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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.2 seconds and yielded 7 results.
[...] A. Turner Frequency: Saturday Coverage Region: County: Kittitas county Unique ids The reformer's dawn (OCLC #781972759, LCCN 2012252554); covers Nov. 1893-Jan. 1894. Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash. : 1894) (OCLC #17308839, LCCN sn 88085011); covers Aug. 4, 1894. The Weekly dawn (OCLC #781971529, LCCN 2012252559); covers Aug. 11, 1894-Jan. 12, 1895. Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash. : 1895) (OCLC #781973481, LCCN 2012252560); covers Jan. 19, [...]
[...] will contain mostly the Seattle Star, though the first batch will contain a re-worked issue of the (Ellensburg) Dawn as per Henry’s suggestion at LC. It is a minor fix that will allow our last batch from 2010-12 to move forward and be included in the next upload to Chronicling America.
We’ll have files back by then of the Seattle P-I , but as mentioned above, the staffing changes may delay the third full batch by a couple of weeks. The Morning Olympian will be digitized by the end of 2013 and at this point I estimate that we should have [...]
[...] County news (Ritzville, WA), 1906-1907 (WSL) Washington State journal (Ritzville, WA), 1907 (WSL) Ellensburg Dawn , 1898-1913 (UW) The Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.), 1894-1898 (UW) Evening Statesman , (Walla Walla, Wash.), 1903-1910 (WSL) - imgs leftover from 2008 grant Kennewick Courier , 1905-1914 (WSL) Columbia Courier (Kennewick, Wash.), 1903-1905 (WSL) Labor Journal , (Everett, Wash.), 1909-1922 (UW) - imgs leftover from 2008 grant Lynden Tribune , 1908-1922 (UW) - imgs leftover [...]
[...] County news (Ritzville, WA), 1906-1907 (WSL) Washington State journal (Ritzville, WA), 1907 (WSL) Ellensburg [...]
[...] Online News release Aberdeen Herald x x x x x x x x x Adams County News x x x x x x x x x Ellensburg Dawn [...]
[...] Wilhelm, Honor L., ed. “Irrigated Washington Along N.P.R.R.: Ellensburg, North Yakima, Prosser, Kennewick and Pasco.” [...]