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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.1 seconds and yielded 9 results.
Ayer Annual 1 Content: Republican? Established: 1898 Pages: 8? Size: 18 x 24? Editor: Publisher: Olympian-Tribune Pub. Co. Frequency: Daily, Except Monday Coverage Region: Olympia, County: Thurston County Unique ids LCCN: sn88085354 OCLC: 17372151 Digitization plan 2012 grant
On sub list to digitize 1898-1922 (46 reels)
History Succeeding title: Daily Olympian Related titles: Olympian NEH Approved Essay
Morning Olympian , LCCN sn88085354 [...]
[...] seeking a replacement for at this time. We are now in the process of evaluating the condition of the Morning Olympian microfilm. We will review the full date range of this title between 1898-1922 though we won’t be able to digitize all of these issues in the remaining grant cycle. The number of pages in the Seattle P-I collection will determine how much of the Olympian we can digitize, but at least we’ll be ready once that determination is made. We plan to find some way of funding the digitizing of any remaining [...]
[...] reel) History Preceding titles: Yakima Democrat?, preceded by the Signal Succeeding title: Yakima_Morning_Herald Related titles: Yakima Daily Republic Essay Notes 1989-02-26 Yakima Herald Republic article: 1889 M Reed and James R Coe buy subscription list from Democrat, start "independent" paper. Reed worked for JM Adams at the Signal. Bought the Signal. Coe bought the Signal, changed the name to Democrat. Reed and Coe form partnership, change name of paper to Herald. 1885 controversy over whether to move the town. Republic was advocate of railroad interests. [...]
[...] Discontent , Lakebay and Home, WA Ellensburg Dawn Ellensburgh Capital Everett Herald alt. Everett Morning Tribune Everett News The Eye , Snohomish Industrial Freedom , Edison Island County Times , Coupville Journal Progressive , Bellingham Kennewick Courier Klickitat County Agriculturalist , Goldendale Labor Journal , Everett Leavenworth Echo Lincoln County Times , Davenport Lynden Tribune Marysville Globe Mason County Journal Message , Port Townsend Model Commonwealth , Port Angeles Monroe Monitor Navy Yard American , Bremerton New Citizen , Seattle [...]
>>>>>See Yakima Herald Click edit to see Yakima Morning Herald title research
2012-2014 Grant Titles Morning Olympian [...]
[...] "Statesman" was consolidated with the "Walla Walla Union" [LCCN: sn84022798], with the "Union" as a morning paper, the "Statesman" remaining an evening [...]
[...] Annual 1 Content: Republican Established: 1868/1876 Pages: 12 Size: sn83045610 (daily intelligencer - morning ed.) 24x36 Note: these measurements seem to [...]