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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.2 seconds and yielded 11 results.
[...] submitted to the competition . No major changes will be implemented during our third grant cycle though we are working on fine tuning the OCR correction process. By deciding to outsource our early stages of image processing, the de-skewing and text-zoning stages, we are speeding up some of the processing time and allowing more time for local correction of spelling people and place names and key search terms in effort to improve overall search results. In the case of the Seattle Star we found that the OCR accuracy [...]
Working Group Reports
April 26, 2012 Spring Report Production
We've really picked up speed with two more batches out the door and the next one in the data verfication stage. Batch_wa_bumping and batch_wa_columbia were shipped at the end of March and mid-April respectively. They have been received at the LC receiving center and are waiting to be approved and uploaded by LC. Newpspaer titles that will be uploaded from these batches include The Lynden Tribune (sn88085445) and The Spokane Press (LCCN: 88085947). Batch_wa_duwamish is in the hopper to be shipped within [...]
[...] time was lost trying to get meaningful readings and educating vendors about the specifications that we didn’t feel it was worth the time and money involved in capturing data from non-targeted film. The project manager, working with UW, hired a student from the Information School and together they evaluated the microfilm and captured title, reel and issue data on a spreadsheet using Google Docs. Google Docs was chosen because of its use of versioning and the easy access between locations and institutions. The data was imported into an Access database and delivered to [...]
[...] decided to bond the city for $30,000 for water works while Pullman protects itself from fire with talk...[shall we wait] until the fiery demon sweeps us into oblivion, and then blame ourselves for our almost criminal neglect?" A third fire swept through the town in July 1890 before the citizens took action. Despite these early setbacks, the city grew persistently and the Herald staff, especially the "fighting editor" Wilford Allen, lobbied aggressively on the town's behalf. The first oil streetlights were co-sponsored [...]
[...] designated as second editions during evaluation. Asked CCS to not designate second editions unless we indicate in the database. See Workflow::Evaluation::Metadata Creation::Reel Metadata:: Edition Order for more info. Decided to leave editions the way they are for this reel. Documented Birch_errors Notes Small rework done by wsl; batch accepted by LOC §§(lrobinson,2009/09/11 15:56:08)§§ Top Alder
Titles Seattle Republican ( 5 4 reels - 00211100503 , 00211100515, 00211100527, 00211100539, 00211100540) Colfax Gazette (8 reels - 00211108204, 00211108216, 00211108228, [...]
[...] known search issues in the current system (e.g. default Boolean set to 'OR' rather than 'AND') and we've heard from various researchers that access to the newspapers can be difficult if a special viewer or plugin is required. We are also concerned about the impact a sudden amount of non-indexed, yet full-text searchable images could have on the system. Due to the visibility and use of this digital collection, the money spent to create and maintain it, and the increase [...]
[...] press! The latest and greatest Washington NDNP news
NEH Approves Grant Extension through 2014
"We are very excited to announce that we will be able to continue our historic newspaper digitization project for an additional two years. The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) is a collaborative grant program between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress, seeking to fund state newspaper digitization projects and make select titles available through the Chronicling America website."
Read More.. How [...]
[...] 1894, Turner changed the title to the Dawn . In his editorial for the inaugural issue, Turner stated, “we find we [...]
[...] Libraries, ICADL 2006, Kyoto, Japan, November 27-30, 2006(pp. 303-312). Berlin: Springer. Abstract: We examine the problem of designing a generalized [...]
[...] archival. Received rescans for 3 images, one 2-up image and 2 individual pages. Only used page 2 as we already had a duplicate for page 3 on the [...]
[...] Wenatchee Daily World Yakima Morning Herald
Top Title template Please use the title template as we create new pages for the titles.