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(King County Veterans Program [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/veterans/programs-services.aspx])
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Crisis Clinic
==County and City Government Resources==
*Reentry Assistance Packet, June 2017 pdf [https://crisisclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Reentry-Assistance-PacketJune2017.pdf]
===Community Resource Center [https://www.seattle.gov/courts/programs-and-services/community-resource-center]===
*Free and low-cost services that can change a life. The Community Resource Center is a place where those in need can access social services and community support.
*CRC Hours and Services Schedule [https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/Court/CRC/CRC%20September%20Flyer.pdf]
*Community Resource Center Services Guide [https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/Court/CRCReopening%20ServicesGuide5.28.21.pdf]
===King County Veterans Program [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/veterans/programs-services.aspx]===
*Veterans, current service members, National Guard members, Reserve members, and dependents of these military personnel may be eligible for services. Clients are subject to program requirements, length of service standards, and income guidelines.
*Program Brochure May 2021 [https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/community-human-services/adult-services/documents/KCVPBrochure_May2021.ashx?la=en]
*Folleto sobre el Programa Para Veteranos Mayo 2021 [https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/community-human-services/adult-services/documents/KCVPBrochure_May2021_SP.ashx?la=en]
Also on [[Veterans]] page <br />
También disponible en Español [[Recursos en español]]
===King County Behavioral Health and Recovery [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse.aspx]===
*We provide high-quality behavioral health services to low-income individuals in need. BHRD provides a wide variety of services including crisis services, mental health treatment, substance use disorder treatment, and diversion and reentry services. We offer services that are respectful, tailored to individual needs, and most of all—effective. Our services cover King County residents who are Medicaid eligible and meet certain medical eligibility requirements. We also provide services for low-income, non-Medicaid eligible residents.
*Search for a Provider [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/providers.aspx]
**Print/Offline version [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/providers.aspx?print=1]
*Crisis Services [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/crisis-services.aspx]
**Print/Offline Version [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/crisis-services.aspx?print=1]
*Mental Health Services [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/mental-health.aspx]
**Print/Offline version [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/mental-health.aspx?print=1]
*Substance Use Disorder Services [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/substance-use-disorder.aspx]
**Print/Offline Version [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/substance-use-disorder.aspx?print=1]
**SUD Residential provider list [https://www.kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/community-human-services/behavioral-health-recovery/documents/SUD/King_County_SUD_Residential_Providers.ashx?la=en] ''link note: link is a word document, clicking link will automatically download document''
*Children and Youth [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/Youth.aspx]
**Print/Offline version [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/Youth.aspx?print=1]
*Employment Services [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/employment.aspx]
**Print/offline version [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/employment.aspx?print=1]
**For Job Seekers [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/employment/job-seekers.aspx]
***Print/Offline Version [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/employment/job-seekers.aspx?print=1]
*Client Rights English [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/~/media/depts/community-human-services/behavioral-health-recovery/documents/client-rights/ASO,-d-,Client_and_Individual_Rights,-d-,01012019_English_Final.ashx?la=en]
**''ILS patrons - request Individual and Client Rights (for non-Medicaid funded programs) in Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, Chinese, and Somali from library staff.''
**Source Page [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/Client%20Rights.aspx]
*Privacy and Security of Client Information[https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/Privacy%20and%20Security%20of%20Client%20Information.aspx]
**Print/offline version [https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/Privacy%20and%20Security%20of%20Client%20Information.aspx?print=1]
===City of Seattle Construction Apprenticeship Guidebook [https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/FAS/PurchasingAndContracting/Labor/ApprenticeshipGuidebook.pdf]===
*Are you looking for a career instead of a minimum wage job? Are you considering a career in construction? Then you have come to the right place. Keep reading. We need contractors, foremen and trained professionals to build structures like our homes, offices, high-rises, roads and bridges. These projects are essential to our everyday life and require hundreds of workers trained in more than 20 different building trades. This book is designed to help you get started down the pathway to becoming one of those skilled professionals with a high-paying career in the building trades.
*Construction Worker Pathway [https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/FAS/PurchasingAndContracting/Labor/construction-worker-pathway.pdf]
[https://www.seattle.gov/city-purchasing-and-contracting/labor-equity/construction-training Source Page]
===Fair Chance Housing Ordinance, SMC 14.09 from the Seattle Office of Civil Rights [https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/CivilRights/Enforcement/Fair%20Housing%20Posters/FairChanceHousing/Fair%20Chance%20Housing%20FAQ_amendments_FINAL_08-23-18.pdf]===
*FAQ document about The Fair Chance Housing Ordinance which prohibits discrimination in housing against renters with arrest
records, conviction records, or criminal history. The legislation caps a decade-long effort to address
discrimination against people who have served their time, are seeking to provide for themselves and
their families, and yet have faced barriers to accessing safe, stable housing.
[http://www.seattle.gov/civilrights Source Page]
===City of Renton Human Services[https://www.rentonwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageId=8564728]===
*Social Services Guide 02/2024 [https://www.rentonwa.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_7922657/File/City%20Hall/Community%20Services/Human%20Services/Social%20Services%20Guide%202024_021424.pdf]
**Contact information for services - Including Food, Housing, Homeless Services, Health Care, etc.
==Community Organizations and Programs==
===Catholic Community Services King County===
*King County Brochure of Services 2024 [https://ccsww.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/CCS_Agency_Brochure_2025_King_County.pdf]
**[https://ccsww.org/our-services/king-county/ Source Page]
====Shelters and Homeless Services====
*The Inn is a 24/7 enhanced shelter and related services for adults experiencing homelessness. This is a low barrier, harm reduction program [https://ccsww.org/services/the-inn/]
*Emergency Assistance [https://ccsww.org/get-help/shelter-homeless-services/emergency-assistance/]
*Federal Way Day Shelter [https://ccsww.org/services/federal-way-day-center/]
*Anchor - South King County Shelter System: Historically, CCS shelter programs in South King County collaborated with faith communities in Auburn, Kent, Federal Way and Renton to host overnight shelter in congregate spaces at church facilities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, programs have transitioned from congregate overnight emergency shelters, to 24/7 enhanced, motel-based shelters. Three separate shelter programs (ARISE, HOME and Reach Out) have been consolidated into one program, serving single adult women and men experiencing homelessness, at a motel in SeaTac. [https://ccsww.org/services/anchor-south-king-co-shelter-system/]
*The Bridge Shelter is designed to serve vulnerable homeless individuals who are single adults, 18 years and older, and those living outdoors, or in a place not meant for human habitation. We offer current homeless individuals/households the basic needs for shelter, hygiene, food and meals, secure and accessible storage, and enhanced supportive services/case management. The program allows clients to come and go 24-hours a day as desired and bring partners, pets, and possessions. [https://ccsww.org/services/bridge-shelter/]
*Katherine’s and Rita’s Houses are transitional housing programs for homeless, adult women in recovery from substance abuse. We offer structured, family style living designed to assist women to return to independent living as productive members of the community. Residents may stay up to two years and each resident develops a personal success plan tailored to her individual needs. Katherine’s and Rita's House staff team consists of a full-time Program Manager, Case Manager and Life Skills Coordinator. The team’s focus is on creating a safe environment that supports healthy lifestyle changes and nurtures each resident’s potential.[https://ccsww.org/services/katherines-and-ritas-houses/]
*Noel House Programs provides safe, comfortable shelter to a diverse community of homeless women, particularly those most vulnerable. We strive to create an environment of dignity, respect and compassion. We recognize the intrinsic value of each person and honor her unique experience.[https://ccsww.org/services/noel-house-programs/]
*Sacred Heart Shelter is located on lower Queen Anne and is a temporary shelter that offers a safe, home-like refuge to homeless families in Seattle.[https://ccsww.org/services/sacred-heart-shelter/]
*Solanus Casey Center is a walk-in hospitality and referral center located on First Hill that provides services to the unemployed, working poor, those living on the street, shelters, and transitional housing.[https://ccsww.org/services/solanus-casey-center/]
*St. Martin de Porres Shelter provides safe and dignified night shelter for homeless men age 50 and older. [https://ccsww.org/services/st-martin-de-porres-shelter/]
====HEN King County [https://ccsww.org/get-help/shelter-homeless-services/housing-and-essential-needs-hen/]====
*The Housing and Essential Needs Program (HEN) of King County provides program participants rent assistance, utility and transportation assistance, as well as hygiene and cleaning products. DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services) qualifies people for HEN; Catholic Community Services provides these services to King County eligible participants.
*HEN Essential Needs Bank [https://ccsww.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Kent-EN-Bank-Flyer-4.2023.pdf]
====Michael’s Place Transitional Housing Program for Veterans - Catholic Community Services [https://ccsww.org/get-help/housing/transitional-housing/michaels-place/]====
*Michael’s Place offers eighteen beds of transitional housing for Veterans, who are homeless, in recovery from drugs and alcohol and/or have a mental health diagnosis.
Also on [[Veterans]]
===Crisis Connections===
*Resources are updated frequently, before printing check the source page for the most current version.
*Reentry Assistance Packet, November 2024 pdf [https://www.crisisconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Reentry-Assistance-Packet-4th-Quarter-2024.pdf]
**This packet lists agencies throughout King County that have programs that work with, or specifically will accept, individuals with a history of incarceration. The packet includes resources for housing, employment, and chemical dependency, as well as other support services.
**This packet lists agencies throughout King County that have programs that work with, or specifically will accept, individuals with a history of incarceration. The packet includes resources for housing, employment, and chemical dependency, as well as other support services.
*Emergency Services Brochures
*Emergency Services Brochures
**Emergency Shelters, June 2017 pdf [https://crisisclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ESB-Emergency-Shelters-JUN-2017.pdf]
**Seattle/King County Emergency Shelters, 4th quarter 2024 pdf [https://www.crisisconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/6.-ESB-Emergency-Shelters-4th-Quarter-2024.pdf]
**Emergency Services, March 2017 pdf [https://crisisclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ESB-Seattle-Support-Services-MAR-2017-1.pdf]
**Seattle Support Services 4th Quarter 2024 [https://www.crisisconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/3.ESB-Seattle-Support-Services-4th-Quarter-2024.pdf]
**South King County Emergency Services, June 2017 pdf [https://crisisclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ESB-South-King-County-JUN-2017.pdf]
**South King County Emergency Services, 4th Quarter 2024 [https://www.crisisconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/4.ESB-South-King-County-4th-Quarter-2024.pdf]
**North and East King County Emergency Services, May 2017 pdf [https://crisisclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ESB-E-and-N-King-County-MAY-2017.pdf]
**East and North King County Emergency Services, 4th Quarter 2024 [https://www.crisisconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1.ESB-E-and-N-King-County-4th-Quarter-2024.pdf]
**Seattle Health Services, February 2017 pdf [https://crisisclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/ESB-Seattle-Health-Services-FEB-2017.pdf]
**Seattle Health Services, 4th Quarter 2024 [https://www.crisisconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/5.ESB-Seattle-Health-Services-4th-Quarter-2024.pdf]
**Seattle Food, March 2017 pdf [https://crisisclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ESB-Seattle-Food-MAR-2017.pdf]
**Seattle Food, 4th Quarter 2024 [https://www.crisisconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2.ESB-Seattle-Food-4th-Quarter-2024.pdf]
*Source Page [http://crisisclinic.org/education/emergency-services-brochures/]
[https://www.crisisconnections.org/get-help/resources/emergency-services-brochures/ Source Page]
===Real Change Emerald City Resource Guide [http://main.realchangenews.org/EmeraldCityResourceGuide]===
*''Request a copy of the Emerald City Resource Guide at your branch of the Washington State Library''
*The Emerald City Resource Guide is a publication of Real Change and a comprehensive, up-to-date list of services for people experiencing homelessness and poverty. This booklet serves people who may not otherwise have access to a computer or social-service agency and allows individuals to be independent in their search for services that fit their specific needs.
*Online Database [http://www.emeraldcityresourceguide.org/]
===Downtown Emergency Services Center [https://www.desc.org/]===
*Housing & Health to End Homelessness DESC provides integrated services including housing, emergency shelter, crisis intervention and healthcare to thousands of homeless and formerly homeless people every day. ​We fight for public resources and policies that serve our most vulnerable and marginalized neighbors: those living with mental illness, substance use disorders, and other disabilities. We believe that everyone deserves the space to exist and a place to call home.​ DESC meets people wherever they are and accepts them as they are. We are a national pioneer, innovator, and leader in the Housing First movement. Housing First is now the dominant service approach promoted in national policy. We innovate and challenge convention until we find what works, and then measure, evaluate and share what we’ve learned as widely as possible.
* Survival Services [https://www.desc.org/what-we-do/survival-services/]
*Health Services [https://www.desc.org/what-we-do/health-services/]
*Supportive Housing [https://www.desc.org/what-we-do/housing/]
*Employment Services [https://www.desc.org/what-we-do/employment-services/]
*Crisis Response [https://www.desc.org/what-we-do/crisis-response/]
*Consultation and Technical Assistance [https://www.desc.org/what-we-do/consultation-and-technical-assistance/]
Coordinated Entry for All [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/housing/services/homeless-housing/coordinated-entry.aspx]
===Chief Seattle Club [https://www.chiefseattleclub.org/]===
*Coordinated Entry for All (CEA) ensures that people experiencing homelessness can get help finding stable housing by quickly identifying, assessing, and connecting them to housing support services and housing resources. CEA uses a standardized assessment tool that matches the right level of services and housing resources to the persons facing a housing crisis.
*Located in the city's historic Pioneer Square district, the Chief Seattle Club provides a safe and sacred place to rest, revive and nurture the spirit of urban Native peoples in need. We believe in the power of our ancestral ways, and preserving them means fostering a sense of community among those without one to call their own. Anyone with American Indian or Alaska Native heritage, regardless of tribe, is invited to participate in our programs and make use of our resources. Our mission is to create a welcoming place of support, acceptance and ceremony for Seattle's native population. We hope that you will become a Club member, and join us in that mission. Aho!
*Regional Access Points [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/housing/services/homeless-housing/coordinated-entry/access-points.aspx]
*Member Services [https://www.chiefseattleclub.org/member-services]
*FAQs [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/housing/services/homeless-housing/coordinated-entry/faqs.aspx]
*Reentry [https://www.chiefseattleclub.org/reentry]
*Permanent Housing [https://www.chiefseattleclub.org/permanent-housing]
*Homelessness Prevention [https://www.chiefseattleclub.org/homelessness-prevention]
*Mission & Vision [https://www.chiefseattleclub.org/mission-vision]
Also located in [[Tribal Resources]]
===King County Regional Homelessness Authority [https://kcrha.org/]===
*Coordinated Entry for All (CEA) ensures that people experiencing homelessness can get help finding stable housing by quickly identifying, assessing, and connecting them to housing support services and housing resources. CEA uses a standardized assessment tool that matches the right level of services and housing resources to the persons facing a housing crisis.
*Regional Access Points [https://kcrha.org/regional-access-points/]
*FAQs [https://kcrha.org/coordinated-entry-faq/]
Elizabeth Gregory Home  
===Elizabeth Gregory Home===
*Elizabeth Gregory Home (EGH) serves single homeless women in the greater Seattle area by providing transitional housing, a day center and case management services. Elizabeth Gregory Home provides a welcoming and respectful refuge where homeless and at-risk women have access to compassionate care.
*Elizabeth Gregory Home (EGH) serves single homeless women in the greater Seattle area by providing transitional housing, a day center and case management services. Elizabeth Gregory Home provides a welcoming and respectful refuge where homeless and at-risk women have access to compassionate care.
*Mission [http://www.eghseattle.org/about-us/mission/]
*Mission [http://www.eghseattle.org/about-us/mission/]
*Programs [http://www.eghseattle.org/programs/]
*Programs [http://www.eghseattle.org/programs/]
===Compass Housing Alliance===
Compass Housing Alliance
*Compass Housing Alliance provides housing, shelter and support services to people experiencing homelessness and poverty in the Puget Sound Region.
*Compass Housing Alliance provides housing, shelter and support services to people experiencing homelessness and poverty in the Puget Sound Region.
*What We Do [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/what-we-do/]
*What We Do [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/what-we-do/]
*Day Services
====Day Services====
**Client Services Office [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/day-services/client-services-office/]
*Client Services Office [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/day-services/client-services-office/]
**Hygiene Center [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/day-services/hygiene-center/]
*Hygiene Center [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/day-services/hygiene-center/]
**Peter's Place [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/day-services/peters-place/]
*Compass Center Navigation Center [https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/day-services/compasscenternavigation/]
*Emergency Shelters
====Emergency Shelters====
**Blaine Center [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/emergency-shelter/first-church/]
*Blaine Center [https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/emergency-programs/blaine-center/]
**Hammond House Women's Shelter [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/emergency-shelter/hammond-house/]
*Jan & Peter's Place Women's Shelter [https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/emergency-shelter/janpetersplace/]
**Operation Nightwatch Men's Shelter [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/emergency-shelter/operation-nightwatch/]
*Otto's Place [https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/2020/12/welcome-to-ottos-place/]
**Peter's Place Shelter [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/emergency-shelter/peters-place/]
**Program Pamphlet [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Compass-at-First-Pres-Program-Pamphlet.pdf]
**Road to Housing [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/emergency-shelter/road-to-housing/]
**Compass at First Presbyterian FAQ [https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Compass-at-First-Presbyterian-FAQ-8-30-2017.pdf]
*Transitional Housing
**Cascade Women’s Program [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/transitional-housing/cascade-womens-program/]
**Pioneer Square Men’s Program [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/transitional-housing/pioneer-square-mens-program/]
**Community Transitional Housing Program [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/transitional-housing/community-transitional-housing-program/]
*Family Programs
**Compass on Dexter [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/family-programs/compass-on-dexter]
*Affordable Housing
**Angle Lake Court [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/angle-lake-court/]
**Bergan Place [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/bergan-place/]
**The Courts [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/the-courts/]
**Dekko Place [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/dekko-place/]
**Easternwood Cooperative [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/easternwood-cooperative/]
**Karlstrom Apartments [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/karlstrom-apartments/]
**Northlake Grove Cooperative [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/northlake-grove-cooperative/]
**Nyer Urness House [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/nyer-urness-house/]
**Ronald Commons Scheduled to open 2/17 [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/ronald-commons/]
====Transitional Housing====
*Pioneer Square Men’s Program [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/transitional-housing/pioneer-square-mens-program/]
====Family Programs====
*Compass on Dexter [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/family-programs/compass-on-dexter]
====Affordable Housing====
*Cascade Women’s Program [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/transitional-housing/cascade-womens-program/]
*Angle Lake Court [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/angle-lake-court/]
*Bergan Place [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/bergan-place/]
*The Courts [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/the-courts/]
*Dekko Place [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/dekko-place/]
*Easternwood Apartments [https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/affordable-housing/easternwood/]
*Karlstrom Apartments [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/karlstrom-apartments/]
*Northlake Grove Cooperative [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/northlake-grove-cooperative/]
*Nyer Urness House [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/affordable-housing/nyer-urness-house/]
*Ronald Commons [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/ronald-commons/]
Aloha Inn [http://alohainn.org/aloha.htm]
====Veterans Programs====
*How to Apply [http://alohainn.org/apply.htm]
*What We Do [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/what-we-do/]
*Military veterans experience post-traumatic stress, injury and other unique challenges as they return from duty and re-integrate into society. We offer a variety of programs and housing that meet the specific needs of military veterans and their families, so that the men and women who served our country are not forgotten. If you are currently a homeless veteran or at risk of losing housing, please call the VA’s Homeless Outreach Clinic at 425-203-7200.
*For Compass Housing Alliance non-Veterans programs information see the King County Resources
Jubilee Women's Center
*Renton Veterans Center [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/veterans-programs/veterans-center-renton/]
*At Jubilee, everything we do is customized for a specific population—women living in poverty, who are in transition, trying to move forward in their lives. We provide short-term services to approximately 2,500 women each year as well as longer-term housing and holistic support services for about 76 residents each year, to help them gain stability and make permanent life changes.
*Shoreline Veterans Center [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/veterans-programs/veterans-center-shoreline/]
*Who We Serve [http://www.jwcenter.org/our-programs/who-we-serve/]
*Pioneer Square Men's Program [http://www.compasshousingalliance.org/what-we-do-top/veterans-programs/pioneer-square-mens-program/]
*Classes [http://www.jwcenter.org/our-programs/classes/]
Also on [[Veterans]]
*Housing [http://www.jwcenter.org/our-programs/housing/]
*Boutique [http://www.jwcenter.org/our-programs/boutique/]
===Jubilee Women's Center [https://www.jwcenter.org/]===
*Jubilee Women’s Center supports women experiencing poverty to build stable and fulfilling futures one extraordinary woman at a time. We support each woman to heal from past trauma, explore possibilities for the future, and connect them with the resources and opportunities to achieve their goals through a three-part strategy.
*About [https://www.jwcenter.org/about/]
*Services [https://www.jwcenter.org/services/]
*Holistic Approach [https://www.jwcenter.org/holistic-program/]
*Residential Program
**Jubilee’s residential program gives program participants the stability and time they need to heal, grow, and rebuild their life.
**Main House [https://www.jwcenter.org/housing/main-house/]
**Sojourner Place [https://www.jwcenter.org/housing/sojourner-place/]
**612 House [https://www.jwcenter.org/housing/612-house/]
**Martha's House [https://www.jwcenter.org/housing/marthas-house/]
**Application October 2024 [https://jwcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Overview-and-Agreement-10.2024.pdf]
*Community Services [https://www.jwcenter.org/holistic-program/#community]
Solid Ground
===Solid Ground===
*Get connected to services & support. Solid Ground connects people with resources & tools to help them stabilize their housing, access healthy food, & build stronger futures for themselves & their families.
*Get connected to services & support. Solid Ground connects people with resources & tools to help them stabilize their housing, access healthy food, & build stronger futures for themselves & their families.
*Get Help [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/]
*Get Help [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/]
*Flyer 11/2015 [https://14621-presscdn-0-86-pagely.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Housing_2.1.1.pdf]
*Food and Nutrition [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/food-resources/]
*Health Care and Public Benefits [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/health-care-and-public-benefits/#legalhelp]
*Housing Resources [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/]
*Housing Resources [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/]
*Help for Tenants [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/]
**Tenant Services Overview  [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/]
*Guide to Tenant Rights 8-2015 [https://14621-presscdn-0-86-pagely.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/TenantRightsBooklet-ENGLISH.pdf]
**Moving In
***Housing Search [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/housing-search/]
***Rental Agreements [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/rental-agreement/]
**During Your Tenancy
***Domestic Violence Harassments [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/domestic-violence-harassment/]
***Legal Assistance Guide [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/legal-assistance/]
***Low Income Housing Rights [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/low-income-housing-rights/]
***Neighbors and Roommates [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/neighbors-roommates-privacy-rights/]
***Privacy Rights [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/privacy-rights/]
***Repairs [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/repairs/]
***Seattle Laws [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/seattle-laws/]
**Moving Out
***Credit and Collections [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/credit-collections/]
***Deposits [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/deposits/]
***Vacating [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/vacating/]
**Eviction & Termination
***Good Cause Laws [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/good-cause-laws/]
***Eviction [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/eviction/]
***Foreclosure [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/foreclosure/]
***Legal Assistance Guide [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/legal-assistance/]
***Renter's Resources [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/renters-resources/]
***Researching Your Landlord [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/researching-your-landlord/]
***Small Claims Court [https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/for-tenants/small-claims-court/]
También disponible en Español [[Recursos Condado]]
===Union Gospel Mission===
Union Gospel Mission
*Seattle's Union Gospel Mission provides emergency care and long-term recovery services to hurting and homeless people in the greater Seattle area. We're dedicated to serving, rescuing and transforming those in greatest need through the grace of Jesus Christ.
*Seattle's Union Gospel Mission provides emergency care and long-term recovery services to hurting and homeless people in the greater Seattle area. We're dedicated to serving, rescuing and transforming those in greatest need through the grace of Jesus Christ.
*Emergency Food & Shelter [http://www.ugm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=programs_emergency]
*Mental Health Services [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/survival/mental-health-services/]
*Addiction Recovery [http://www.ugm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=programs_recovery]
*KentHOPE Shelter [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/stabilization/kenthope-shelter/]
*Transitional Housing [http://www.ugm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=programs_housing]
*Men's Shelter [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/welcome-and-embrace/mens-shelter/]
*Medical Rehab [http://www.ugm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=programs_medical]
*Women and Children's Shelter [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/stabilization/women-and-childrens-shelter]
*Street Outreach [http://www.ugm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=programs_streetoutreach]
*Spanish Ministries [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/stabilization/spanish-ministries/]
*Legal Services [http://www.ugm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=programs_legal]
*Prison Ministries [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/stabilization/prison-ministries/]
**Flyer [http://www.ugm.org/site/DocServer/ODLS_walk_in_clinic_flyer_2.pdf?docID=3541]
*Women's Recovery Program [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/recovery/womens-recovery-program]
**''note: also on [[Legal Assistance and Literature]] page.''
*Men's Recovery Program [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/recovery/mens-recovery-program/]
*Mental Health Services [http://www.ugm.org/site/PageServer?pagename=programs_mentalhealth]
*Men's Recovery Program - Capitol Hill [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/recovery/mens-recovery-program-capitol-hill]
*Dental Services [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/stabilization/dental-services/]
*Union Gospel Mission Legal Services [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/stabilization/legal-services/]
*Continuing Education [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/post-graduation/continuing-education/]
*Job Training and Placement [https://www.ugm.org/what-we-do/post-graduation/job-training-and-placement/]
===Seattle Jobs Initiative for Job Seekers [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/]===
*Seattle Jobs Initiative’s goal is to help job seekers get the skills, education and support they need to enter a career that offers good wages, benefits and opportunities for advancement.
*Digital Bridge [https://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/digital-bridge/]
*Green Stormwater Infrastructure Careers [https://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/green-stormwater-infrastructure-careers/]
*Healthcare [https://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/job-seekers/healthcare/]
*Diesel [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/job-seekers/diesel/]
*Maritime Careers [https://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/maritime-careers/]
*Who We Work With [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/front-page/program-partners/]
*Contact [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/contact/]
Catholic Community Services King Couny
===Pioneer Human Services===
*Shelters and Homeless Services
*Pioneer serves people released from prison or jail in Washington State, and those in recovery from addiction, who are in need of treatment, housing and job skills training. Our mission as a social enterprise is to provide individuals with criminal histories the opportunity to lead healthy, productive lives. PRINTING NOTE: Housing and Counseling & Treatment links to not have unique URLs for each subcategory. Click on each subcategory and expand categories to print.
**Aloha Inn [http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=housing_aloha] for more information see Aloha Inn in this section
*Transitional, Permanent, and Veterans Housing [https://pioneerhumanservices.org/housing]
**ARISE Shelter Renton and Kent [http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homeless_arise]
**King County Housing [https://pioneerhumanservices.org/housing/list?tid=5]
**Emergency Assistance [http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=families_emergencyservices_emergencyassistance]
***Aspen Terrace Interest List Form [https://pioneerhumanservices.org/sites/default/files/aspen_terrace_interest_list_2023.pdf]
**Federal Way Day Shelter [http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homeless_federalwaydaycenter]
*Counseling and Treatment
**FUSION Catholic Community Services provides case management for 16 families residing in transitional housing units provided by FUSION, Friends United to Shelter the Indigent, Oppressed, and Needy. These units are located in the Federal Way and Tacoma area [http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=housing_fusion]
**Residential [https://pioneerhumanservices.org/treatment/centers?tid=17]
**HOME program is a year-round overnight shelter for single adult men ages 18 and older. The HOME shelter directly address the issues of homelessness in South King County by providing a safe place for homeless men to sleep and receive a hot meal, as well as giving them the opportunity to stabilize and work on self-sufficiency through case management. Men who stay at the shelter are provided with case management services which focus on addressing employment goals, mental health and CD issues, Veterans’ services, securing permanent affordable housing and health care for each individual.[http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homeless_home]
***King County Residential Treatment Program
**Family Housing Connection [http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=families_fhc]
**Crisis And Diversion [https://pioneerhumanservices.org/treatment/centers?tid=19]
**Katherine’s and Rita’s Houses are transitional housing programs for homeless, adult women in recovery from substance abuse. We offer structured, family style living designed to assist women to return to independent living as productive members of the community. Residents may stay up to two years and each resident develops a personal success plan tailored to her individual needs. Katherine’s and Rita's House staff team consists of a full-time Program Manager, Case Manager and Life Skills Coordinator. The team’s focus is on creating a safe environment that supports healthy lifestyle changes and nurtures each resident’s potential.[http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=housing_katherines_ritashouse]
***King County Diversion Center
**Noel House Programs provides safe, comfortable shelter to a diverse community of homeless women, particularly those most vulnerable. We strive to create an environment of dignity, respect and compassion. We recognize the intrinsic value of each person and honor her unique experience.[http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homeless_noelhouse]
Also on [[Veterans]]
**Reach Out Homeless Winter Shelter Programs provides shelter, daily meals and case management services to homeless adults in South King County.[http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homeless_reachout]
**Sacred Heart Shelter is located on lower Queen Anne and is a temporary shelter that offers a safe, home-like refuge to homeless families in Seattle.[http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homeless_sacredheart]
**Solanus Casey Center is a walk-in hospitality and referral center located on First Hill that provides services to the unemployed, working poor, those living on the street, shelters, and transitional housing.[http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homeless_solanuscaseycenter]
**St. Martin de Porres Shelter provides safe and dignified night shelter for homeless men age 50 and older. [http://www.ccsww.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homeless_stmartin]
===AAHAA Sober Living [https://aahaasupportivehousing.com/]===
*We understand addiction and alcoholism. Through a collaborative effort with community partners and your willingness to change a new way of life is possible. AAHAA Sober Living is a community of men and women in recovery. Through group conscience, fellowship, a 12-step program, and faith, we work towards a common goal. All of our locations provide an environment for: improved self-esteem, fellowship, self reliance, relationship building skills, team work, life skills, and possibly assistance reuniting with family and loved ones.
*Our Story [https://www.aahaasupportivehousing.com/our-story/]
*Current Availability [https://aahaasupportivehousing.com/our-platforms]
*Locations [https://aahaasupportivehousing.com/locations]
*Contact [https://www.aahaasupportivehousing.com/contact/]
King County Jobs Initiative [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/employment-and-education-resources/adult-services.aspx]
===Interaction Transition [https://www.interactiontransition.org/]===
*An employment assistance program for King County residents in need of a job and whom may have a recent criminal conviction. The focus is on providing job training in employment areas that have the most potential for wage growth.
*Over the past two years, Interaction Transition has made many changes. After over 25 years of providing residential housing support to ex-offenders, I/T no longer has residential services and is focusing on an Employment Assistance Program, thus we will continue to benefit those returning to the community. The Employment Assistance Program fulfills the vital and important need in getting ex-offenders immediately employed post-incarceration. And employment is significantly related to the successful re-entry of ex- offenders. I encourage you to explore our web site to find out how you can get involved with our re-entry programs, whether you are returning to the community or wish to provide jobs and other services to those in need.
*Note: you must expand the selection "Are you low-income and/or recently involved in the criminal justice system?"
*About Us [https://www.interactiontransition.org/mission-text-impact]
*Our Programs [https://www.interactiontransition.org/programs-impact]
*Contact [https://www.interactiontransition.org/contact/]
===Divine Alternatives for Dads Services D.A.D.S.===
*DADS is a grassroots organization 501(c)(3) that is leading a movement to have an impact on the epidemic of the absence of fathers in America. DADS gives fathers hope by walking together in supportive community, helping navigate relational and legal barriers which separate them from their children and families. Stronger Fathers, Healthier Communities, Our Vision To model healthy relationships as a means of creating healthier fathers and families. To stop the cycle of family violence and brokenness in order to improve the lives of children. To encourage fathers to become agents of change in their communities.
*Services [https://www.aboutdads.org/services]
*English Brochure [https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/74a6f9_0564c0c305ee43dd9e934269a5346e54.pdf]
*Folleto En Espanol [https://www.aboutdads.org/_files/ugd/a97104_4db7acb122d74d45803f3d7d84462758.pdf]
*Contact [http://www.aboutdads.org/]
Also on [[Family Resources]]
<br>También disponible en Español [[Recursos Condado]]
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/mental-health/services.aspx]
===POCAAN [http://pocaan.org]===
*King County is committed to offering quality mental health services. Services help individuals with chronic mental illness to create or restore a stable and meaningful quality of life, as defined by each individual. Recovery is the philosophy of care that guides all of our services. Our goal is to incorporate the Ten Fundamentals of Recovery into every type of care. In addition to services such as crisis intervention and community mental health treatment, we also offer supportive services such as housing, employment, diversion and reentry services, and client and family resources. By offering these supports, we provide recovery-oriented services that treat the whole individual, not just the illness. See items in this section to view our array of services.
*POCAAN is committed to providing comprehensive, multicultural awareness and prevention messages aimed at addressing health disparities experienced in marginalized communities.  
*Community Mental Health Treatment [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/mental-health/services/outpatient.aspx]
*Programs and Services [https://www.pocaan.org/programs-services]
*Housing and Residential Services [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/mental-health/services/housing.aspx]
*4437 Rainier Ave S/Seattle, WA 98118
*Employment Services [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/mental-health/services/employment.aspx]
*(206) 322-7061
*Diversion and Reentry Services [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/diversion-reentry-services.aspx]
*Substance Abuse Services [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/substance-abuse.aspx]
**Outpatient Treatment [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/substance-abuse/services/treatment/outpatient.aspx]
**Substance Abuse Services Provider Network 2015 [http://www.kingcounty.gov/~/media/health/substanceAbuse/documents/150101_2015_SUBSTANCE_USE_DISORDER_PROVIDERS_NETWORK.ashx?la=en]
*Client and Family Services [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/mental-health/resources.aspx]
**Customer Service [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/mental-health/services/customer-service.aspx]
**FAQs about Mental Health Services [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/mental-health/faq.aspx]
**Other Low-cost Providers [http://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/mental-health/resources/other-options.aspx]
***List of Agencies [http://www.kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/community-human-services/behavioral-health/documents/King_County_Behavioral_Health_Agencies.ashx?la=en]
**Rights for Clients [http://www.kingcounty.gov/~/media/health/mentalHealth/RecoveryPlan/Rights_English.ashx?la=en]
===Weld Seattle [https://www.weldseattle.org/about]===
*We do not want our lives to be defined by our biggest mistakes. We want to be seen for the good things in our lives and the better persons we are becoming. We have been inspired and motivated by the second chances we have been given and by our friends who have overcome great challenges to heal, recover and rebuild toward a better life. We want to see the same opportunities extended to as many people as possible. Vision - Everyone deserves an opportunity to reintegrate, belong and thrive. Mission - To ensure a successful reintegration by overcoming obstacles to housing, employment and community connection. Our People - Individuals actively engaging in recovery and reintegration following incarceration.
*Housing Overview [https://www.weldseattle.org/weldhousing]
**Weld Housing Community Intake Form [https://www.tfaforms.com/5057520] ''printing note: online form doesn't print well''
*Join Us [https://weldworks.org/join-us/]
**Work Application [https://www.weldseattle.org/workapplication] ''printing note: online form doesn't print well''
*Contact Us Weld Seattle [https://www.weldseattle.org/hello]
*Contact Us Weld Works [https://weldworks.org/contact/]
===FareStart [https://www.farestart.org/programs/]===
*FareStart is a social enterprise nonprofit focused on job training and employment. We run food-based businesses that serve as classrooms for our students to learn on-the-job skills that will prepare them for careers while nourishing the community and sustainably funding our mission. Our end goal is personal stability and economic mobility for people overcoming barriers to employment.
*Job Training [https://www.farestart.org/job-training/]
**Food Pathways Program [https://www.farestart.org/job-training/food-pathways-program/]
**Barista & Customer Service Program [https://www.farestart.org/job-training/barista-customer-service-program/]
*Mobile Community Market [https://www.farestart.org/food-security/mobile-market/]
**Our Mobile Community Market provides fresh, seasonal produce to nourish underserved and low-income individuals and families.
Seattle Jobs Initiative
===Neighborhood Legal Clinic - King County Bar Association===
*Seattle Jobs Initiative’s goal is to help job seekers get the skills, education and support they need to enter a career that offers good wages, benefits and opportunities for advancement.
*The purpose of the Neighborhood Legal Clinics program (NLC) is to offer free, limited legal advice and referrals to King County residents and Washington State residents with legal issues in King County who might otherwise have no access to the legal system. It is a goal of the program to make the clinics accessible regardless of barriers such as income, education, language or disability.[https://www.kcba.org/?pg=Neighborhood-Legal-Clinics]
*Overview [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/jobseekers/]
*KCBA Pro Bono Services [https://www.kcba.org/docDownload/2133304]
*Eligibility [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/jobseekers/eligibility/]
**Asistencia legal sin costo Folleto En Espanol [https://www.kcba.org/docDownload/2133305]
*Career Pathways Program [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/jobseekers/career-pathways-program/]
*Neighborhood Legal Clinics Brochure [https://www.kcba.org/docDownload/2130581]
**Auto, Trade & Logistics [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/jobseekers/career-pathways-program/automotive/]
**Las Clínicas Legales del Vecindario Folleto En Espanol [https://www.kcba.org/docDownload/2123514]
**Healthcare [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/jobseekers/career-pathways-program/healthcare/]
Also on [[Legal Assistance and Literature]]
**Office Occupations [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/jobseekers/career-pathways-program/office-occupationsbit/]
<br>También disponible en Español [[Recursos Condado]]
**Manufacturing [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/jobseekers/career-pathways-program/weldingmanufacturing/]
*FAQ [http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/jobseekers/faq/]
===Columbia Legal Service===
*For many years, Columbia Legal Services has represented communities facing poverty and oppression, and we use every legal tool available on their behalf. We have a special responsibility to serve people whose access to free legal services is restricted, due to institutionalized or immigration status. We share a deep commitment to serve and advocate alongside our clients as we seek justice together. Our role to serve people and use advocacy that might otherwise not be available makes our work an integral part of the Washington Alliance for Equal Justice.
*About [https://columbialegal.org]
*Advocacy Issue - Criminal Justice Reform [https://columbialegal.org/issues/criminal-justice-reform/]
Also on [[Legal Assistance and Literature]] and [[Advocacy Organizations]]
Pioneer Human Services
===YWCA Seattle King County Snohomish [https://www.ywcaworks.org]===
*Pioneer serves people released from prison or jail in Washington State, and those in recovery from addiction, who are in need of treatment, housing and job skills training. Our mission as a social enterprise is to provide individuals with criminal histories the opportunity to lead healthy, productive lives. PRINTING NOTE: Housing and Counseling & Treatment links to not have unique URLs for each subcategory. Click on each subcategory and expand categories to print.
*Supportive housing community helps parents facing homelessness after incarceration to reunite with their families and build a foundation for the future. Incarceration, addiction, and homelessness make it difficult to overcome barriers to obtain housing, employment, and education. Passage Point offers supportive housing, services, and advocacy for previously incarcerated parents to facilitate family reunification and stability. Through educational and social opportunities, Passage Point helps reduce the chances of re-incarceration by equipping parents with the tools, skills, and resources for success. Re-Entry Life Coaches work with residents individually, encouraging self-sufficiency, positive community interaction, and connecting people to community services.  
*Transitional, Permanent, and Veterans Housing [http://pioneerhumanservices.org/housing/list?tid=5#0]
*What We Do [https://www.ywcaworks.org/what-we-do]
**King County Houses – Berkley (no application), Bruksos, Chamberlain (no application), Dalton, Health Hall, Maxwell House, Stewart House, Granberg Apartments, Hudson House, Smith House, Snider Apartments, Mark Cooper House
**Economic Advancement [https://www.ywcaworks.org/economic-advancement]
**Application for Bruksos, Dalton, Health Hall, Maxwell House, Stewart House. [http://pioneerhumanservices.org/sites/default/files/applications/phs-transitional-housing-application_seattle-properties_0612.pdf]
**Health & Safety [https://www.ywcaworks.org/health-safety]
**Application for Granberg Apartments, Hudson House, Smith House, Snider Apartments [http://pioneerhumanservices.org/sites/default/files/phs_rental_application_packet_june_2016.pdf]
**Housing [https://www.ywcaworks.org/housing]
* Residential, Outpatient and Detox Counseling and Treatment [http://pioneerhumanservices.org/treatment/centers?tid=17]
**Race & Social Justice [https://www.ywcaworks.org/race-social-justice]
**Co-occuring Residential Program (CROP), Pioneer Counseling – Rainer Clinic, Dutch Shisler Service Center
***Fact Sheet [https://www.ywcaworks.org/sites/default/files/media/pdf/YWCA%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20RSJ_0.pdf]
*Locations [https://www.ywcaworks.org/locations]
*Pre-Screening Form [https://www.ywcaworks.org/sites/default/files/programs/documents/Pre%20Screening%208.23.18.pdf]
*Release Of Information Authorization [https://www.ywcaworks.org/sites/default/files/programs/documents/ROI%20Authorization%20-%20Passage%20Point.pdf]
===Everyone is Welcome powered by the Financial Empowerment Network [https://www.everyoneiswelcome.org/]===
*It’s your change. Make it count!  Do you want to save money to buy a new car, take your family on a vacation, send your kids to college, or just pay your bills on time? Or are you interested in learning more about your credit score, your credit report, and techniques for managing debt? Through a network of agencies Free or low-cost one-on-one support is available to '''King County Residents''' who want to understand more about their money, make good financial decisions, and have choices for savings and loans. No hidden fees or agendas.
*Bank On [https://bankonwashington.org/]
**Financial Wellness Provider Directory [https://www.fenwa.org/financial-wellness-providers]
**Financial Wellness Resources [https://www.fenwa.org/financial-wellness-resources]
**Banking Resources[https://www.fenwa.org/banking]
**Housing Resources [https://www.fenwa.org/housing]
**Employment & Education Resources [https://www.fenwa.org/workforce]
**Justice-Impacted Resources [https://www.fenwa.org/justice-impacted-resources]
Also on [[Financial Literacy, Coaching and Counseling]]
Sober Solutions [http://www.sobersolutionshousing.com/aboutus.html]
===QLaw Foundation===
*A clean, safe and substance free-housing environment for men and women that are serious about their recovery and about changing their lives. We are open minded down to earth and level headed making possible affordable housing, empowerment peer based, self help environment, resourceful house managers, in- house sober support group, action  plans and reentry strategy, direct pathway into permanent housing and referrals to professional services.
*King County LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic [https://www.qlawfoundation.org/legal-clinics/]
*Properties and Locations [http://www.sobersolutionshousing.com/propertiesandlocations.html]
**QLaw Foundation of Washington is offering in-person assistance for civil legal issues at our pop-up workshops through the end of January 2025. Our pop-up workshops provide free consultations with one of our amazing volunteer attorneys. These attorneys can help clients understand their legal issues, suggest possible next steps, review and assist with completing legal forms, and provide appropriate referrals. These attorneys are NOT able to represent you directly.
*Agreement Form [http://www.sobersolutionshousing.com/C_F_S_A-RH-2_0.pdf]
Also on [[Legal Assistance and Literature]] and [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]]
**Source Page [http://www.sobersolutionshousing.com/Agreement-Forms.html]
<br />
También disponible en Español [[Recursos Condado]]
==Ingersoll Gender Center Guides==
*We look forward to a world in which all trans and/or gender diverse folks are able to access resources without worrying about their safety and well-being. We also know that our communities are resilient. Trans and/or gender non- conforming communities have been here since people have been in what we now call Washington state, and we will continue to leverage these resources the best we can to live the lives we deserve to live. We hope you find this guide useful, and that you may see bits of yourself in here. Support is here and available to help you in navigating these resources.
[https://ingersollgendercenter.org/guides/ Source Page] for All Ingersoll Gender Center Guides <br />
Also on [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]]
Interaction Transition [https://www.interactiontransition.org/]
===Third Gender Markers on WA State IDs Community Questions and Answers [http://ingersollgendercenter.org/thirdgendermarker-qa/]===
*Over the past two years, Interaction Transition has made many changes. After over 25 years of providing residential housing support to ex-offenders, I/T no longer has residential services and is focusing on an Employment Assistance Program, thus we will continue to benefit those returning to the community. The Employment Assistance Program fulfills the vital and important need in getting ex-offenders immediately employed post-incarceration. And employment is significantly related to the successful re-entry of ex- offenders. I encourage you to explore our web site to find out how you can get involved with our re-entry programs, whether you are returning to the community or wish to provide jobs and other services to those in need.
*Starting on November 13th, 2019 you will be able to get a Washington State ID or driver’s license with an ‘x’ gender marker. In this instance the Department of Licensing has defined x as ‘neither exclusively male or female.’ FAQs prepared by Ingersoll Gender Center about rule change.  
*About Us [https://www.interactiontransition.org/]
*Clients [https://www.interactiontransition.org/clients/]
*Services [https://www.interactiontransition.org/services/]
*Contact [https://www.interactiontransition.org/contact/]
===Seattle/King County - Trans Tenants Rights Guide [https://ingersollgendercenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/TenantsRights-forweb.pdf]===
*This guide is an informational document meant for trans renters in Seattle, WA. It offers specific information and resources for trans folks based on questions and concerns we’ve received  around maintaining safe and stable housing. This guide was produced in partnership with The Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections along with support through our work on the Seattle Transgender Economic Empowerment Project funded by the Office of Economic Development.
[http://ingersollgendercenter.org/tenantsrights Source Page]
<br>También disponible en Español [[Recursos Condado]]
Divine Alternatives for Dads Services D.A.D.S.
===Seattle/King County - A Guide to Amending Your Identity Documents in King County [https://ingersollgendercenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Updated-06-19-Guide-to-Ammending-ID-Documents-in-KC.pdf]===
*DADS is a grassroots organization 501(c)(3) that is leading a movement to have an impact on the epidemic of the absence of fathers in America. DADS gives fathers hope by walking together in supportive community, helping navigate relational and legal barriers which separate them from their children and families. Stronger Fathers, Healthier Communities, Our Vision To model healthy relationships as a means of creating healthier fathers and families. To stop the cycle of family violence and brokenness in order to improve the lives of children. To encourage fathers to become agents of change in their communities.  
*Having identity documents that reflect and affirm your identity is important. We believe there is no one way to be trans – none or some of your documents may be changed, and they can all be changed by you! This guide is prepared by and for transgender, gender non-conforming, and gender diverse communities for our collective self-determination. This is not legal advice. Call us at 206.849.7859 for assistance. This guide is meant for King County, but the process in other WA counties are generally the same. To best avoid complications, amend your documents in the order in which we’ve outlined it in this guide. Remember to get certified copies of all of your original documents before you begin amending them.
*Services [http://www.aboutdads.org/services-1]
[https://ingersollgendercenter.org/king-county-name-change-guide/ Source Page]
*Contact [http://www.aboutdads.org/]
*Also filed under Family Resources
===Seattle/King County - Shelter & Housing Guide: By & for the trans and gender diverse community in Seattle [https://ingersollgendercenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/File-for-Print-In-Progress-3.pdf]===
*Ingersoll’s Economic Justice Fellowship is a program with the overall goal of advancing economic justice for trans and gender diverse communities. Fellows created this guide of housing-based and other holistic resources for our trans and gender diverse communities.
[https://ingersollgendercenter.org/seattle-shelter-housing-guide/ Source Page]
Circles of Change [http://www.circlesofchange.net/]
===Health Insurance Explainer Guide: Trans and GNC Healthcare Access 2019 [https://ingersollgendercenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/InsuranceExplainer.pdf]===
*Dads and daughters collaborating to ensure and create inspiring futures for girls and women. We want to be with our daughters as they grow. During this important phase of our daughters' lives, they and we will experience a broad spectrum of messages that purport to tell them what a woman can be, is supposed to be, and shouldn't be. Together we will support the future that our daughters create.
[https://ingersollgendercenter.org/health-access-guides/ Source Page]
*Also filed under Family Resources
<br />
Also on Statewide/National Resources [[Health]]
===Self-Advocacy Guide: Trans and GNC Healthcare Access [https://ingersollgendercenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Self-Advocacy.pdf]===
*In our 2018 Healthcare Access Survey we found that 56% of our local trans community felt uncomfortable in asking about their rights in their providers office, or are unsure about their rights in a medical setting. Conversely, our community commented during this process that they often do not trust their medical providers; and some even feel a level of fear around their current or past experiences with medical professionals due to past transphobic abuse, harassment, discrimination, and even assault in their providers office. For our trans communities of color these experiences with transphobia were often racialized. We want to support our community in mitigating these issues by providing a self advocacy tool kit in addition to strategies to accessing care, and questions to ask their providers in order to make sure that they are receiving the care that they need & deserve.
[https://ingersollgendercenter.org/health-access-guides/ Source Page]
<br />
Also on Statewide/National Resources [[Health]]
Courage 360
===A Vision for Greater Access to Gender Affirming Healthcare [https://ingersollgendercenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Healthcare-Access-Report.pdf]===
*We offer women the courage to start a new life. As a nonprofit organization, we are dedicated to strengthening career and life skills, and connecting businesses to future employees. When you work with Courage360, you help improve the lives of mothers, children and families.  
*We believe deeply in building a world where we can all access our collective self determination. Self determination is when we all have a full menu of choices to decide how to live our lives authentically and free from violence. For trans and gender nonconforming communities the right to control our own lives is something that is constantly being taken over, controlled, redirected, and in many cases completely taken away. For us, most of our lives are lived in a constant state of reactivity to the discrimination, fear, and uncertainty of being trans in America; especially in terms of healthcare access. With our  Healthcare Access Visioning Project we wanted to be deliberate in highlighting the barriers that trans and gender non conforming folks come up against when just trying to be healthy, and feel at home in their bodies. We are passionate about healthcare and this project because we know that for our communities these are life and death medical decisions. We know that accessing healthcare can be a traumatic experience and we hope this project can outline a future where all trans and gender nonconforming communities have equitable access to the life saving health care they need.
*Training [http://www.courage360.org/gain-skills/training/]
[https://ingersollgendercenter.org/health-access-guides/ Source Page]
*Contact [http://www.courage360.org/learn-more/contact-directions/]
<br />
Also on Statewide/National Resources [[Health]]
==Public Library==
===Seattle Public Library [https://www.spl.org/]===
*Hours and Locations [https://www.spl.org/hours-and-locations]
*Library Card Application [https://www.spl.org/using-the-library/get-started/get-started-in-english/en-get-started-with-a-library-card/en-library-card-application]
*A-Z Online Resources [https://www.spl.org/online-resources/a-z-online-resources]
Being Empowered Thru Supportive Transition B.E.S.T. [http://www.bestprogram.info/]
===King County Library System [https://kcls.org/]===
*Promoting Policy and System Change, Community Engagement, and Direct Services that develop equitable communities. Creating opportunities to raise the quality of life, enhance economic status, promote self sufficiency, and eliminate the ongoing problem of poverty.
*Hours and Locations [https://kcls.bibliocommons.com/locations]
*Get a Library Card [https://w3.kcls.org/get-a-library-card]
**Get an e-Card [https://w3.kcls.org/get-an-ecard]
Weld Seattle
**All-Access Library Card Application [https://w3.kcls.org/PDF/applications/english.pdf]
*We do not want our lives to be defined by our biggest mistakes. We want to be seen for the good things in our lives and the better persons we are becoming. We have been inspired and motivated by the second chances we have been given and by our friends who have overcome great challenges to heal, recover and rebuild toward a better life. We want to see the same opportunities extended to as many people as possible. Vision - Everyone deserves an opportunity to reintegrate, belong and thrive. Mission - To ensure a successful reintegration by overcoming obstacles to housing, employment and community connection. Our People - Individuals actively engaging in recovery and reintegration following incarceration.
***Spanish Application [https://w3.kcls.org/PDF/applications/spanish.pdf]
*What [http://weldseattle.org/what/]
**Related FAQs [https://kcls.org/faq/library-cards/] ''Printing note: click Expand All before clicking Print All Answers''
*Contact [http://weldseattle.org/contact/]
*A-Z Resources [https://kcls.org/resource/]
También disponible en Español [[Recursos Condado]]
Neighborhood Legal Clinic - King County Bar Association
*The purpose of the Neighborhood Legal Clinics program (NLC) is to offer free, limited legal advice and referrals to King County residents and Washington State residents with legal issues in King County who might otherwise have no access to the legal system. It is a goal of the program to make the clinics accessible regardless of barriers such as income, education, language or disability.[http://www.kcba.org/pbs/NLC.aspx]
*KCBA Pro Bono Services [http://www.kcba.org/pbs/pdf/clientbrochure.pdf]
*Neighborhood Legal Clinics Brochure [http://www.kcba.org/pbs/pdf/NLCbrochure.pdf]
*Legal Resources and Assistance Brochure [http://www.kcba.org/pbs/pdf/legalresourceassistance.pdf]
*''note: also on [[Legal Assistance and Literature]] page.''
Columbia Legal Service
LastAuditDate 12-17-24
*Resources to address the legal needs of people with criminal histories.
*Institutions Project [http://www.columbialegal.org/advocacy/institutions-project]
*Brochure [http://columbialegal.org/sites/default/files/Brochure%20FINAL%20with%20logos.pdf]
*''note: also on [[Legal Assistance and Literature]] page.''

Latest revision as of 18:00, 22 January 2025



County and City Government Resources

Community Resource Center [1]

  • Free and low-cost services that can change a life. The Community Resource Center is a place where those in need can access social services and community support.
  • CRC Hours and Services Schedule [2]
  • Community Resource Center Services Guide [3]

King County Veterans Program [4]

  • Veterans, current service members, National Guard members, Reserve members, and dependents of these military personnel may be eligible for services. Clients are subject to program requirements, length of service standards, and income guidelines.
  • Program Brochure May 2021 [5]
  • Folleto sobre el Programa Para Veteranos Mayo 2021 [6]

Also on Veterans page
También disponible en Español Recursos en español

King County Behavioral Health and Recovery [7]

  • We provide high-quality behavioral health services to low-income individuals in need. BHRD provides a wide variety of services including crisis services, mental health treatment, substance use disorder treatment, and diversion and reentry services. We offer services that are respectful, tailored to individual needs, and most of all—effective. Our services cover King County residents who are Medicaid eligible and meet certain medical eligibility requirements. We also provide services for low-income, non-Medicaid eligible residents.
  • Search for a Provider [8]
    • Print/Offline version [9]
  • Crisis Services [10]
    • Print/Offline Version [11]
  • Mental Health Services [12]
    • Print/Offline version [13]
  • Substance Use Disorder Services [14]
    • Print/Offline Version [15]
    • SUD Residential provider list [16] link note: link is a word document, clicking link will automatically download document
  • Children and Youth [17]
    • Print/Offline version [18]
  • Employment Services [19]
    • Print/offline version [20]
    • For Job Seekers [21]
      • Print/Offline Version [22]
  • Client Rights English [23]
    • ILS patrons - request Individual and Client Rights (for non-Medicaid funded programs) in Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, Chinese, and Somali from library staff.
    • Source Page [24]
  • Privacy and Security of Client Information[25]
    • Print/offline version [26]

City of Seattle Construction Apprenticeship Guidebook [27]

  • Are you looking for a career instead of a minimum wage job? Are you considering a career in construction? Then you have come to the right place. Keep reading. We need contractors, foremen and trained professionals to build structures like our homes, offices, high-rises, roads and bridges. These projects are essential to our everyday life and require hundreds of workers trained in more than 20 different building trades. This book is designed to help you get started down the pathway to becoming one of those skilled professionals with a high-paying career in the building trades.
  • Construction Worker Pathway [28]

Source Page

Fair Chance Housing Ordinance, SMC 14.09 from the Seattle Office of Civil Rights [29]

  • FAQ document about The Fair Chance Housing Ordinance which prohibits discrimination in housing against renters with arrest

records, conviction records, or criminal history. The legislation caps a decade-long effort to address discrimination against people who have served their time, are seeking to provide for themselves and their families, and yet have faced barriers to accessing safe, stable housing. Source Page

City of Renton Human Services[30]

  • Social Services Guide 02/2024 [31]
    • Contact information for services - Including Food, Housing, Homeless Services, Health Care, etc.

Community Organizations and Programs

Catholic Community Services King County

Shelters and Homeless Services

  • The Inn is a 24/7 enhanced shelter and related services for adults experiencing homelessness. This is a low barrier, harm reduction program [33]
  • Emergency Assistance [34]
  • Federal Way Day Shelter [35]
  • Anchor - South King County Shelter System: Historically, CCS shelter programs in South King County collaborated with faith communities in Auburn, Kent, Federal Way and Renton to host overnight shelter in congregate spaces at church facilities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, programs have transitioned from congregate overnight emergency shelters, to 24/7 enhanced, motel-based shelters. Three separate shelter programs (ARISE, HOME and Reach Out) have been consolidated into one program, serving single adult women and men experiencing homelessness, at a motel in SeaTac. [36]
  • The Bridge Shelter is designed to serve vulnerable homeless individuals who are single adults, 18 years and older, and those living outdoors, or in a place not meant for human habitation. We offer current homeless individuals/households the basic needs for shelter, hygiene, food and meals, secure and accessible storage, and enhanced supportive services/case management. The program allows clients to come and go 24-hours a day as desired and bring partners, pets, and possessions. [37]
  • Katherine’s and Rita’s Houses are transitional housing programs for homeless, adult women in recovery from substance abuse. We offer structured, family style living designed to assist women to return to independent living as productive members of the community. Residents may stay up to two years and each resident develops a personal success plan tailored to her individual needs. Katherine’s and Rita's House staff team consists of a full-time Program Manager, Case Manager and Life Skills Coordinator. The team’s focus is on creating a safe environment that supports healthy lifestyle changes and nurtures each resident’s potential.[38]
  • Noel House Programs provides safe, comfortable shelter to a diverse community of homeless women, particularly those most vulnerable. We strive to create an environment of dignity, respect and compassion. We recognize the intrinsic value of each person and honor her unique experience.[39]
  • Sacred Heart Shelter is located on lower Queen Anne and is a temporary shelter that offers a safe, home-like refuge to homeless families in Seattle.[40]
  • Solanus Casey Center is a walk-in hospitality and referral center located on First Hill that provides services to the unemployed, working poor, those living on the street, shelters, and transitional housing.[41]
  • St. Martin de Porres Shelter provides safe and dignified night shelter for homeless men age 50 and older. [42]

HEN King County [43]

  • The Housing and Essential Needs Program (HEN) of King County provides program participants rent assistance, utility and transportation assistance, as well as hygiene and cleaning products. DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services) qualifies people for HEN; Catholic Community Services provides these services to King County eligible participants.
  • HEN Essential Needs Bank [44]

Michael’s Place Transitional Housing Program for Veterans - Catholic Community Services [45]

  • Michael’s Place offers eighteen beds of transitional housing for Veterans, who are homeless, in recovery from drugs and alcohol and/or have a mental health diagnosis.

Also on Veterans

Crisis Connections

  • Resources are updated frequently, before printing check the source page for the most current version.
  • Reentry Assistance Packet, November 2024 pdf [46]
    • This packet lists agencies throughout King County that have programs that work with, or specifically will accept, individuals with a history of incarceration. The packet includes resources for housing, employment, and chemical dependency, as well as other support services.
  • Emergency Services Brochures
    • Seattle/King County Emergency Shelters, 4th quarter 2024 pdf [47]
    • Seattle Support Services 4th Quarter 2024 [48]
    • South King County Emergency Services, 4th Quarter 2024 [49]
    • East and North King County Emergency Services, 4th Quarter 2024 [50]
    • Seattle Health Services, 4th Quarter 2024 [51]
    • Seattle Food, 4th Quarter 2024 [52]

Source Page

Real Change Emerald City Resource Guide [53]

  • Request a copy of the Emerald City Resource Guide at your branch of the Washington State Library
  • The Emerald City Resource Guide is a publication of Real Change and a comprehensive, up-to-date list of services for people experiencing homelessness and poverty. This booklet serves people who may not otherwise have access to a computer or social-service agency and allows individuals to be independent in their search for services that fit their specific needs.
  • Online Database [54]

Downtown Emergency Services Center [55]

  • Housing & Health to End Homelessness DESC provides integrated services including housing, emergency shelter, crisis intervention and healthcare to thousands of homeless and formerly homeless people every day. ​We fight for public resources and policies that serve our most vulnerable and marginalized neighbors: those living with mental illness, substance use disorders, and other disabilities. We believe that everyone deserves the space to exist and a place to call home.​ DESC meets people wherever they are and accepts them as they are. We are a national pioneer, innovator, and leader in the Housing First movement. Housing First is now the dominant service approach promoted in national policy. We innovate and challenge convention until we find what works, and then measure, evaluate and share what we’ve learned as widely as possible.
  • Survival Services [56]
  • Health Services [57]
  • Supportive Housing [58]
  • Employment Services [59]
  • Crisis Response [60]
  • Consultation and Technical Assistance [61]

Chief Seattle Club [62]

  • Located in the city's historic Pioneer Square district, the Chief Seattle Club provides a safe and sacred place to rest, revive and nurture the spirit of urban Native peoples in need. We believe in the power of our ancestral ways, and preserving them means fostering a sense of community among those without one to call their own. Anyone with American Indian or Alaska Native heritage, regardless of tribe, is invited to participate in our programs and make use of our resources. Our mission is to create a welcoming place of support, acceptance and ceremony for Seattle's native population. We hope that you will become a Club member, and join us in that mission. Aho!
  • Member Services [63]
  • Reentry [64]
  • Permanent Housing [65]
  • Homelessness Prevention [66]
  • Mission & Vision [67]

Also located in Tribal Resources

King County Regional Homelessness Authority [68]

  • Coordinated Entry for All (CEA) ensures that people experiencing homelessness can get help finding stable housing by quickly identifying, assessing, and connecting them to housing support services and housing resources. CEA uses a standardized assessment tool that matches the right level of services and housing resources to the persons facing a housing crisis.
  • Regional Access Points [69]
  • FAQs [70]

Elizabeth Gregory Home

  • Elizabeth Gregory Home (EGH) serves single homeless women in the greater Seattle area by providing transitional housing, a day center and case management services. Elizabeth Gregory Home provides a welcoming and respectful refuge where homeless and at-risk women have access to compassionate care.
  • Mission [71]
  • Programs [72]

Compass Housing Alliance

  • Compass Housing Alliance provides housing, shelter and support services to people experiencing homelessness and poverty in the Puget Sound Region.
  • What We Do [73]

Day Services

  • Client Services Office [74]
  • Hygiene Center [75]
  • Compass Center Navigation Center [76]

Emergency Shelters

  • Blaine Center [77]
  • Jan & Peter's Place Women's Shelter [78]
  • Otto's Place [79]
    • Program Pamphlet [80]
    • Compass at First Presbyterian FAQ [81]

Transitional Housing

  • Pioneer Square Men’s Program [82]

Family Programs

  • Compass on Dexter [83]

Affordable Housing

  • Cascade Women’s Program [84]
  • Angle Lake Court [85]
  • Bergan Place [86]
  • The Courts [87]
  • Dekko Place [88]
  • Easternwood Apartments [89]
  • Karlstrom Apartments [90]
  • Northlake Grove Cooperative [91]
  • Nyer Urness House [92]
  • Ronald Commons [93]

Veterans Programs

  • What We Do [94]
  • Military veterans experience post-traumatic stress, injury and other unique challenges as they return from duty and re-integrate into society. We offer a variety of programs and housing that meet the specific needs of military veterans and their families, so that the men and women who served our country are not forgotten. If you are currently a homeless veteran or at risk of losing housing, please call the VA’s Homeless Outreach Clinic at 425-203-7200.
  • For Compass Housing Alliance non-Veterans programs information see the King County Resources
  • Renton Veterans Center [95]
  • Shoreline Veterans Center [96]
  • Pioneer Square Men's Program [97]

Also on Veterans

Jubilee Women's Center [98]

  • Jubilee Women’s Center supports women experiencing poverty to build stable and fulfilling futures one extraordinary woman at a time. We support each woman to heal from past trauma, explore possibilities for the future, and connect them with the resources and opportunities to achieve their goals through a three-part strategy.
  • About [99]
  • Services [100]
  • Holistic Approach [101]
  • Residential Program
    • Jubilee’s residential program gives program participants the stability and time they need to heal, grow, and rebuild their life.
    • Main House [102]
    • Sojourner Place [103]
    • 612 House [104]
    • Martha's House [105]
    • Application October 2024 [106]
  • Community Services [107]

Solid Ground

  • Get connected to services & support. Solid Ground connects people with resources & tools to help them stabilize their housing, access healthy food, & build stronger futures for themselves & their families.
  • Get Help [108]
  • Food and Nutrition [109]
  • Health Care and Public Benefits [110]
  • Housing Resources [111]
    • Tenant Services Overview [112]
    • Moving In
    • During Your Tenancy
      • Domestic Violence Harassments [115]
      • Legal Assistance Guide [116]
      • Low Income Housing Rights [117]
      • Neighbors and Roommates [118]
      • Privacy Rights [119]
      • Repairs [120]
      • Seattle Laws [121]
    • Moving Out
    • Eviction & Termination
    • Resources
      • Legal Assistance Guide [128]
      • Renter's Resources [129]
      • Researching Your Landlord [130]
      • Small Claims Court [131]

También disponible en Español Recursos Condado

Union Gospel Mission

  • Seattle's Union Gospel Mission provides emergency care and long-term recovery services to hurting and homeless people in the greater Seattle area. We're dedicated to serving, rescuing and transforming those in greatest need through the grace of Jesus Christ.
  • Mental Health Services [132]
  • KentHOPE Shelter [133]
  • Men's Shelter [134]
  • Women and Children's Shelter [135]
  • Spanish Ministries [136]
  • Prison Ministries [137]
  • Women's Recovery Program [138]
  • Men's Recovery Program [139]
  • Men's Recovery Program - Capitol Hill [140]
  • Dental Services [141]
  • Union Gospel Mission Legal Services [142]
  • Continuing Education [143]
  • Job Training and Placement [144]

Seattle Jobs Initiative for Job Seekers [145]

  • Seattle Jobs Initiative’s goal is to help job seekers get the skills, education and support they need to enter a career that offers good wages, benefits and opportunities for advancement.
  • Digital Bridge [146]
  • Green Stormwater Infrastructure Careers [147]
  • Healthcare [148]
  • Diesel [149]
  • Maritime Careers [150]
  • Who We Work With [151]
  • Contact [152]

Pioneer Human Services

  • Pioneer serves people released from prison or jail in Washington State, and those in recovery from addiction, who are in need of treatment, housing and job skills training. Our mission as a social enterprise is to provide individuals with criminal histories the opportunity to lead healthy, productive lives. PRINTING NOTE: Housing and Counseling & Treatment links to not have unique URLs for each subcategory. Click on each subcategory and expand categories to print.
  • Transitional, Permanent, and Veterans Housing [153]
    • King County Housing [154]
      • Aspen Terrace Interest List Form [155]
  • Counseling and Treatment
    • Residential [156]
      • King County Residential Treatment Program
    • Crisis And Diversion [157]
      • King County Diversion Center

Also on Veterans

AAHAA Sober Living [158]

  • We understand addiction and alcoholism. Through a collaborative effort with community partners and your willingness to change a new way of life is possible. AAHAA Sober Living is a community of men and women in recovery. Through group conscience, fellowship, a 12-step program, and faith, we work towards a common goal. All of our locations provide an environment for: improved self-esteem, fellowship, self reliance, relationship building skills, team work, life skills, and possibly assistance reuniting with family and loved ones.
  • Our Story [159]
  • Current Availability [160]
  • Locations [161]
  • Contact [162]

Interaction Transition [163]

  • Over the past two years, Interaction Transition has made many changes. After over 25 years of providing residential housing support to ex-offenders, I/T no longer has residential services and is focusing on an Employment Assistance Program, thus we will continue to benefit those returning to the community. The Employment Assistance Program fulfills the vital and important need in getting ex-offenders immediately employed post-incarceration. And employment is significantly related to the successful re-entry of ex- offenders. I encourage you to explore our web site to find out how you can get involved with our re-entry programs, whether you are returning to the community or wish to provide jobs and other services to those in need.
  • About Us [164]
  • Our Programs [165]
  • Contact [166]

Divine Alternatives for Dads Services D.A.D.S.

  • DADS is a grassroots organization 501(c)(3) that is leading a movement to have an impact on the epidemic of the absence of fathers in America. DADS gives fathers hope by walking together in supportive community, helping navigate relational and legal barriers which separate them from their children and families. Stronger Fathers, Healthier Communities, Our Vision To model healthy relationships as a means of creating healthier fathers and families. To stop the cycle of family violence and brokenness in order to improve the lives of children. To encourage fathers to become agents of change in their communities.
  • Services [167]
  • English Brochure [168]
  • Folleto En Espanol [169]
  • Contact [170]

Also on Family Resources
También disponible en Español Recursos Condado

POCAAN [171]

  • POCAAN is committed to providing comprehensive, multicultural awareness and prevention messages aimed at addressing health disparities experienced in marginalized communities.
  • Programs and Services [172]
  • 4437 Rainier Ave S/Seattle, WA 98118
  • (206) 322-7061
  • pocaan@pocaan.org

Weld Seattle [173]

  • We do not want our lives to be defined by our biggest mistakes. We want to be seen for the good things in our lives and the better persons we are becoming. We have been inspired and motivated by the second chances we have been given and by our friends who have overcome great challenges to heal, recover and rebuild toward a better life. We want to see the same opportunities extended to as many people as possible. Vision - Everyone deserves an opportunity to reintegrate, belong and thrive. Mission - To ensure a successful reintegration by overcoming obstacles to housing, employment and community connection. Our People - Individuals actively engaging in recovery and reintegration following incarceration.
  • Housing Overview [174]
    • Weld Housing Community Intake Form [175] printing note: online form doesn't print well
  • Join Us [176]
    • Work Application [177] printing note: online form doesn't print well
  • Contact Us Weld Seattle [178]
  • Contact Us Weld Works [179]

FareStart [180]

  • FareStart is a social enterprise nonprofit focused on job training and employment. We run food-based businesses that serve as classrooms for our students to learn on-the-job skills that will prepare them for careers while nourishing the community and sustainably funding our mission. Our end goal is personal stability and economic mobility for people overcoming barriers to employment.
  • Job Training [181]
    • Food Pathways Program [182]
    • Barista & Customer Service Program [183]
  • Mobile Community Market [184]
    • Our Mobile Community Market provides fresh, seasonal produce to nourish underserved and low-income individuals and families.

Neighborhood Legal Clinic - King County Bar Association

  • The purpose of the Neighborhood Legal Clinics program (NLC) is to offer free, limited legal advice and referrals to King County residents and Washington State residents with legal issues in King County who might otherwise have no access to the legal system. It is a goal of the program to make the clinics accessible regardless of barriers such as income, education, language or disability.[185]
  • KCBA Pro Bono Services [186]
    • Asistencia legal sin costo Folleto En Espanol [187]
  • Neighborhood Legal Clinics Brochure [188]
    • Las Clínicas Legales del Vecindario Folleto En Espanol [189]

Also on Legal Assistance and Literature
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Columbia Legal Service

  • For many years, Columbia Legal Services has represented communities facing poverty and oppression, and we use every legal tool available on their behalf. We have a special responsibility to serve people whose access to free legal services is restricted, due to institutionalized or immigration status. We share a deep commitment to serve and advocate alongside our clients as we seek justice together. Our role to serve people and use advocacy that might otherwise not be available makes our work an integral part of the Washington Alliance for Equal Justice.
  • About [190]
  • Advocacy Issue - Criminal Justice Reform [191]

Also on Legal Assistance and Literature and Advocacy Organizations

YWCA Seattle King County Snohomish [192]

  • Supportive housing community helps parents facing homelessness after incarceration to reunite with their families and build a foundation for the future. Incarceration, addiction, and homelessness make it difficult to overcome barriers to obtain housing, employment, and education. Passage Point offers supportive housing, services, and advocacy for previously incarcerated parents to facilitate family reunification and stability. Through educational and social opportunities, Passage Point helps reduce the chances of re-incarceration by equipping parents with the tools, skills, and resources for success. Re-Entry Life Coaches work with residents individually, encouraging self-sufficiency, positive community interaction, and connecting people to community services.
  • What We Do [193]
  • Locations [199]
  • Pre-Screening Form [200]
  • Release Of Information Authorization [201]

Everyone is Welcome powered by the Financial Empowerment Network [202]

  • It’s your change. Make it count! Do you want to save money to buy a new car, take your family on a vacation, send your kids to college, or just pay your bills on time? Or are you interested in learning more about your credit score, your credit report, and techniques for managing debt? Through a network of agencies Free or low-cost one-on-one support is available to King County Residents who want to understand more about their money, make good financial decisions, and have choices for savings and loans. No hidden fees or agendas.
  • Bank On [203]
    • Financial Wellness Provider Directory [204]
    • Financial Wellness Resources [205]
    • Banking Resources[206]
    • Housing Resources [207]
    • Employment & Education Resources [208]
    • Justice-Impacted Resources [209]

Also on Financial Literacy, Coaching and Counseling

QLaw Foundation

  • King County LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic [210]
    • QLaw Foundation of Washington is offering in-person assistance for civil legal issues at our pop-up workshops through the end of January 2025. Our pop-up workshops provide free consultations with one of our amazing volunteer attorneys. These attorneys can help clients understand their legal issues, suggest possible next steps, review and assist with completing legal forms, and provide appropriate referrals. These attorneys are NOT able to represent you directly.

Also on Legal Assistance and Literature and Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources
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Ingersoll Gender Center Guides

  • We look forward to a world in which all trans and/or gender diverse folks are able to access resources without worrying about their safety and well-being. We also know that our communities are resilient. Trans and/or gender non- conforming communities have been here since people have been in what we now call Washington state, and we will continue to leverage these resources the best we can to live the lives we deserve to live. We hope you find this guide useful, and that you may see bits of yourself in here. Support is here and available to help you in navigating these resources.

Source Page for All Ingersoll Gender Center Guides
Also on Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources

Third Gender Markers on WA State IDs Community Questions and Answers [211]

  • Starting on November 13th, 2019 you will be able to get a Washington State ID or driver’s license with an ‘x’ gender marker. In this instance the Department of Licensing has defined x as ‘neither exclusively male or female.’ FAQs prepared by Ingersoll Gender Center about rule change.

Seattle/King County - Trans Tenants Rights Guide [212]

  • This guide is an informational document meant for trans renters in Seattle, WA. It offers specific information and resources for trans folks based on questions and concerns we’ve received around maintaining safe and stable housing. This guide was produced in partnership with The Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections along with support through our work on the Seattle Transgender Economic Empowerment Project funded by the Office of Economic Development.

Source Page
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Seattle/King County - A Guide to Amending Your Identity Documents in King County [213]

  • Having identity documents that reflect and affirm your identity is important. We believe there is no one way to be trans – none or some of your documents may be changed, and they can all be changed by you! This guide is prepared by and for transgender, gender non-conforming, and gender diverse communities for our collective self-determination. This is not legal advice. Call us at 206.849.7859 for assistance. This guide is meant for King County, but the process in other WA counties are generally the same. To best avoid complications, amend your documents in the order in which we’ve outlined it in this guide. Remember to get certified copies of all of your original documents before you begin amending them.

Source Page

Seattle/King County - Shelter & Housing Guide: By & for the trans and gender diverse community in Seattle [214]

  • Ingersoll’s Economic Justice Fellowship is a program with the overall goal of advancing economic justice for trans and gender diverse communities. Fellows created this guide of housing-based and other holistic resources for our trans and gender diverse communities.

Source Page

Health Insurance Explainer Guide: Trans and GNC Healthcare Access 2019 [215]

Source Page
Also on Statewide/National Resources Health

Self-Advocacy Guide: Trans and GNC Healthcare Access [216]

  • In our 2018 Healthcare Access Survey we found that 56% of our local trans community felt uncomfortable in asking about their rights in their providers office, or are unsure about their rights in a medical setting. Conversely, our community commented during this process that they often do not trust their medical providers; and some even feel a level of fear around their current or past experiences with medical professionals due to past transphobic abuse, harassment, discrimination, and even assault in their providers office. For our trans communities of color these experiences with transphobia were often racialized. We want to support our community in mitigating these issues by providing a self advocacy tool kit in addition to strategies to accessing care, and questions to ask their providers in order to make sure that they are receiving the care that they need & deserve.

Source Page
Also on Statewide/National Resources Health

A Vision for Greater Access to Gender Affirming Healthcare [217]

  • We believe deeply in building a world where we can all access our collective self determination. Self determination is when we all have a full menu of choices to decide how to live our lives authentically and free from violence. For trans and gender nonconforming communities the right to control our own lives is something that is constantly being taken over, controlled, redirected, and in many cases completely taken away. For us, most of our lives are lived in a constant state of reactivity to the discrimination, fear, and uncertainty of being trans in America; especially in terms of healthcare access. With our Healthcare Access Visioning Project we wanted to be deliberate in highlighting the barriers that trans and gender non conforming folks come up against when just trying to be healthy, and feel at home in their bodies. We are passionate about healthcare and this project because we know that for our communities these are life and death medical decisions. We know that accessing healthcare can be a traumatic experience and we hope this project can outline a future where all trans and gender nonconforming communities have equitable access to the life saving health care they need.

Source Page
Also on Statewide/National Resources Health

Public Library

Seattle Public Library [218]

  • Hours and Locations [219]
  • Library Card Application [220]
  • A-Z Online Resources [221]

King County Library System [222]

  • Hours and Locations [223]
  • Get a Library Card [224]
    • Get an e-Card [225]
    • All-Access Library Card Application [226]
      • Spanish Application [227]
    • Related FAQs [228] Printing note: click Expand All before clicking Print All Answers
  • A-Z Resources [229]

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LastAuditDate 12-17-24