- Ayer Annual1
- Content: Populist; Ind. Dem.
- Established: 1894
- Pages: 4
- Size: 13x20 ; 15x22
- Editor: Robert A. Turner
- Publisher: Robert A. Turner
- Frequency: Saturday
- Coverage
- Region:
- County: Kittitas county
- Unique ids
- The reformer's dawn (OCLC #781972759, LCCN 2012252554); covers Nov. 1893-Jan. 1894.
- Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash. : 1894) (OCLC #17308839, LCCN sn 88085011); covers Aug. 4, 1894.
- The Weekly dawn (OCLC #781971529, LCCN 2012252559); covers Aug. 11, 1894-Jan. 12, 1895.
- Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash. : 1895) (OCLC #781973481, LCCN 2012252560); covers Jan. 19, 1895-Mar. 11, 1898
- The Ellensburg dawn (OCLC #17308844, LCCN sn 88085012); covers Mar. 18, 1898-?
Digitization plan
e.g. 2008-2009 gr
- Plan to digitize 1894-1913 - 6 reels
- Preceding title: The dawn. (Ellensburg, Wash.) 1894-1898
- Succeeding title: The Ellensburg democrat. (Ellensburg, Wash.) 1914-1915
- Related titles:
NEH Approved Essay
A. Turner,
a newsp
an from Missouri, moved to W
ashington for he
alth re
asons in 1890. He
and his wife, Minnerv
a, first settled in Se
attle, but when he could not secure
able sp
ace for his p
aper pl
ant, they moved to Ellensburg in 1891. In November 1893, Turner beg
an publishing
a 12-p
age monthly, the
Reformer’s Dawn LCCN sn88085011, to
ate for the People’s P
and the Populist movement which “w
as sweeping westw
ard with wonderful strength
and h
ad just re
ached Kittit
as county in force,”
according to Turner in
An Illustrated History of Klickitat, Yakima, and Kittitas Counties. The p
aper quickly
achieved popul
and by
August 4, 1894, Turner ch
anged the title to the
Dawn. In his editori
al for the in
al issue, Turner st
ated, “we find we c
annot successfully comb
at the evils th
at obstruct the reform movement with
a monthly, hence h
ave concluded to publish
a weekly.”
After only one issue, Turner ch
anged the n
ame to the
Weekly Dawn to reinforce
and reflect the more frequent public
ation. The p
aper w
as published under this title from
August 11, 1894 to J
ary 12, 1895,
and then reverted b
ack to the
Dawn from J
ary 19, 1895 until M
arch 11, 1898. On M
arch 18, 1898, the newsp
aper w
as ren
amed the
Ellensburg Dawn.
By 1900, the thriving town of Ellensburg h
ad sever
al est
ablished cre
ameries, stock production r
anches (c
attle, horses, hogs,
and sheep), gold
and co
al mines,
and sm
ale mills
and w
as the division he
arters of the Northern P
acific R
ay. Bec
ause interest in the Populist movement w
as dwindling, Turner ch
anged the
Ellensburg Dawn’s politic
ation to Independent
and turned his
and the p
aper’s efforts to promoting the gener
al welf
and economic development of Ellensburg
and Kittit
as County. By 1906, the
Ellensburg Dawn w
as published on
a semiweekly b
Turner w
appointed postm
aster of Ellensburg in 1914
and bec
ame extremely busy with the Thrift St
and Liberty Bond c
as well
as with other w
artime duties.
After 25 ye
ars of editing the p
aper, Turner le
ased the
Ellensburg Dawn to
Arthur Slemmons
and Jefferson D. M
athews in 1915. It w
absorbed by the
Ellensburg Democrat LCCN sn88085013, which w
as published from J
ary 29, 1914 to June 10, 1915, when it w
as then sold to Willi
am D
adler who continued to publish the p
as the
Inter-mountain Register LCCN sn88085014 until 1917.
Essay Notes
Ellensburg Public Libr
ary. "Newsp
aper, H
and Furniture." 1910?-1919?/2010.
http://content.statelib.wa.gov/u?/ellensburg,1647Ellensburg Public Libr
ary. "Turner's Print Shop." 1900?-1909?/2011.
http://content.statelib.wa.gov/u?/ellensburg,1890An Illustated History of Klickitat, Yakima, and Kittitas Counties, with an Outline fo the Early History of the State of Washington. Ev
ansville, IN: Unigr
aphic, 1977.
almer, G
ayle. L. ed.
Washington State Union List of Newspapers on Microfilm. Olympi
a, W
A: W
ashington St
ate Libr
ary. 1991.
al History D
ates to 1873."
Daily Record, 67:194. M
arch 29, 1967. p.6
The Reformer's Dawn. Vol. 1, no.1-Vol. 3, no.1. Ellensburg, W
A: D
awn, 1893-1894.
http://catalog.lib.washington.edu/record=b5087802~S6Turner, Robert
A. “The Newsp
apers of Kittit
as County.”
The Coast, 15:5. M
ay 1908. p.348.
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1897 -- 824
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1906 -- 895
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - The Ellensburg dawn
- WorldCat record - The Ellensburg Dawn
- WSL record - The Ellensburg Dawn
- UW record - The Ellensburg Dawn
- Filmed by: University of Washington Library
- Positives held by: UW
- Call Number: A3921
- Library holds: 1894-08-04 - 1913-12-25 (incomplete), 6 reels
- Film condition: 1B position, no resolution target,
- Negatives held by: UW
- film quality eval notes 1894-08-04 1898-12-30: Pages are a little light, but generally clear and legible. Some pages are very faded. There are about 8 issues that were either printed sideways or photographed incorrectly that are very difficult to read. If original paper dimensions are 13x20, then reduction ration is about 18x. It is possible that this paper was smaller though. Many of the images from 1896-1898 are very faded.
- Film eval notes 1899-01-06 1903-12-30: Gutter shadow is present and the right and left sides are cut off many of the early issues on this reel. Contrast varies widely throughout the roll and many are very faded.
- Film eval notes 1904-01-07 1905-12-28: The contrast is very poor throughout the reel.
- Film eval notes 1906-01-04 1907-12-27: About one page per issue has very poor contrast. Some odd pages have right edge cut off; 1/4 of pages are very faded; Image quality poor overall.
- Film eval notes 1908-01-03 1909-12-31: Some pages are light but overall are better than previous reels.
- Film eval notes 1910-01-06 1913-12-25: Gutter shadow is present, causing some distortion. The right and left sides are cut off on many issues on this reel.
Link to
Title Spreadsheets (Google)Totals