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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.2 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Co-Operative News (Everett) — 11.6%

[...] In October 1917 the Socialist weekly The Northwest worker [LCCN:sn88085770] changed its name to the Co-operative News. This title lasted until at least June 1918. That last edition and the editions preceding it are filled with predictions of newspaper’s impending doom based on the federal government’s on-going suppression of other Socialist and radical publications taking place throughout the nation under the authority of the federal Espionage Act of 1917, as amended in April 1918. The Co-

Newspaper Titles — 7.0%

[...] Star, 1911-1922 (UW) Top 2010-2012 Grant Titles Aberdeen Herald , 1890-1917 (UW) Adams County News (Ritzville, WA), 1898-1906 (WSL) Washington State journal and Adams County news (Ritzville, WA), 1906-1907 (WSL) Washington State journal (Ritzville, WA), 1907 (WSL) Ellensburg Dawn , 1898-1913 (UW) The Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.), 1894-1898 (UW) Evening Statesman , (Walla Walla, Wash.), 1903-1910 (WSL) - imgs leftover from 2008 grant Kennewick Courier , 1905-1914 (WSL) Columbia Courier (Kennewick, Wash.), 1903-1905 (WSL) Labor Journal [...]

Adams County News — 5.6%

[...] digitize 1898-1906 (2 reels) History Succeeding titles: Washington State journal and Adams County news (sn87093057), Washington State journal (sn87093055) Related titles: NEH Approved Essay In the spring of 1878, Philip Ritz led a group of white settlers into northern Adams County, Washington, staked off the land that would become Ritzville and within a year, began growing wheat. This tract of land had previously been a main thoroughfare used by the Nez Perce and other Pacific Northwest Native tribes and is located 65 miles southwest of Spokane. By 1881, the Northern [...]

Interim Reports — 5.1%

[...] partners’ institutions (non-NDNP-funded). Over the past year, the University of Washington Microforms and News (MicNews) Department, where we have an office for our Washington NDNP processing, has been working with the Hokubei Hochii Foundation in identifying a select range of the North American Post, a Japanese American paper published in the Seattle area, for digitization. At my suggestion they have selected a small group of papers, post-World War II years 1946-48, to start with as a pilot batch to learn the basic process of creating files, delivering derivative files to [...]

NDNP News — 5.1%

NDNP Technical Guidelines TechNotes_2012-14 NDNP Related News Hot off the press! The latest and greatest Washington NDNP news NEH Approves Grant Extension through 2014 "We are very excited to announce that we will be able to continue our historic newspaper digitization project for an additional two years. The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) is a collaborative grant program between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress, seeking to fund state newspaper digitization projects and make select [...]

Bremerton News — 4.7%

[...] substitute list Master film location unknown, UW may refilm History Continued by: Twice-a-week Bremerton news WSL publish history chart: http://www.secstate.wa.gov/library/docs/iii/charts/sun.htm Research N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1903 -- pg. 879 NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2) Chronicling America record (LOC) - Bremerton news WorldCat record - Bremerton news WSL record - Bremerton News UW record - Bremerton News [...]

Washington Socialist (Everett) — 4.2%

[...] to digitize 1914-1915 (1 reel) Washington Socialist 1914-1915, The Northwest Worker 1915-1917, and Co-operative News 1917-1918 all appear on the same reel: A3099 Top History Preceding: The Commonwealth Succeeding: The Northwest Worker ; Co-operative News WSL publish history chart: Essay Draft The Commonwealth [LCCN:sn84025731], an Everett, Washington Socialist weekly, found itself deep in debt after only three years [...]

Vashon Island News — 4.2%

[...] e.g. 2008-2009 grant Plan to digitize 1907-1922 - 2 reels History Preceding title: Vashon Island news (DLC)sn 92038389 ; Vashon Island record (DLC)sn 92038390 ; Succeeding title: Islander (Vashon, Wash.) (DLC)sn 92038388 Islander news-record (DLC)sn 87093322 (OCoLC)17239182 Related titles: Essay Draft Essay Notes Research N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1919-- 1012 Vashon Island Record N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1922-- 1041 Vashon Island News-Record NDNP Candidate [...]

Tacoma Times — 4.2%

[...] Independent Established: 1903-1949 Pages: 4 Size: 17x22 in. Editor: Publisher: Tacoma Times Publishing Co.; Yakima Herald Pub. Co. (later 19??) 3 Frequency: Daily (evening, except Sun.) Coverage Region: Pierce 2 County: Pierce Unique ids LCCN: sn88085187 OCLC: 17347623 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant Plan to digitize WSL's 1909-1918 reels (24 reels) and UW's 1903-1904; 1907 reel (1 reel) Also checking on paper copies Substitute for now. Checking to see where negatives are. History Succeeding title: Related titles: Los Angeles Record, [...]

Colfax Gazette — 3.3%

[...] 1877; 1893-1932 3 Pages: 8 Size: 15x22 in. Editor: Ivan Chase Publisher: Ivan Chase; Colfax Gazette Co. 3 Frequency: Coverage Region: Southeast County: Whitman Unique ids SN: sn88085460 OCLC: 17401202 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant WSL ordered duplication and testing of 1900-1912 (8 reels) from Proquest Received order 2008-12-01 History Preceding: Palouse Gazette (Colfax, Wash) 1877 - 1893 3 Related Title: The Colfax Commoner (Colfax, Wash) 1911 - 1932 3 Succeeding: The Gazette-commoner (Colfax, Wash) 1932 - 1958 3 WSL publish history chart: http://www.secstate.wa.gov/library/docs/iii/charts/whitman.htm [...]

Colville Examiner — 3.3%

[...] 1907 Pages: 10; 8 Size: 9x12 in.; 15x22 in. Editor: J.C. Harrigan Publisher: Stevens County Publishing Co.; J.C. Harrigan Frequency: Weekly Coverage Region: Northeast 3 County: Stevens Unique ids LCCN: sn88085318 OCLC: 17365658 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant WSL ordered duplication and testing of 1907-1922 (5 reels) from Proquest Received order 2008-12-01 History Succeeding: Statesman-Examiner, Colville (1948) Related to: Scimitar and Statesman-Index, Colville WSL publish history chart: http://www.secstate.wa.gov/library/docs/iii/charts/statesmanexaminer.htm [...]

Seattle Post-Intelligencer — 2.8%

[...] 11 moves and more than 17 owners, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer as of March 2009 no longer prints news in broadsheet, but remains an active force in the world of digital publishing. Soon after its creation, the Post-Intelligencer experienced a number of challenges and frequently changed owners for over a decade. After acquiring the paper in 1874 and publishing under the name the Daily Intelligencer , David Higgins resold the paper in1878 to then editor Thaddeus Hanford who quickly expanded the P-I while absorbing two rival publications: the Puget Sound Dispatch [...]

Progress Reports — 2.8%

[...] that Shawn Moriarty, an early member of the NDNP team, has decided to resign from WSL. But the good news is she'll be able to spend more time with her daughter Nina, future digital librarian extraordinaire. They also make appearances in the department from time to time to get that "early librarian learning time in. Judy Pitchford will be taking on some additional hours to help with NDNP processing in ShawnM's place. Thanks everyone!!!! January 5, 2012 A New and Exciting 2012! Happy New Year from WA-NDNP! We have ambitious goals ahead of us as we're gearing up for [...]

Co-Operative News (Everett) — 2.8%

Northwest Worker (Everett) — 1.9%

[...] Worker was published in Everett, Washington during a particularly violent chapter in local history. News coverage of this Socialist weekly focused on the unsuccessful reelection campaign of a Socialist city commissioner James M. Salter, the paper’s financial struggles, and labor turmoil in Everett, leading up to and following the infamous “Everett Massacre” of November 5, 1916. The paper was formerly known as the Washington Socialist [LCCN:sn88085769]. Faced with relatively low circulation numbers, the paper sought to expand its coverage to the entire Pacific Northwest [...]

Digital object repository software — 1.9%

[...] find much substance here. Greenstone developer's handbook, chapter on import and build processes News, reviews, and articles about Greenstone Bainbridge, D., Osborn, W., Witten, I.H. & Nichols, D.M. (2006). Extending Greenstone for Institutional Repositories. In Digital Libraries: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities, 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2006, Kyoto, Japan, November 27-30, 2006(pp. 303-312). Berlin: Springer. Abstract: We examine the problem of designing a generalized system for building institutional repositories. [...]

Main Page — 1.9%

[...] WA-NDNP Newspaper Titles 2010-2012 Grant Titles Aberdeen Herald , 1890-1917 (UW) Adams County News (Ritzville, WA), 1898-1906 (WSL) Washington State journal and Adams County news (Ritzville, WA), 1906-1907 (WSL) Washington State journal (Ritzville, WA), 1907 (WSL) Ellensburg Dawn , 1898-1913 (UW) The Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.), 1894-1898 (UW) Evening Statesman , (Walla Walla, Wash.), 1903-1910 (WSL) - imgs leftover from 2008 grant Kennewick Courier , 1905-1914 (WSL) Columbia Courier (Kennewick, Wash.), 1903-1905 (WSL) Labor Journal [...]

Latest Updates — 1.9%

[...] Milestones 2012-2014 Progress Chart Title Duplication Evaluation Scanning OCR QA Essay Delivered Online News release Seattle Post Intelligencer x x x x Seattle Star x x x + + x + + x Washington Standard x + + Note: x (finished), + (partial or in progress) Top 2010-2012 Progress Chart Title Duplication Evaluation Scanning OCR QA Essay Delivered Online News release Aberdeen Herald x x x x x x x x x Adams County News x x x x x x x x x Ellensburg Dawn x x x x x x x + Evening [...]

Seattle Republican — 1.9%

[...] audience, reporting on events well beyond the borders of Washington State. It covered national political news in some depth, and is a particularly rich single source of information concerning the treatment and successes of African Americans all around the country, particularly in the South. But its primary focus was local party politics and Seattle's African American community. It became a daily in February 1896 in order to publish a newly revised City Charter and help the daily Seattle Post Intelligencer outmaneuver its rival the Seattle Times , but it quickly reverted [...]

Pullman Herald — 1.9%

[...] "fighting editor" Wilford Allen, lobbied aggressively on the town's behalf. The first oil streetlights were co-sponsored by the paper in 1890, the paper celebrated the wells of the city (dubbing Pullman "The Artesian City,") and a a branch of the Northern Pacific Railroad was aggressively sought. This early mania for self-promotion and development was largely driven by Washington statehood in 1889 and the promise that a new state agricultural school that would be built east of the Cascades. Though Pullman seemed an unlikely candidate, Thomas Neill, Wilford Allen, and other [...]

Leavenworth Echo — 1.4%

[...] 1890s when the Great Northern Railway built a line through nearby Stevens Pass. The Lamb-Davis Lumber Co. built a large timber operation in the area. The town of Leavenworth was incorporated on July 28, 1906 and Deed Mayar was elected the first mayor. 7 News about the railroad industry is particularly well covered by this small-town paper. Timber and mining were also important in this region and accidents are frequently described. The activities of both businessmen and labor unions were reported, as well as the entertainment events of the [...]

Morning Olympian — 1.4%

[...] Content: Republican? Established: 1898 Pages: 8? Size: 18 x 24? Editor: Publisher: Olympian-Tribune Pub. Co. Frequency: Daily, Except Monday Coverage Region: Olympia, County: Thurston County Unique ids LCCN: sn88085354 OCLC: 17372151 Digitization plan 2012 grant On sub list to digitize 1898-1922 (46 reels) History Succeeding title: Daily Olympian Related titles: Olympian NEH Approved Essay Morning Olympian , LCCN sn88085354 The Morning Olympian has origins reaching back to 1891, and its history reflects the rapid growth and changes experienced by a new state [...]

Grant 1 Batches — 1.4%

[...] Indian-plum_errors Hemlock Titles Industrial Freedom - 00211108484 Washington Socialist (w/ Northwest Worker , Co-

Vashon Island News — 0.9%

Working groups — 0.9%

[...] phone Contract awarded to OCLC 2008-10-23 Title selection See Newspaper Titles Top Reports and news See Progress Reports (Working group reports) NEH Reports See Interim Reports See Latest Updates Milestones Project updates Wiki updates See NDNP News [...]

San Juan Islander — 0.9%

[...] Sound about half-way between Bellingham, Washington and Victoria, British Columbia. The paper included news from nearby Orcas Island and Lopez Island. The inhabitants of the islands were mostly fishermen and farmers and much of the paper is devoted to news [...]

Walla Walla Evening Statesman — 0.9%

[...] (weekly); 1880 (daily) Pages: 8 Size: 15x22 in. Editor: none listed Publisher: Statesman Publishing Co. Ayer Annual 2 Publish day: Evenings, except Sunday; There is also a weekly edition published Saturday Content: Independent Established: 1858 (weekly); 1880 (daily) Pages: 8 Size: 17x24 in Editor: Seth Maxwell Publisher: E. E. Fall Frequency: daily Coverage Region: Southeast County: Walla Walla Unique ids SN: sn88085421 OCLC: ocm17397533 Digitization plan 2008-2010 grant Text not converted this grant cycle Digitized 1903-1910 (22 reels) Top History Continues: [...]

Spokane Press — 0.9%

[...] conceived of the Press as a "buttress" paper that strengthened the Seattle "pillar" paper by providing news from eastern Washington to the Seattle Star and other Scripps papers. It was therefore allowed to continue printing, subsidized by the Tacoma and Seattle papers. In 1920 E.W. Scripps quarreled with his son James Scripps and the five Pacific Northwest Scripps newspapers were brought under the exclusive control of James. James died in 1921, leaving his widow Josephine to manage these papers, which were the core of the Scripps-Canfield League, (later called the Scripps [...]

Lynden Tribune — 0.9%

[...] sn88087026]. By 1909 the Tribune had been purchased by Dan Cloud, former editor of the Tacoma Daily News [LCCN: sn86072044] and future owner of the Montesano Vidette [LCCN: sn87093197]. On October 19, 1911, Herman Rosenzweig became the proprietor of the Tribune after Cloud fell ill. In October of 1914, Sol H. Lewis took ownership of the paper. Lewis was among the first graduates of the University of Washington’s journalism program. After graduation, he taught journalism at the University of Kansas for two years, then went to New York City in 1913 to join the staff of [...]

Cayton's Weekly — 0.9%

[...] African American population of Seattle and environs. The paper concentrated on issues more than specific news stories, and also extolled the accomplishments of black people throughout the nation. Cayton had become disenchanted with the Republican Party but still tried to work within the organization to push for recognition and appreciation of the support African Americans continued to give to the GOP. While continuing to be completely dismissive of the Democratic Party, he aimed his substantive criticism at the Republicans. Essay Notes Research Not located in Ayer [...]

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