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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.1 seconds and yielded 10 results.
[...] need for funding and grants to support a larger project. Several Japanese American leaders within the Puget Sound area and in Seattle are supporting the project and finally some modest matching funds have been contributed to continue the project. The Foundation and UW grants department are now creating a budget structure modeled after the UW-WA NDNP budget structure for digitizing newspapers. We’re very excited that they have been gaining support within the local community. We will continue to provide guidance to UW and Hokubei Hochii as we [...]
[...] Pioneer and Democrat , Olympia Port Gardner News , Everett cont. Everett News Port Townsend Leader Puget Sound [...]
[...] reflects the rapid growth and changes experienced by a new state and its capital. In his History of the Puget Sound [...]
[...] then editor Thaddeus Hanford who quickly expanded the P-I while absorbing two rival publications: the Puget Sound [...]
[...] about Equality Colony History Link article on Equity Colony LeWarne, C. P. (1975). Utopias on Puget Sound, [...]
[...] Wheeler on March 6, 1891 in Friday Harbor, Washington. Friday Harbor is located on San Juan Island in the Puget Sound [...]
[...] Essay Notes Charles B. Hopkins - his father was the US Marshall for the Washington Territory - Page 1, Puget Sound [...]
[...] ExecutiveProQuest789 E. EisenhowerAnn Arbor, Michigan 48106-1346Phone: 800.521.0600, Ext. 4067Direct: 734.997.4067e-mail: [email protected]
2010 Licenced [...]
[...] CONTENTdm An interesting blog from a digital librarian POV about CONTENTdm. He makes it sound like CDM is far from straight forward and [...]
[...] State. Essay Notes American Federation of Labor. Labor Journal’s 60th Annual Yearbook . Everett, WA: Puget Press. 1951. Morgan, Jack. “Labor’s Love Lost? [...]