- Ayer Annual1
- Content: Democratic
- Established: 1886
- Pages: 8
- Size: 15x22; 28x44 (1890)
- Editor:
- Publisher:
- Frequency:
- Coverage
- Region: Southwest
- County: Chehalis
- Unique ids
- LCCN: sn 87093220
- OCLC: 17196902
Digitization plan
e.g. 2008-2009 grant
- Plan to digitize 1890-1917 - 19 reels (UW)
- Preceding title:
- Succeeding title:
- Related titles:
NEH Approved Essay
Aberdeen Weekly Herald LCCN sn90099799Aberdeen i
s the large
st city in Gray
s Harbor County (known a
s Chehali
s County until 1915),
situated on the central Wa
shington coa
st. Named for Aberdeen,
Scotland, the city i
s located at the confluence of the Chehali
s and Wi
shkah River
s, ju
st ea
st of Gray
s Harbor it
self. The fir
st white farmer
s settled in the area in the 1860
s; in the following decade
s, Aberdeen blo
ssomed into an indu
strial city that boa
sted numerou
s sawmill
s and
salmon cannerie
s. By the 1920
s Aberdeen declared it
self “The Lumber Capital of the World,” but the following decade
s saw a decline in indu
strial activity, the economic effect
s of which are
still felt today.
Hunt and Kaylor’
s Washington, West of the Cascades (1917) de
s the
Aberdeen Herald a
s the city’
s fir
st new
spaper. Politically, the paper
supported the Democratic Party. According to J. Orin Oliphant’
s “New
s of Wa
shington Territory,” the weekly
Herald started publication on October 20, 1886, under 18-year-old Harford Charle
s “Harry” Telfer. In 1887, according to Ayer’
s Directory of Newspapers, control pa
ssed to Edward C. Finch, a real e
state man who ran the paper for one year before leaving to found the rival
Aberdeen Bulletin LCCN sn90098840. For a
short period beginning in 1889, the paper wa
s called the
Aberdeen Weekly Herald. Over the next decade, under a
s of editor
s, the paper’
s circulation dwindled, amounting to ju
st 450 reader
s by 1897. In 1898, the
Herald wa
s acquired by one of Gray
s Harbor’
s mo
st prominent citizen
s, John J. Carney, a pioneering Aberdeen
sawmill operator, merchant, and land developer who had become the town’
s po
ster and then editor of the
Elma Chronicle LCCN sn87093214 and the
Washington Economist LCCN sn87093199. Carney merged the
Economist with the
Herald and went on to lead the paper longer than any other man,
serving a
s editor and publi
sher until the
s demi
se on July 1, 1917, with the exception of a
short period in 1915 when John A.
served a
s editor. From about 1904 until about 1911, the paper wa
s publi
shed twice a week. Circulation reached it
s highe
st point in 1916, at 2,100 reader
During the
se year
s, Aberdeen wa
s known a
s a rough-and-tumble frontier town. Major topic
s covered in the Herald include the di
scovery of oil in the nearby Hoh River valley and the killing
spree of Billy Gohl, “the Ghoul of Gray
s Harbor,” a union agent who may have murdered a
s many a
s 250
s in Aberdeen between 1903 and 1913. Gohl wa
s convicted of two murder
s in 1910, and he died in an in
sane a
sylum in 1927. During thi
s time, Aberdeen wa
s known a
s an important union town and an organizing center for the International Worker
s of the World.
Essay Notes
Aberdeen i
s the hub of Gray
s Harbor, an area of indu
stry. Greate
st claim to fame i
s a
s the birthplace of Kurt Cobain.
According to
Supplemental Wa
shington New
s, in 1887, editor and publi
sher wa
s Harford C. Telfer. In 1888, it tran
sferred to Edward Finch, and then to F.R. Wall in 1890.
According to Mitchell'
s Wa
shington New
s, Herald began in 1885 by Telfer, 1887 Finch wa
s ed. & pub., 1889 F.R. Wall, 1892 L.H. and F.R. Wall, 1895 Jame
s F. Girton, 1898 John J. Carney, 1915 John A.
son ed., Aberdeen Printing Co. pub., 1916 John J. Carney ed & pub.
Founded in 1886 by Edward C. Finch, a 25-year old real e
state man. He
sold the Aberdeen Herald in late 1888 and later ran the Aberdeen Bulletin with hi
s younger brother and the Aberdeen Weekly Record.
John J. Carney, po
ster of Aberdeen, purcha
sed the Monte
sano Economi
st in 1895 and con
solidated it with the Aberdeen Herald in 1898.
From Wa
shington, We
st of the Ca
s: hi
storical and de
scriptive; the explorer
s, the Indian
s, the pioneer
s, the modern, Vol. 2, 1917, Herbert Hunt and Floyd C. Kaylor
s Annual 1917 Publi
sher and Editor: John J. Carney
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1908 -- 903
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1890 -- 727
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - Aberdeen herald
- WorldCat record - Aberdeen herald
- WSL record - Aberdeen herald
- UW record - Aberdeen herald
- Filmed by: University of Washington Library
- Positives held by: UW
- Call Number: A4508
- Library holds: Nov. 3 1886; Oct. 23 1890-June 29, 1917 (incomplete)
- Film condition: 1B position, resolution target present, reduction ratio target present.
- Negatives held by: UW
- Call Number: A4508; A7251 (for issue 1886-11-03 only)
- film qual eval 1890-10-23 1893-10-05: red. ratio matches if page dimensions were 15x22. Photographer cut off right side of even numbered pages and left edge of the left column of odd numbed pages is illegible until April 16, 1891. Gutter shadow/distortion a problem throughout this reel.
- film eval notes 1893-10-12 1896-10-01
gutter shadow and information loss is still a problem at the edge of the pages. There are some out of focus pages (estimated 1 of 40 images is too blurry to read at beginning of reel. No duplicates present. This problem gets worse towards the end of the reel, with about 1 of 20 images blurry.) For the most part the contrast is good and very few images appear faded.
- Film eval notes 1896-10-06 1899-09-27: gutter shadow and information loss at edges evident. Many blurry pages (one per issue).
- film eval 1899-10-05 1901-12-26: gutter shadow
- film eval 1902-01-09 1902-12-29: a few out of focus pages and poorly photographed pages, but there is no gutter shadow and contrast and quality is generally good.
- Film eval 1907: Good contrast. Often the 2nd and 4th pages of an issue have poor focus. It appears that some of the issues are bound but most are loose leaf.
- film quality eval 1908-01-02 1908-12-31: reduction ratio on target matches caliper measurement. Pages appear to be legible with very few stains or damaged parts. Good contrast.
- Film eval notes 1909-1910: Film eval: Generally good but several torn pages.
- Film eval notes 1911: Generally good. Numbering is very erratic throughout the year.
- Film eval notes 1912: Frame size increases beginning at 6/20/12. Film eval: Contrast in the second half of the reel is very poor. Pages are very dark.
- Film eval notes 1913-1915: Contrast varies widely throughout the reel.
- Film eval notes 1916: Contrast varies widely and reinforcements from the binding are visible on the reel.
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Title Spreadsheets (Google)