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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.1 seconds and yielded 28 results.

Interim Reports — 12.5%

[...] will review the full date range of this title between 1898-1922 though we won’t be able to digitize all of these issues in the remaining grant cycle. The number of pages in the Seattle P-I collection will determine how much of the Olympian we can digitize, but at least we’ll be ready once that determination is made. We plan to find some way of funding the digitizing of any remaining issues once the NDNP grant ends. 3. Describe any specific award activities that have taken place between collaborating institutions in your state. We continue to have an excellent working [...]

Progress Reports — 11.5%

[...] with. They have been steadily chipping away at the stack of documents in the OCR zoning stage despite all the staffing changes in NDNP last summer. They've really helped keep us on track. We're sad to announce that Shawn Moriarty, an early member of the NDNP team, has decided to resign from WSL. But the good news is she'll be able to spend more time with her daughter Nina, future digital librarian extraordinaire. They also make appearances in the department from time to time to get that "early librarian learning time in. Judy Pitchford will be taking on some additional [...]

Grant 1 Batches — 6.3%

[...] for the second edition. Is should be "last edition" and appears as "extra edition". Dana, I looked at all of these xml files and they all state "Last Edition" §§(lrobinson,2010/03/17 17:02:45)§§. minor issue E:\QA_indian-plum\pdf-xml_only\sn87093407\00211107352\1904083101 and 1904083001 have their edition labels mixed up. Also see E:\QA_indian-plum\pdf-xml_only\sn87093407\00211107352\1904090801 Looked at sn87093407\00211107352\1904090801 and didn't see any label edition error - reported the rest §§(lrobinson,2010/03/24 18:00:47)§§ Documented [...]

Colville Examiner — 5.2%

[...] indexed this paper for births, deaths, and legal notices. The Society also holds an obituary index for all local papers. The University of Washington Libraries has a subject index for the Colville Examiner covering the dates 1908-1920. This index was completed in 1940 as a WPA project and is available on microfilm. A detailed history of Colville newspapers, written by J. C. Harrigan, was printed in the Statesman-Examiner on October 21, 1960. long version In 1907 a group of Colville men, dissatisfied with the way that the democratic position was represented in other local [...]

Final Reports — 5.2%

[...] manager. Delivery At this point 100% of the data and images have been delivered and accepted by LC. All essays have been researched, written, delivered to, and accepted by NEH staff. Accomplishments Washington’s participation in the National Digital Newspaper Program accomplished goals and initiated further plans for future development of digital collections. 1) It produced files for over 100,000 pages of newspaper content that met the NDNP standards and specifications for deposit with the Library of Congress. 2) It initiated a move to create access to a state repository [...]

Working groups — 3.1%

[...] and news See Progress Reports (Working group reports) NEH Reports See Interim Reports See Latest Updates Milestones Project updates [...]

Colfax Gazette — 3.1%

[...] Gazette covered local news in detail and commented on current events from the republican perspective. All legal notices were published in this "official paper" of Whitman County. News of wars abroad, national economic issues, and features related to the agriculture industry and transportation infrastructure development were the most likely to be included in this paper. The digitized selection includes coverage of a major local flood in 1910. L. E. Kellogg, co-founder of the paper, sold his share in 1879. He then founded the North West Tribune [LCCN: sn 88085248] and the [...]

San Juan Islander — 3.1%

[...] title) (11 reels). Found that 1899 issues are merged with Islander film - going to evaluate and digitize all. Made it into final list sent to OCLC. Decided to add due to local need and geography. Plan to digitize WSL's film - 1899-1914 (9 reels) History Preceding title: Islander (Friday Harbor) Essay Draft The Islander was first published by James Cooper Wheeler on March 6, 1891 in Friday Harbor, Washington. Friday Harbor is located on San Juan Island in the Puget Sound about half-way between Bellingham, Washington and Victoria, British Columbia. The paper included [...]

Latest Updates — 3.1%

[...] Socialist x x x x draft x x x x pdf Note: x (finished), + (partial or in progress) Top Wiki page updates {RECENTCHANGES} Top

Main Page — 3.1%

[...] Wenatchee Daily World , 1905-1910 (WSL) - imgs leftover from 2008 grant ...more Titles Latest Updates 2010-2012 Progress Chart Wiki updates [...]

Morning Olympian — 3.1%

[...] devoted to reporting the daily happenings of the growing state capital. Olympia was center stage for all the political happenings of Washington State, and the Morning Olympian dutifully covered the all legislative news of the day. It was published every day except Monday, from 1898 to 1927. Like many papers at the time, the paper was backed by a political party and its Republican leanings led to a healthy rivalry with the Democratic Washington Standard [...]

ranch research — 2.1%

[...] Times-Argus subscription list has been sold to Miller Freeman...and he is hearby authorized to collect all delinquent subscriptions due the Times Argus up to May 21, 1897 and hereby agrees to carry out all [...]

Latest Updates — 2.1%

Washington Socialist (Everett) — 2.1%

[...] reel) Washington Socialist 1914-1915, The Northwest Worker 1915-1917, and Co-operative News 1917-1918 all appear on the same reel: A3099 Top History Preceding: The Commonwealth Succeeding: The Northwest Worker ; Co-operative News WSL publish history chart: Essay Draft The Commonwealth [LCCN:sn84025731], an Everett, Washington Socialist weekly, found itself deep in debt after only three years of publication. Though business manager Katherine Hodgins was able to make the paper pay its current bills and some of its debt after she took leadership in January of 1914, [...]

Seattle Republican — 2.1%

[...] particularly rich single source of information concerning the treatment and successes of African Americans all around the country, particularly in the South. But its primary focus was local party politics and Seattle's African American community. It became a daily in February 1896 in order to publish a newly revised City Charter and help the daily Seattle Post Intelligencer outmaneuver its rival the Seattle Times , but it quickly reverted to a weekly a month later and remained so to the end of its run. The story of the Seattle Republican is the story of Horace Roscoe Cayton. [...]

About WA-NDNP — 2.1%

[...] 20 years, NDNP will create a national, digital resource of historically significant newspapers from all the states and U.S. territories published between 1836 and 1922. This searchable database will be permanently maintained at the Library of Congress (LC) and be freely accessible via the Internet. more info NDNP @ NEH NDNP @ LOC - Technical Specs Top WA-NDNP See WSL Blog post about our grant See Washington Community Newspaper: Collaboration for New Access (Final Narrative from grant pkg) About this Wiki This wiki is a collaborative web site for planning [...]

NDNP News — 1.0%

[...] html=a&utf=y&" type="text/javascript"> Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers Updates on new content, points of interest, research [...]

Seattle Republican Evaluation Finished (Seattle Republican) — 1.0%

All issues have been evaluated. See totals here: [...]

Digital object repository software — 1.0%

[...] supposed to make it easier to ingest things for a less-technically inclined person. Capcity "Store all types of content and its metadata," " Digital [...]

Pullman Herald — 1.0%

[...] Location: WSL Call Number: NEWSPAPER 10/87 Lib. has Nov. 3, 1888 - Feb. 4, 1989 Known gaps Missing all 1892 issues Notes Part of batch2 - delivered [...]

Leavenworth Echo — 1.0%

[...] until the citizens remodeled their town in the 1960s. The Echo has continued to be published through all of the ups and downs in Leavenworth history. [...]

Kennewick Courier — 1.0%

[...] off at the binding. Contrast and resolution are mostly good. Film eval notes 1909-01-01 1911-03-17: All of 1910 is missing from the reel. Gutter shadow [...]

Grant 2 Batches — 1.0%

[...] need to be part of an issue container (don't fully understand this, tested it with Shawn and sometimes all targets are included in reel and sometimes [...]

QA Report — 1.0%

[...] script finishes the first test table will open in a browser Understanding the Results Links in all the tables will open up the corresponding [...]

Newport Miner — 1.0%

[...] little discolored, but contrast improves later in the reel. Resolution, reduction ratio, and focus all look very good. Mostly good contrast and resolution, [...]

Bremerton News — 1.0%

[...] A630 Dates held: 1901-1922 Notes Contacted UC (per Proquest's suggestion via email) and was told all film should belong to UW now. Glenda mentioned [...]

Snohomish County Tribune — 1.0%

[...] notes 1895-01-04 1897-10-29: images are generally infocus with good contrast. Some images are light; all damaged/dim images have targets. film eval [...]

Seattle Post-Intelligencer — 1.0%

[...] reels (to 1900) but ran out of room in grant) Title carried into 2012-14 grant cycle and will digitized all 73 reels 1876-1900. ss History Preceding [...]

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