Chelan County
From ILS Reentry
Revision as of 14:22, 23 February 2022 by Justin.dickson (Talk | contribs) (→Wenatchee Rescue Mission [])
City of Wenatchee [1]
Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee [4]
- It is the mission of the Housing Authority to assist in providing affordable housing to household that are 80% or below the area's median income, as established by United States Department of Housing & Urban Development. The Housing Authority also supports efforts to encourage short-term housing assistance, when appropriate. Programs
- Programs [5]
- Self Sufficiency Program [6]
- Section 8 FAQ [7]
- How to Apply [8]
Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council [9]
- The mission of Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council is to connect low- to moderate- income residents to resources which create opportunities to reach and maintain self-sufficiency. Our purpose is to facilitate federal, state, and local resources and engage local communities and businesses in meeting the needs and interests of the economically disadvantaged.
- Energy Assistance [10]
- Affordable Housing [11]
- Food Pantry Schedule [12]
- Literacy Council [13]
- BFET [14]
Also on Douglas County
Wenatchee Rescue Mission [15]
- WRM is the original facility for men. The facility can house up to 75 men and 25 low barrier beds. Our facility serves meals 3 times per day 6:00 am 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm.
- Haven of Hope Our shelter for homeless women and women with children has been operating since 1998. This transitional housing program provides a safe place for women to overcome difficult circumstances and get a new start on life.
- Contact Us [16]
Upper Valley MEND [17]
- Upper Valley MEND is a human services umbrella organization dedicated to meeting the housing, hunger and healthcare needs of area residents and transients in the Upper Wenatchee Valley. Founded in 1988 as a food bank and thrift store, MEND has grown over the years to meet the needs of the community in various ways:
- Community Cupboard [18]
- Emergency Assistance [19]
- SHARE Community Land Trust Affordable Housing [20]
- Application [21]
- Healthcare [22]
Catholic Charities of Central Washington [23]
- Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program [24] Only available in Yakima County and Chelan County
- Form to request further information [25]
- Affordable Rental Housing [26]
- List of housing addresses [27]
- Child, Adult, and Family Counseling [28] Only available in Yakima County, Benton County, and Chelan County
- Catholic Charities Yakima Food Bank [29] Only available in Yakima County and Benton County
- Also on Yakima County, Grant County, and Benton & Franklin Counties pages.
Public Library
North Central Washington Libraries [30]
- My Card [31]
- Locations [32]
- Computers & WiFi [33]
- Mail Order Library [34]
- Also on Okanogan County, Grant County, Douglas County, and Ferry County pages