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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.5 seconds and yielded 7 results.
[...] grant
On sub list to digitize 1860-1921 (18 reels)
History Other edition title: Olympia Daily Standard Related titles: Twice-a-week Washington Standard NEH Approved Essay
Washington Standard , LCCN sn84022770 In progress Essay Notes
Research N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1898 -- yyyy NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix [...]
2012-2014 Grant Titles Washington Standard , 1860-1921 (WSL) Seattle Post-Intelligencer , 1876-1900 (UW) Seattle Star, 1911-1922 (UW) Top 2010-2012 Grant Titles Aberdeen Herald , 1890-1917 (UW) Adams County News (Ritzville, WA), 1898-1906 (WSL) Washington State journal and Adams County news (Ritzville, WA), 1906-1907 (WSL) Washington State journal (Ritzville, WA), 1907 (WSL) Ellensburg Dawn , 1898-1913 (UW) The Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.), 1894-1898 (UW) Evening Statesman , (Walla Walla, Wash.), 1903-1910 (WSL) - imgs leftover from 2008 grant Kennewick Courier [...]
[...] and access of the state’s newspapers. It has also helped us initiate a move to digitize our assets in standard formats and prioritize the use of standard [...]
[...] would fail to appear in the delivery directory and a re-export would irregularly cause a duplication of standard targets. The docWorks system leaves the original targets and rather than writing over the files with the same images, it would create a new set of standard [...]
[...] release Seattle Post Intelligencer x x x x Seattle Star x x x + + x + + x Washington Standard x + + Note: x (finished), + (partial [...]
[...] Widely used schemes such as DSpace are tailored to a particular set of requirements: fixed metadata set; standard view when searching and browsing; pre-determined [...]
[...] political party and its Republican leanings led to a healthy rivalry with the Democratic Washington Standard LCCN sn84022770 . But, Olympia wasn’t all [...]