- Ayer Annual1
- Content: Independent Republican
- Established: 1899
- Pages: 8
- Size: 15x22
- Editor: Clyde C. Henion / W.R. Herbert
- Publisher: Miner Publishing Company
- Frequency: Weekly
- Coverage
- Region: Northeast
- County: Pend Oreille
- Unique ids
- LCCN: sn87008085
- OCLC: 15248685
Digitization plan
2010 grant
- Plan to digitize 1907-1912 (5 reels)
- Preceding title: Newport Pilot (1897-1900)
- Related title: The Gem State miner (Old Town, Ida.) 1971-current
NEH Approved Essay
Newport, Wa
shington, i
s located in the Pend Oreille Valley on the Wa
shington/Idaho border. It wa
s e
shed in 1895 when town
speople from Newport (now Oldtown), Idaho migrated we
st with the Great Northern Railway line. Newport grew
steadily a
s settler
s developed agriculture (alfalfa and cattle), logging, milling (lumber and
saw), and mining indu
The origin of the
Newport Miner i
s a
subject of debate among
st local hi
s. Many believe that the
Miner wa
s originally publi
shed a
s the
Newport Pilot LCCN sn88085919 in 1897-1900 and became known a
s the
Newport Miner thereafter. However, other
s maintain that the
Pilot and
Miner were
separately publi
shed weekly new
s which merged
sometime in 1900. Thi
s view i
s supported by bibliographic record
s found in
Washington State Union List of Newspapers on Microfilm (1991) which indicate
s that the
Pilot wa
s “ab
sorbed by,” a
s oppo
sed to “continued by,” the
Miner. The exact
start date of the Miner i
s al
so conte
sted by hi
s. According to current
Miner publi
sher, Fred Willenbrock, “there are no known remaining copie
s of the fir
st i
ssue. Writing
s at the Pend Oreille County Hi
storical Mu
seum in Newport
state that the fir
st i
of the Miner wa
s dated Aug. 19, 1899. The fir
st i
s that are known to exi
st are both at the mu
seum – June 30, 1900, and July 7, 1900. The
se are the la
st two i
s of the fir
st year of publication. The
second year of publication began on July 14, 1900, making one que
stion the authenticity of the Augu
startup date.” The
Union List simply
s that the
Miner began in 1899 and thu
s cannot help clarify the ambiguity of the paper’
s start date.
Fred L. Wolf wa
s editor of the
Miner in1907-12 and often u
sed the paper a
s a platform for hi
s per
sonal intere
s. He dedicated
space in the
Miner to the e
shment of the Flathead Indian Re
servation (approved by Congre
ss in 1904 and opened in 1909), the opening of the Newport Public Library in 1909, and the approval of the development of Pend Oreille County and it
s sub
sequent divi
sion from
s County in 1911. In addition to Wolf’
s local cau
s, the
Miner al
so featured
serialized fiction, legal notice
s, local new
s brief
s, and adverti
s during thi
s period.
Wolf remained at the helm of the paper for 38 year
s and i
s con
sidered one of Pend Oreille’
s greate
st promoter
s and benefactor
s. The
Miner ha
s had
several editor
s since but ha
s continued a
s Newport’
s primary weekly new
spaper. In 1971, the paper al
so began being publi
shed a
s the
Gem State Miner LCCN sn89055102,
serving Newport’
s si
ster city of Oldtown, Idaho.
Essay Notes
sey, Laura. "Brief Hi
story of Pend Oreille County." 2006.
http://www.pendoreilleco.org/about/history.aspCity of Newport. "About Newport, Wa
shington." 2011.
http://www.newport-wa.org/other/about.html Palmer, Gayle. L. ed.
Washington State Union List of Newspapers on Microfilm. Olympia, WA: Wa
State Library. 1991.
http://catalog.lib.washington.edu/record=b2574142~S6Pend Oreille Hi
Society. "Hi
storical and Genealogical Re
search Archive
http://www.pocmuseum.org/research.htmlWillenbrock, Fred. "New
spaper Arrive
s before Mo
st In
The Miner. December 28, 2011.
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1907 -- 908
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - Newport Miner
- WorldCat record - Newport Miner
- WSL record - Newport Miner
- UW record - Newport Miner
- Filmed by: WSL in 1967
- Positives held by: WSL
- Call Number: 33/B
- Film condition: 1A position, dark film
- Library holds: Nov. 09, 1907- Dec. 26, 1912; Lacks: (Jan 03 1913-Nov 23 1922); Nov. 30, 1922; Lacks: (Dec 07 1922-Feb 03, 1966); Feb. 10, 1966-
- Negatives held by: Proquest
- film eval notes 1907-11-09 1909-01-07: There are several pages with damage (tears, or articles cut from the paper; damage occurs approximately once in every other issue) Early in the reel the paper seems a little discolored, but contrast improves later in the reel. Resolution, reduction ratio, and focus all look very good. Mostly good contrast and resolution, no gutter shadow or distortion. Nearly every issue has a small section cut out of at least one page. Although the reel says thru January 7, 1909, the last issue is December 31, 1908.
- film eval notes 1909-01-07 1909-07-29: Good contrast and resolution. Early issues have small sections cut out but later in the reel this decreases.
- film eval notes 1909-07-29 1910-11-24: Contrast is a little dark. A few issues have small sections cut out.
- film eval notes 1910-11-24 1912-04-11: Some issues are dark. There are several missing issues on the reel, with targets included.
- film eval notes 1912-04-11 1912-12-26: Some issues are dark but mostly good.
Newport miner eval spreadsheetsTotals