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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.2 seconds and yielded 14 results.

Interim Reports — 34.0%

[...] grant cycle. Our vendor Content Conversion Specialists (CCS) does an annual upgrade of their docWorks software each spring, usually in March or April. The upgrade this year should appear in mid-April and include minor fixes to known issues. No major interface or functional changes will be made. Once the upgrade has been completed and tested we will begin our full swing on production by early May. My plan for full production in early May is also contingent upon scheduling and staffing in April. One of our valued student staff at the University of Washington is moving [...]

Digital object repository software — 22.2%

Digital Object Repository Software Quick Comparison open source GUI (admin, ingest, export, and editing) Windows OS parse METS batch uploads formats supported harvest capability Greenstone yes yes, yes, yes, yes yes sort of ContentDM no yes, sort of, yes, yes yes no OAI-PMH Fedora Commons yes yes, sort of, yes, sort of yes sort of OAI-PMH DSpace yes yes Greenstone website: http://www.greenstone.org/ spec sheet How to build a digital [...]

Final Reports — 14.8%

[...] Report (July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2010) NEH Award Number: PJ50038-08 Project Name: Washington State Digital Newspaper Project Awardee Institution: Washington State Library NDNP State: Washington Project Director: Marlys Rudeen Project Manager: Laura Robinson Report Date: September 30, 2010 Project Activities Project Administration Upon notice of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) award, an internal project team at the Washington State Library (WSL) was created, a search started for a project manager, and a request for proposal [...]

Progress Reports — 11.1%

[...] sn87093109)from the late 1800s. Neat stuff from 130 years ago! We received an upgrade of our docWorks software in February and met the CCS U.S. Systems Engineer, Tip Ros, at that time for training. It was great to meet Tip and we learned a lot more about the application that does our OCR processing, metadata management and generation of derivative files allowing us to meet NDNP requirements. Staff Changes Carl Burnett has graciously volunteered to assist us in processing and newspaper essay research despite his busy schedule working at UW's Suzzallo Library and completing [...]

NDNP News — 5.6%

[...] able to continue our historic newspaper digitization project for an additional two years. The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) is a collaborative grant program between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress, seeking to fund state newspaper digitization projects and make select titles available through the Chronicling America website." Read More.. How Digitizing is Changing my Life: Ashley Fejeran "Each day, tucked deep in the cozy basement of Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington, my colleagues and I are working [...]

Historic Newspapers of Washington - Functional Specs — 3.1%

Overview WSL's Historic Newspapers of Washington is the repository for and online presentation of issues of historic newspapers throughout Washington State. Purpose Historic Newspapers in Washington will serve as the integrated search and browse interface for digital issues of Washington Pioneer Newspapers (volunteer indexed pre-statehood newspapers) and the full-text searchable newspapers (OCRd text, issues published before 1923) digitized as part of the NDNP grants. Newspapers are one of the most requested and viewed materials at [...]

Main Page — 1.2%

[...] project wiki. It tracks the progress of the Washington State Library's participation in the National Digital Newspaper Program . With a grant from the National Endowment for Humanaties , the Washington State Library is participating in the National Digital [...]

About WA-NDNP — 1.2%

[...] Working Groups for more contacts Library of Congress NDNP Wiki (Laura Robinson WA) NDNP The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) is a partnership between the NEH and the Library of Congress to provide enhanced access to United States newspapers. Ultimately, over a period of approximately 20 years, NDNP will create a national, digital [...]

Grant Administration — 1.2%

[...] 2010 origital title list - WA-NDNPTitles_2009-02-17.xls Technical Documentation LC's National Digital Newspaper Program Documentation Technical guidelines and metadata dictionary New: NDNP Technical Guidelines for 2010 awardees Old: NDNP Technical Guidelines for 2009 awardees - NDNP_201113TechNotes.pdf Old: NDNP Technical Guidelines for 2009 awardees - NDNP_200911TechNotes.pdf Old: NDNP Technical Guidelines for 2008 awardees - NDNP_200810TechNotes.pdf Digital [...]

Grant 1 Batches — 0.6%

[...] version and was able to get BATCH_1.xml to verify. lr OK√ Likely due to not using the latest dvv software version. CCS validated with ver. 1.4.1_3.1 [...]

Working groups — 0.6%

[...] 18017-89161-800-773-7222 Ext: 430email: [email protected] Microfilming Project Manager: Joan DaShiell Sr. Digital Project ManagerOCLC - Preservation Service [...]

Seattle Post-Intelligencer — 0.6%

[...] Post-Intelligencer as of March 2009 no longer prints news in broadsheet, but remains an active force in the world of digital publishing. Soon after its creation, the [...]

Adams County News — 0.6%

[...] Washington. 1904. http://catalog.lib.washington.edu/record=b2404138~S6 Washington State Archives: Digital Archives. Gilson Scrapbooks. http://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/Collections/TitleInfo/1029 [...]

Essay Research Bibliography — 0.6%

[...] , digitized and hosted by University of North Texas. N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual - digital copy at LOC Seattle City Directories , Seattle [...]

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