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FISH of Cowlitz County [http://fishofcowlitzcounty.org/]
*FISH enables people to get food, fill prescriptions, see a dentist, pay overdue water or PUD bills, buy boots or clothing required to start a new job or fill a variety of other needs.Help is immediate. Volunteers working from home can order a prescription to be picked up the same day or make an emergency dental appointment within 24 hours. All services begin with a phone call to the FISH line (636-1100).
*About [http://fishofcowlitzcounty.org/home/about_fish/]
Cowlitz Family Health Center Resouces [http://cowlitzfamilyhealth.org/resources/]
*Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, and Pacific County Resources are compiled and updated by Family Health Center.
*Housing Assistance 1/2017 [http://cowlitzfamilyhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/720-Flyer_Housing-Assistance-List.pdf]
*Food Banks 5/2017 [http://cowlitzfamilyhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Food-Bank-List.pdf]
*Intimate Partner Violence 1/2017 [http://cowlitzfamilyhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/720-Flyer_Intimate-Partner-Violence-List.pdf]
*Also under [[Wahkiakum County]] and [[Pacific County]] pages
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Revision as of 15:25, 15 November 2017

FISH of Cowlitz County [1]

  • FISH enables people to get food, fill prescriptions, see a dentist, pay overdue water or PUD bills, buy boots or clothing required to start a new job or fill a variety of other needs.Help is immediate. Volunteers working from home can order a prescription to be picked up the same day or make an emergency dental appointment within 24 hours. All services begin with a phone call to the FISH line (636-1100).
  • About [2]

Cowlitz Family Health Center Resouces [3]

  • Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, and Pacific County Resources are compiled and updated by Family Health Center.
  • Housing Assistance 1/2017 [4]
  • Food Banks 5/2017 [5]
  • Intimate Partner Violence 1/2017 [6]
  • Also under Wahkiakum County and Pacific County pages


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