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'''Legal Assistance & Rights'''
'''Legal Assistance & Rights'''
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Prisoners' Assistance Directory 2012 [https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/2012_prisoners_assistance_directory.pdf]
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)  
*A list of national and state-based organizations that assist prisoners and their families in various capacities. Includes contact information and descriptions of services for over 300 national, state, local and international organizations that provide assistance to prisoners, ex-offenders, and families of prisoners. It also includes a bibliography of informative books, reports, manuals, and newsletters of interest to prisoners and their advocates.
*Prisoners' Assistance Directory 2012 [https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/2012_prisoners_assistance_directory.pdf]
**A list of national and state-based organizations that assist prisoners and their families in various capacities. Includes contact information and descriptions of services for over 300 national, state, local and international organizations that provide assistance to prisoners, ex-offenders, and families of prisoners. It also includes a bibliography of informative books, reports, manuals, and newsletters of interest to prisoners and their advocates.
**NOTE: Last update in 2012  
**NOTE: Last update in 2012  
*ACLU Prisoners' Assistance Directory [https://www.aclu.org/other/2012-prisoners-assistance-directory]
**Source page [https://www.aclu.org/other/2012-prisoners-assistance-directory]
*Know Your Rights: Prisoner’s Rights [https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/prisoners-rights/]
**Learn more here about your right to be protected against discrimination and abuse in prison and what to do if your rights are violated. The law is always evolving. If you have access to a prison law library, it is a good idea to research new developments. Includes scenario, “I'm experiencing discrimination or abuse in prison because I’m transgender.”
**Also on [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]] Page
WA County and City Public Defender Offices [http://www.opd.wa.gov/index.php/resources/16-res/17-public-defender]
WA County and City Public Defender Offices [http://www.opd.wa.gov/index.php/resources/16-res/17-public-defender]
*If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, you may ask the court to appoint a public defense attorney to represent you.  The determination of eligibility for a court appointed attorney is handled by the local court. The following counties and cities provide local public defender agencies to represent adults and juveniles who are accused of a crime and cannot afford to pay a lawyer.  These agencies may be reached at the phone numbers listed.  To find public defense help in a county or city not listed below, contact the court in which the charges are filed.
*If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, you may ask the court to appoint a public defense attorney to represent you.  The determination of eligibility for a court appointed attorney is handled by the local court. The following counties and cities provide local public defender agencies to represent adults and juveniles who are accused of a crime and cannot afford to pay a lawyer.  These agencies may be reached at the phone numbers listed.  To find public defense help in a county or city not listed below, contact the court in which the charges are filed.
Know Your Rights: Prisoner’s Rights [https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/prisoners-rights/]
*Learn more here about your right to be protected against discrimination and abuse in prison and what to do if your rights are violated. The law is always evolving. If you have access to a prison law library, it is a good idea to research new developments. Includes scenario, “I'm experiencing discrimination or abuse in prison because I’m transgender.”
*Also on [[Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources]] Page

Revision as of 15:16, 16 August 2021

Washington DOC Publications

Resolution Program Manual

  • The Department of Corrections’ Resolution Program is an unbiased, internal resolution and appeal system that promotes effective communication between employees/contract staff/volunteers and individuals under the Department’s jurisdiction in an effort to resolve concerns at the lowest possible level. In order to facilitate a positive, prosocial environment, the Resolution Program was developed with the intent of reducing violence and providing employees/contract staff/volunteers and the individual with an example of appropriate and equitable behavior
    • English March 2021 [1]
  • También disponible en español Recursos en español Recursos Washington DOC

DOC Health Services Offender Health Plan

  • The Washington state Department of Corrections (DOC) provides medically necessary health and mental health care to incarcerated individuals in our facilities. This includes both major and minor facilities but does not include Work releases. The Washington DOC Health Plan defines which services are medically necessary. The WA DOC Health Plan is not a contract or a guarantee of services to incarcerated individuals.
    • English 04/2021 [2]
  • También disponible en español Recursos en español Recursos Washington DOC

Approved Non-Profit Book Donors [3]


Adams State University Print-based Prison College Program [4]

  • At Adams State University, they know how important education is to all individuals, especially for those who happen to be incarcerated. Through correspondence courses, Adams State University provides an opportunity for incarcerated students to work for college credit and towards a degree.
  • More information [5]
  • Course Catalog [6]
  • Important Dates/Course Rotation [7]
  • Apply [8]
    • Admissions Checklist [9]
    • Application for admissions [10]
  • Course Registration [11]
    • Course Registration form [12]
  • Third Party Release [13]
  • Policies and Procedures [14]
  • Prison College Program FAQ [15]
  • For Veterans, see Adams State Veteran specific information on the Veterans Resources page.

Colorado State University-Pueblo (CSU-Pueblo) Undergraduate Degree Program, Extended Studies [16]

  • Independent Study at CSU Pueblo provides rigorous, flexible courses and degree programs so that you can achieve your educational goals on your own schedule. We offer over 100 exceptional print-based and digital correspondence courses and three degree programs, all taught by CSU Pueblo faculty and subject-matter experts. Whether you’re a student looking for flexibility, a student who is incarcerated and needs entirely print-based courses, or a member of our military taking courses at home or abroad, our Independent Study program may be right for you.
  • Independent Study [17]
    • 2021-2022 Extended Studies Catalog [18]
  • Undergraduate Degree Programs [19]
    • Minors Academic Planning Sheet [20]
    • Business Management Academic Planning Sheet 2021-22 [21]
    • Criminology Academic Planning Sheet 2021-22 [22]
    • Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Planning Sheet 2021-22 [23]
    • Sociology Academic Planning Sheet 2021-22 [24]
    • Foundations of Business & Homeland Security Studies Certificates Academic Planning Sheet 2021-22 [25]

Ohio University Correctional Education [26]

  • Since 1974, Ohio University’s Correctional Education has provided an opportunity for incarcerated students to study through print-based courses, to earn college credit, and work toward an Ohio University degree. Students who want to learn — but aren’t interested in a degree — can take a few courses or complete a legal studies certificate. Degree and certificate options: Associate degrees, Bachelor's degree, Legal Studies Certificate Courses.
  • Inquiry Packet [27]
  • Welcome Packet [28]
  • Associate Degrees, Print-Based Education [29]
  • Bachelor's Degrees, Print-Based Education [30]
    • Associate and Bachelor's Print-Based Course List [31]
  • Legal Certificates, Print-Based Education [32]
    • Legal Certificate Course List [33]
    • NOTE: Legal certificate courses are noncredit courses, and participants may start these courses at any time.
  • Admission Information [34]
  • Application for Admission 2018/2019 [35]
  • How to Register for Courses [36]
  • Course Registration Form [37]
  • Cost for Print-Based Education [38]

Rio Salado College Incarcerated Re-Entry: Distance Learning (IRE) [39]

  • Rio Salado College's Incarcerated Re-entry (IRE) program offers distance learning classes for incarcerated students. Classes are offered in print based correspondence formats.
  • Correspondence Course Guide [40]
  • Post Release Resources [41]

Blackstone Career Institute [42]

  • Blackstone Career Institute offers two course options to students who are incarcerated. Paralegal Program Inmate students can earn their paralegal certification. Specialized Courses Inmate students can expand their legal knowledge
  • Paralegal Certificate for the Incarcerated [43]
  • Paralegal Program Overview [44]
  • Advanced Paralegal Course Curriculum [45]
  • Enrollment Agreement [46]
  • Tuition and Program Payment Plans [47]

Federal Student Aid (FSA) Eligibility for Students Confined in Adult Correctional or Juvenile Justice Facilities [48]

  • Find answers to questions you may have about how being incarcerated in an adult correctional facility or committed to a juvenile justice facility affects your eligibility for federal student aid for college or career school, including Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information.
  • Students with criminal convictions have limited eligibility for federal student aid [49]
    • Make sure you understand your status, and don't assume you can't get aid.

Freedom Project [50]

  • Freedom Project is an innovative educational organization serving inmates and those recently released back into the community. Their programs focus on nonviolent communication and mindfulness.
  • Prison Programs [51]
  • Reentry Programs [52]
  • Contact Information [53]
  • Also on Statewide/National Resource Health Page.


See "Approved Non-Profit Book Donors" on this page under Washington DOC Publications for a list of non-profits approved to send donated books to people who are incarcerated in Washington DOC facilities.

Books to Prisoners Seattle - How to Request Books [54]

  • Books To Prisoners is a Seattle-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to foster a love of reading behind bars, encourage the pursuit of knowledge and self-empowerment, and break the cycle of recidivism. We believe that books are tools for learning and for opening minds to new ideas and possibilities, and engage incarcerated individuals with the benefits of reading by mailing tens of thousands of free books to inmates across the country each year.

Naljor Prison Dharma Service Resource Directory 3/5/2020 [55]

  • Naljor Prison Dharma Service is an outreach project of SourcePoint Global Outreach. They provide resource materials to men and women in prison throughout the United States, to numerous prison outreach organizations, and to individuals working directly with those inside prison
  • Source Page [56]

Prison Book Program - National Prisoner Resource List (NPRL) 4/2020 [57]

  • This list provides information about places where prisoners and their families can find: Support, Advocacy, Health care information (including HIV protection), Outlets for their creativity, Lifelines to the outside community. We often hear from people that a resource on the National Prisoner Resource List (NPRL) helped them get the services they needed or simply made them feel less hopeless because they found someplace to turn for support. The NPRL is sent to prisoners upon request. There is no charge for it. It is also available below in a regular and large-print version for families and friends to print and mail to their loved ones.
  • Book Request Form [59]

Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC) National Prisoner Resource Directory 6/2018 [61]

  • PARC corresponds with and mails this resource packet to prisoners, their friends and family members. They are often the first point of contact for people to connect with prisoners' rights organizations, community organizations, prison literature and arts projects, family and visiting resources, healthcare and legal resources, parole and pre-release resources, and the prison abolition movement.
  • Source Page [62]

Legal Assistance & Rights

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

  • Prisoners' Assistance Directory 2012 [63]
    • A list of national and state-based organizations that assist prisoners and their families in various capacities. Includes contact information and descriptions of services for over 300 national, state, local and international organizations that provide assistance to prisoners, ex-offenders, and families of prisoners. It also includes a bibliography of informative books, reports, manuals, and newsletters of interest to prisoners and their advocates.
    • NOTE: Last update in 2012
    • Source page [64]
  • Know Your Rights: Prisoner’s Rights [65]
    • Learn more here about your right to be protected against discrimination and abuse in prison and what to do if your rights are violated. The law is always evolving. If you have access to a prison law library, it is a good idea to research new developments. Includes scenario, “I'm experiencing discrimination or abuse in prison because I’m transgender.”
    • Also on Queer & LGBTQIA+ Resources Page

WA County and City Public Defender Offices [66]

  • If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, you may ask the court to appoint a public defense attorney to represent you. The determination of eligibility for a court appointed attorney is handled by the local court. The following counties and cities provide local public defender agencies to represent adults and juveniles who are accused of a crime and cannot afford to pay a lawyer. These agencies may be reached at the phone numbers listed. To find public defense help in a county or city not listed below, contact the court in which the charges are filed.