Title info
- Ayer Annual 19051
- Publish day: Friday
- Content: Republican
- Established: 1904
- Pages: 4
- Size: 13x20 in.
- Editor: Deed H. Mayer
- Publisher: Deed H. Mayer
- Frequency: Weekly
- Coverage
- Region: North Cascades
- County: Chelan
- Unique ids
- LCCN: sn87093039
- OCLC: 16996294
Digitization plan
2008-2009 grant
- Plan to digitize 1904-1922 (6 reels)
- Continues: Current
- Continued by: NA
Essay Draft
The first issue of the
Leavenworth Echo was published January 15, 1904 by Deed H. Mayar. The community of Leavenworth had been grow
ing s
ince the 1890s when the Great Northern Railway built a l
ine through nearby Stevens Pass. The Lamb-Davis Lumber Co. built a large timber operation
in the area. The town of Leavenworth was
incorporated on July 28, 1906 and Deed Mayar was elected the first mayor.
7News about the railroad
industry is particularly well covered by this small-town paper. Timber and m
ining were also important
in this region and accidents are frequently described. The activities of both bus
inessmen and labor unions were reported, as well as the enterta
inment events of the town, which ranged from saloon brawls to theatrical events and an annual Chautauqua. News from the local communities of Peshast
in, Cashmere, Dryden, and Blewitt were
in this paper.
When Mayar retired and sold the
Echo in October 1919, the
Cashmere Valley Record [LCCN:87093033] commented that Mayar was "quite a dist
inct character...He was firm
in his convictions almost to the po
int of obst
inacy, and his fearlessness made him a thorn
in the side, at one time or another, of many of the people and
in this territory." The fiery side of Deed Mayar was clearly expressed
in his editorials dur
ing World War I
in which he questioned the loyalty of Leavenworth citizens who did not buy Liberty Bonds and diligently promoted the thrift campaign.
In April 1918 he wrote: “[The US] entered this war to help stamp out the German will to impose her laws and customs on other peoples, and ultimately on our own people. The German spirit must be stamped out as one stamps out a fire that threatens his home.” Ironically,
in the 1960s the citizens of Leavenworth transformed their town
into a Bavarian-style village
in an attempt to lure tourists to the Alp
ine-like area. The transformation was successful, and Leavenworth now hosts one of the largest Oktoberfest celebrations
in the country as well as other events.
Mayar sold the
Echo to the Echo Publish
ing Company: H.S. Rearick, W.G. Schannach, and O.A. Lee. The three men had owned the
Griggs County Sentinel Courier [LCCN: 88076343]
in North Dakota before relocat
ing to Leavenworth. Under their ownership the paper took a less partisan tone. Unfortunately, the Great Northern Railroad chose to move their local headquarters to Wenatchee
in 1922. This ushered
in a long period of economic decl
ine that would not be alleviated until the citizens remodeled their town
in the 1960s. The
Echo has cont
inued to be published through all of the ups and downs
in Leavenworth history.
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1905 -- 887
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - Leavenworth Echo
- WorldCat record - Leavenworth Echo
- WSL record - Leavenworth Echo
- UW record - Leavenworth Echo
- Stevens Pass: The Story of Railroading and Recreation in the North Cascades By JoAnn Roe
- Filmed by: UW
- Positives held by: UW, (WSL has as well)
- Negatives held by: UW
- Call Number: A4301
- 43 reels: 1904-1995
Part of batch2 - delivered to OCLC
in WSL_Metadata_2009-04-01 zip file.
lrobinson, 2009/04/01 10:12Evaluation
Leavenworth Echo eval spreadsheets (Google)Totals