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From http://www.fullcirc.com/wp/resources/facilitation-resources/teleconference-call-tips/Full Circle Associates, used with permission.

Telephone and Web Meeting Facilitation Tips

These tips are useful for telephone or VoIP (voice over IP such as Skype) and can even be used for webinars or web meetings (using platforms like Wimba, Elluminate and WebEx). There are additional things you can do with the tools in web meeting platforms

Purpose of the Call

Group telephone calls can be used for many purposes. Do you know why you are having a call? Consider:

Telephone calls for groups in:

  • meetings
  • project management teams
  • learning events
  • guest speaker presentations
  • orientation or closure for online activity/event
  • networking
  • presentations/pitches

Teleconferences support processes of:

  • decision making (convergence)
  • problem solving/conflict resolution
  • fun/play
  • relationship building/orientation
  • brainstorming
  • teamwork
  • knowledge sharing
  • information delivery

Agenda Preparation

  • Have an agenda that includes goals, participant expectations and timing if appropriate.
  • Keep it as short as possible. Our attention spans on the phone are often shorter than F2F.
    • Don’t cram the agenda. An hour on a teleconference generally cannot accomplish quite as much as an hour F2F. Plan accordingly.
  • If you expect active participation from all participants, consider the impact of volume of comments on time available when determining the number of agenda items. On a 10 person call with the expectation that everyone comments on each agenda item, and their comments range from 1-3 minutes, that means you can accommodate 1-2 agenda items in an hour.
  • Decide on roles. The meeting chair does not have to be the same person who is looking after the call facilitation duties.
  • Ask participants to review the agenda prior to the call.
  • If part of the group is in a face to face with a long (i.e. full day) agenda, consider scheduling shorter phone segments for critical business. It is hard to stay on the phone for a full day! ;-)

Identifying Roles in Advance

  • Facilitator or master of ceremonies - support meeting process
  • Having a “greeter” who arrives 5 or more minutes early to welcome people as they arrive on the phone line helps them orient socially
  • Having a “tech person” who can help people (say, by means of a chat room or instant messenger (IM) if they have difficulties)
  • Designated presenters or speakers who are experts in the topic
  • Having a note-taker (say in a chat-room, that also supports the “tech person”)

Technical Set Up

  • Consider if telephone is the best communication tool for your task or purpose. Should you use VoIP (Skype), or a web meeting tool instead? If you have to share visuals, these tools may be useful.
  • Cheap and useful telephone services and tools
    • http://www.freeconferencecall.com
    • http://www.highdefconferencing.com/ (combines regular phone calls and Skype calls)
    • http://www.skype.com
    • http://www.gizmoproject.com/
    • http://www.nocostconference.com/
    • http://www.vyew.com/content/ Simple tool to share screens, etc.
  • Send all participants the dial in number and pass-codes (if any) needed.
  • Be clear to participants if you are offering a toll free number or if they are responsible for long distance costs. With international groups, make sure your number includes the international country code.
  • Providing a “jumping off” point –where people can look up the details if they’re lost or if the technology fails. (email, URL, etc.)
  • Integrate a phone call with other media and modes of communication (online, face-to-face, presentation media and print resources). E.G. Collect topics from asynchronous discussions (email lists or web boards)
  • Consider using more than one channel. This means audio with a visual. Often this helps focus more attention and understanding. For example, integrate visuals by sending images in advance or using a web meeting tool. Use an online white board to generate shared images and notes during the call.
  • Consider arrangements for hearing impaired participants (TTY, simultaneous transcription in a chat room, etc.).
  • Have a back up plan for potential technology failure.
  • If the call leader controls the start/stop of the call and may have to leave early, have a second person with leader privileges so the call does not get cut off. Be careful of teleconferencing and we bmeeting tools that only allow one person to have the controls. This is risky.
  • Plan to record the call so you can post audio recordings or notes so that they support asynchronous interaction or give people who couldn’t make it to the call a sense of belonging. If you plan to record the call, recording, playback and transcription tools/services include:
    • http://www.audioacrobat.com
    • http://free.conferencecall.com
    • http://www.highspeedconferencing.com
    • http://www.skype.com with external plug ins (tools you have to add in)
    • http://www.learningalliances.net/CoP_Resources/Recording-phone-meetings.htm

Scheduling and Preparation

  • Consider participant availability just as you would for any other meeting.
  • Consider time zones when scheduling. How to pick a time that works for people around the globe. Time zone meeting planning tools include http://www.TimeandDate.com and http://www.Doodle.ch
  • Communicate local time or how to calculate local time when sending meeting announcement. TimeandDate.com
  • Distribute supporting documents/files well before the call start.
  • Inform participants if they have to have a file or website open on their computer desktop.
  • Have an attendance list with name, email and phone number in case you need to contact an individual before, during or after the call.

Starting the Call

  • As the facilitator, it is helpful to log on early and be the first online (5-15 minutes).
  • If you are using multiple technologies, have a separate “tech facilitator” to help people.
  • Greet and know who is online (roll call, use “the clock“, etc.) or some other agreed upon “call joining” practice. (Consider a “leaving practice” as well!)
  • If appropriate, ask early arrivals to greet subsequent arrivals as a team-building activity.
  • Establish protocol of announcing name when taking a turn speaking.
  • Review and, if needed, adjust agenda.
  • Find out if there are any individual time constraints (”I have to leave early”) and adjust accordingly. This is particularly important if you need the input or participation of the person leaving early to achieve the goals of the call.

General Call Etiquette

You might want to share this via email in advance.

  • Call from a quiet location.
  • Avoid cell phones. If you use a cell phone, put on mute when not talking.
  • Avoid speakerphones or if using speakerphones, use the mute button.
  • Use quality headsets to avoid “tinny” sound.
  • Avoid low quality cordless phones as they sometimes create a buzzing background sound.
  • Don’t use the hold button if your phone system has built in background music or announcements.
  • Avoid paper rustling.
  • Caution with multitasking - some is unavoidable, but remind people about attention and occasionally call on silent folks to keep their attention. Listen for keyboard sounds (those doing email!).
  • Announce if leaving/returning.
  • On long calls, offer bio breaks and “quick stretches” – remember we are more than just ears! Consider kind treatment of bodies!
  • Speak clearly. Slow down if you are a “fast talker”
  • Be aware of the impact of accents and slow down accordingly.
  • Be enthusiastic and use a tone appropriate to the group. The first impression is important.
  • Vary voice tone – avoid monotone presentation.
  • Articulate body language (”I’m making waving motions with my hands.”)

Attention & Engagement

  • Use guest speakers or multiple speakers to avoid “boredom” with one voice/presenter
  • If appropriate, use games and interactive activities. See “Just Three Words”
  • Track who is talking so you can call on those who have not had a chance/chosen to speak up.
  • Use people’s names to get their attention.
  • If the group gets off the agenda, refocus but take note of the side issue for later attention.
  • Break up long stretches of one speaker
  • When appropriate, go “around to circle” for inclusive participation
  • Listen for folks who may be more comfortable talking (avoid dominance) or very quiet.
  • Consider “break out sessions” where pairs get off off the main call, call each other, interact and call back on to the phone bridge.
  • For decision-making processes, restate or repeat key issues as they are honed down to a decision point.
  • If your participants can be online at the same time they are on the phone, consider web-based collaboration tools to create shared electronic notes, flip charts, etc. Sometimes allowing “side chats” or “chat breakouts” can increase participant engagement.
  • Generally, the larger the group, the more directive your facilitation needs to be to keep a small number of people from dominating the call.
  • During the call, stop and ask for feedback.
  • If you don’t want to ask each person to respond to a general query (”do you understand the new procedure?”), ask questions such that silence means assent. There is a drawback to this technique in that sometimes silences does not truly mean assent and understanding can be lost.
  • Share leadership duties to help less engaged people become more involved in the call. Ask individuals to “lead” sections of the agenda.
  • Assign people different roles – note taker, timekeeper, “keeper” of unanswered questions, etc.

Interactive Techniques

  • Brainstorming – ask participants to note down others’ contributions to a brainstorm. After the brainstorming period is done, ask people to comment on the words people chose to express their ideas. Help the group look for convergence and divergence around the creative process.
  • Horrors and Exceptional Situations – For skills training. People often are happy to share horror stories around a skill or issue that can help groups discern what NOT to do. But often they miss the examples of what works. Ask groups to break out (see telephone break out tips) and identify 2-3 HORROR and EXCEPTIONAL SUCCESS stories. Reconvene and note the behaviors that lead to both the positive and negative outcomes. Review and debrief at conclusions. Include what was learned in the call notes.
  • Telephone Break Out Techniques – Pair up participants in advance and share a phone list. During the call, assign a pairs task, have the pairs get off the main call and work for 10 minutes and return to the main number at a stated time to report out/debrief the activity.
  • “Just Three Words” – Phone comments can drag on, especially for large groups. This game originated as an online text technique but works well to surface a sense of the group and get fast feedback. The technique is to do a round of comments from everyone on the call with the constraint that they can only use three words in their response. For example, at the end of the call you might say “what three words describe your experience of today’s call?” The notes from these exercises can then be later reviewed and observed for similarities, differences and patterns.
  • “The Clock” – “The clock” can be used on conference calls to help people get and keep a sense of place and participation in a disembodied conference call. It can be used with structured online chats as well. Ask every one to draw a circle on a piece of paper and mark the hours like a clock. Then, each person is assigned a spot on the “clock” as they join the group. So the first person is 1 o’clock, the second 2, etc. If there are more than twelve, start adding 1:30, 2:30 etc. Use this initially to create a speaking sequence for intros, and then use it to ensure everyone speaks. Participants can make notations by names and use it as a visual tool to match names/voices/input. If you are doing multiple rounds of “speaking” vary the “starting position” on the clock.
  • Location Maps – For widely distributed groups that meet regularly; create a map with pictures of the participants near their location on the map. Distribute to the group or publish on a web page.
  • “Side” Conversations – If someone wants to comment directly to a previous speaker, they can use that person’s name to focus their attention. “Sarah, I am not sure I agree with that approach….”


  • Take minutes and use for follow up. Distribute as soon as possible after the meeting and highlight follow up steps and responsibilities.
  • Recap meeting or next steps as appropriate
  • Offer opportunity for final/closing comments
  • End the call promptly, particularly with phone bridges with timed access


  • Use some form of feedback or evaluation tool to help improve subsequent calls. A simple “after action review” (what did we intend to do, what did we do, what would we do differently) can be done at the conclusion of a call, or could be done with forms or email post-call.
  • “Just Three Words” – ask each person for three words that describe their experience on the call.

More Telephone Conference Call Tips and Resources

Thanks for input from EE Kim, John Smith, Bronwyn Stuckey, Beth Kanter, Nathaniel Borenstein and Michael Owens.

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