided at the bottom of the page.

Parental Rights

Washington Defender Association Incarcerated Parents Project [37]

  • We provide legal resources by providing case assistance to incarcerated parents and parents facing incarceration, family members, indigent defenders, and others; legal motions and briefs; expert referrals; and legal training to defenders, other court participants and community members; and we engage in collaborative policy efforts to keep parents in the community, ensure high quality, meaningful connections are maintained between children and their parents during incarceration, and to remove stigma associated with parental incarceration.
  • IPP Need Help [38]
  • Commonly Asked Questions [39]
  • IPP Resources [40]
  • Visiting Information (WA State) [41]

Also on Family Resources page

Disability Rights

Disability Rights Washington [42]

  • We are a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights.
  • Amplifying Voices of Inmates with Disabilities (AVID) [43]
    • AVID focuses on improving conditions, treatment, services, and reentry for people with disabilities who are incarcerated in our state’s jails and prisons, as well as those who reside at the Special Commitment Center. AVID works to ensure that those who are reentering the community have their voices heard and their rights protected. One Page Informational Flyer [44]
  • Resources Tools to Help You [45]
    • Topics: Abuse or Neglect, Accessibility & Assistive Technology, Children and Youth, Education, Employment, Health Care, Housing, Inmate Rights, Legal Assistance, Mental Health, Money Matters, Self-Advocacy, Service Animals, Support Decision Making & Guardianship, Veterans, Voting.
    • Inmate Rights [46]
  • Request Services [47]
  • Contact Us [48]

Also on Advocacy Organizations page.

LGBTQIA+ Legal Assistance

Lavender Rights Project - Legal Assistance

  • Lavender Rights Project elevates the power, autonomy, and leadership of the Black intersex & gender diverse community through intersectional legal and social services. We utilize the law as an organizing principle to affirm our civil rights and self-determination. Our organization disrupts oppressive systems that target Black gender diverse and intersex communities of color and lead to disproportionate levels of poverty, housing disparities, and gender-based violence, especially among Black and Indigenous people. [49]
  • Legal Services [50]
  • WA Black Trans Task Force [51]
  • Legal Clinics [52]
  • Prisoner Name Change Clinics [53]

Also on Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources Page

QLaw Foundation

  • King County LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic [54]
    • The QLaw Foundation LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic is organized by the QLaw Foundation and is one of the King County Bar Association’s Neighborhood Legal Clinics. The LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic offers a free consultation with a volunteer attorney. Attorneys determine whether the client has a legal problem, suggest possible options, and provide appropriate referrals. These attorneys will not represent you in court.
  • King County Family Matters a legal clinic to establish LGBTQ legal parental rights [55]
    • The QLaw Foundation Family Matters Clinic is a full-representation legal clinic that helps LGBTQ families get legal orders affirming their legal parental relationship to the children they are raising. "Full representation" means that client families will be assigned an attorney who will work with them from start to finish.

Also on King County and Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources
También disponible en Español Recursos Condado

Veteran's Legal Assistance

Veterans Justice Outreach Program [56]

  • The aim of the Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) program is to avoid the unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible, justice-involved Veterans have timely access to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) services, as clinically indicated. VJO specialists provide direct outreach, assessment and case management for justice-involved Veterans in local courts and jails and liaison with local justice system partners.
  • VJO Fact Sheet January 2021 [57]
  • Also on Veterans page.

LastAuditDate 2022-02-14