
- Ayer Annual1; 2
- Publish day: Saturday
- Content: Democratic
- Established: 1907
- Pages: 10; 8
- Size: 9x12 in.; 15x22 in.
- Editor: J.C. Harrigan
- Publisher: Stevens County Publishing Co.; J.C. Harrigan
- Frequency: Weekly
- Coverage
- Region: Northeast 3
- County: Stevens
- Unique ids
- LCCN: sn88085318
- OCLC: 17365658
Digitization plan
2008-2009 grant
- WSL ordered duplication and testing of 1907-1922 (5 reels) from Proquest
- Received order 2008-12-01
Essay Draft
Short version for LOC
In 1907 a group of Colville, Wa
shington, democrat
s formed a corporation to produce a new weekly paper. They hired J. C. Harrigan, a twenty-nine year old new
spaperman, to
serve a
s editor. They al
so financed the purcha
se of modern printing equipment. Harrigan had learned hi
s trade in the mining town
s of Montana and had worked at
such pre
s paper
s a
s the
Seattle Post-Intelligencer[LCCN:
sn 83045604] and the
Spokane Spokesman Review [LCCN:
sn 84024754], but wa
s enchanted by Colville. He purcha
sed the paper in 1909 and continued editing it for forty year
The early development of
s County, Wa
shington and the activitie
s of it
s re
s are well-covered by the Colville Examiner. Kettle Fall
s, Marcu
Summit Valley, Greenwood,
South Ba
sin, Meyer
s Fall
s, and other
small communitie
s contributed column
s regularly. The area i
s noteworthy for it
s silver mining, timber, and agricultural indu
s. New
s, hi
story, and legend
s of the nearby
Spokane and Colville Indian tribe
s were included. New
s related to
surveying activitie
s on the Columbia River anticipating the con
struction of the Grand Coulee Dam appear
s occa
sionally. Report
s of bootlegging and liquor
smuggling were frequently related due to the community'
s proximity to the Canadian border. Harrigan wa
s a witty and
self-effacing writer who commented upon local,
state, and national politic
s from the democratic per
spective. He wa
s active in many
service organization
s and
served a
s pre
sident of Inland Empire Pre
ss A
The introduction of a third new
spaper into the
small town of Colville re
sulted in fierce competition for government printing contract
s and
scription income. The early editorial
s of the
Colville Examiner and it
s rival
s (the
Colville Statesman-Index [LCCN:
sn 88085320] and the
Stevens County Reveille [LCCN:
sn 88085325]) document a lively
struggle for
survival. The
Reveille soon went out of bu
ss and the
Statesman-Index wa
s bought and
several time
s. In 1948 the
Examiner wa
s sold to Charle
s Graham and merged with it
s old competitor to form the
Statesman-Examiner [LCCN:
sn 88085317].
s County Hi
Society ha
s indexed thi
s paper for birth
s, death
s, and legal notice
s. The
Society al
so hold
s an obituary index for all local paper
s. The Univer
sity of Wa
shington Librarie
s ha
s a
subject index for the Colville Examiner covering the date
s 1908-1920. Thi
s index wa
s completed in 1940 a
s a WPA project and i
s available on microfilm.
A detailed hi
story of Colville new
s, written by J. C. Harrigan, wa
s printed in the
Statesman-Examiner on October 21, 1960.
long version
In 1907 a group of Colville men, di
sfied with the way that the democratic po
sition wa
s repre
sented in other local new
s, formed a corporation to produce a new weekly paper. They contacted J. C. Harrigan of
Spokane to edit the paper and authorized him to purcha
se a modern new
spaper plant.
The early development of
s County, Wa
shington and the activitie
s of it
s re
s are well-covered by the Colville Examiner. Kettle Fall
s, Marcu
Summit Valley, Greenwood,
South Ba
sin, Meyer
s Fall
s, and other
small communitie
s contributed column
s regularly. The area i
s noteworthy for it
s silver mining, timber, and agricultural indu
s. New
s, hi
story, and legend
s of the nearby
Spokane and Colville Indian tribe
s were included. New
s related to
surveying activitie
s on the Columbia River anticipating the con
struction of the Grand Coulee Dam appear
s occa
sionally. Report
s of bootlegging and liquor
smuggling were frequently related due to the community'
s proximity to the Canadian border. Local,
state, and national politic
s were commented upon from the democratic viewpoint.
s Corneal Harrigan, editor of the Colville Examiner for forty year
s, wa
s born in Toledo, IA in 1878 and had worked in the new
spaper indu
since he wa
s a child. Upon completing hi
s college degree, Harrigan moved we
st. Hi
s fir
st profe
ssional new
spaper work took place in the Butte-Anaconda area of Montana. He later moved to the
Seattle Po
st-Intelligencer [LCCN:
sn 83045604] and wa
s working for the
sman Review [LCCN:
sn 84024754] before accepting the call to run the Colville Examiner.
The new printing equipment (a water-powered Cran
ston folio pre
ss) wa
s not available until 1908,
so the fir
st i
s of the Examiner were printed on a C&P 10x15 job pre
ss and
stapled together with a borrowed
stapler. In
spite of thi
s hard
ship, the Examiner
soon proved to be a
strong competitor for not only
scription income, but al
so lucrative county printing contract
s. The introduction of a third new
spaper in the
small town of Colville wa
s not welcomed by the competing paper
s (the Colville
sman-Index [LCCN:
sn 88085320] and the
s County Reveille [LCCN:
sn 88085325]) and a lively banter
sprung up in the editorial page
s, documenting the fierce competition for
survival between the paper
sman-Index wa
s particularly incen
sed by the up
start paper. The editor
s began referring to Harrigan a
s "Red Top" on account of hi
s red hair. They al
so filed a
ssful law
suit during that year, claiming that the Examiner had been unfairly awarded a government printing contract.
Harrigan claim
s not to have been intimidated by thi
s, and
steadily worked to build the Examiner. One day he "woke with the realization that Red Top wa
s a complete name and not a nickname." The May 9, 1908 i
ssue of the Examiner appeared with the paper'
s name printed in red ink at the top of the front page, with no explanation provided in the text of the paper. Reader
s were amu
sed by the reference, and Harrigan printed "Red Top" on hi
s bu
ss card
s. Wittine
ss and
self-effacement are typical characteri
s of Harrigan'
s writing
The Reveille went out of bu
ss and the
sman-Index changed hand
s many time
s, but Harrigan
stayed with the Examiner (taking full owner
ship of the paper in 1909) until 1948. It wa
s sold to Charle
s Graham and merged with it
s old competitor to form the
sman-Examiner [LCCN:
sn 88085317].
s County Hi
Society ha
s indexed thi
s paper for birth
s, death
s, and legal notice
s. The
Society al
so hold
s an obituary index for all local paper
s. The Univer
sity of Wa
shington Librarie
s ha
s a
subject index for the Colville Examiner covering the date
s 1908-1920. Thi
s index wa
s completed in 1940 a
s a WPA project and i
s available on microfilm.
A detailed hi
story of Colville new
s, written by J. C. Harrigan, wa
s printed in the
sman-Examiner on October 21, 1960.
Essay Notes
- New printing equipment was used to print the newspaper on March 21, 1908
- 75 Years of Colville Newspapers, By J.C. Harrigan, The Statesman Examiner 1960-10-21
- Colville took shape as a town in 1882, dedicated on Feb 28 1883
- 1885 rich silver strike at Old Dominion Mountain
- Competition for county printing contracts/ 1910 ballot mixup scandal
- Stateman Index refers to Harrigan as "Red Top". Original cartoon appears in June 12, 1908 Statesman Index depicting "Red Top" raiding the county treasury. Harrigan "woke up one day with the realization that Red Top was a complete name and not a nickname." May 9, 1908 issue of Colville Examiner: Newspaper's name appears in red ink at top of first page with no internal comment in paper. Harrigan beings printing the name "Red Top" on his business cards and signs editorials with the nickname.
- First press was a "C&P 10x15 job press". Replaced in 1910 by Cranston folio newspaper press run by water power. in 1912 Examiner expandes, buys press used for Kettle Falls Scimitar.
- Main street vs back alley offices
- Alonzo Melville Doty buys Statesman Index in 1910. Starts Colville News Bureau. Sold paper in 1926
- In 1912 Colville Examiner produces Colville Daily Bulletin, a free advertising sheet for motion picture houses, published 3 times per week.
- From Tales of the Pioneers, p. 82-83
- James Corneal Harrigan, editor of Colville Examiner for 40 years, born in Toledo, IA July 18, 1878. Ph B(?) from Coe College, Cedar Rapids, at age 23. Moved west, worked for Montana papers, Seattle P-I, and Spokane Spokesman Review. Worked in newspaper industry from childhood through high school and college.
- "In1907 a group of Colville men, dissatisfied with the way in which the two Colville newspapers were presenting the democratic cause, contacted Mr. Harrigan in Spokane and asked him to become the editor of the third paper in Colville...He agreed to accept the offer and boarded the SF&N for the 4 hour trip to Colville, arriving at the Colville depot on a hot, dusty July day."
- Directors of the new democratic newspaper corporation were: EM Heifner, JA Rockford, John B Slater, LC Jesseph, CA Ledgerwood, JG Luzer of Valley, JW Dunlap of Loon Lake. These men named the paper and gave authority to Mr. Harrigan to order a modern newspaper plant.
- First papers were produced on a small job press with pages stapled witha stapler "borrowed from Attorney H. Wade Bailey" in the basement of a building owned by Rusch and Allen on what is now "King Cole's Corner."
- Newspaper not greeted cordially by competitors. "One editorial challenged the new paper and its backers to a scrap which would not be terminated until 'hell became a frozen lake'."
- March 1908. Examiner moves to brick structure owned by Stenger and Thomas. New press run by water power was installed. The new paper prospered even at the "exorbitant price" of $1.50 per year. "The word went around that the newspaper cost 50% more than the older papers because it contained 50% more news."
- Paper sold to Charles Graham in 1947
- Harrigan was a member of several service organizations: President of Inland Empire Press Association, VP of Colville Chamber of Commerce, Asst. Exe. Clerk US Senate (1933-35), County Food Administrator in WWI, State delegate to democratic convention (1920), member of Modern Woodmen, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arch Mason, Royal and Select Master, Shriner, and Philatelic Society.
- "JC Harrigan took ownership and full control of Colville Examiner April 3, 1909" | From the Colville Examiner 76, April 10, 1909.
- Books by J.C. Harrigan:
- The UW has an subject index of the Colville Examiner on Microfilm. This was originally a WPA project completed in 1940. It covers the Colville Examiner from 1908-1920. Some place names are also indexed. A1128
- The Stevens County Historical Society has also indexed this paper. They typically indexed for births, deaths, and legals. They also have an obituary file which covers these years.
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual-- 1909 -- 910
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual and directory -- 1912 -- 965
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - Colville Examiner
- WorldCat record - Colville Examiner
- WSL record - Colville Examiner
- UW record - Colville Examiner
- Colville Examiner. Index. 1900s
- Steven's County Historical Society has indexed the Colville Examiner for births, deaths, and legal notices, as well as an obituary index for all local papers.
- Colville Mothers' Club.; Stevens County Historical Society (Wash.)Tales of the Pioneers
- 75 Years of Colville Newspapers, By J.C. Harrigan, The Statesman Examiner 1960-10-21
- Filmed by: Bell and Howell for WSU
- Positives held by: WSL
- Holdings:
- Location: WSL
- Call Number: NEWSPAPER 44/468
- Lib. has Oct. 31, 1907 - April 30, 1948
- Negatives held by: Proquest
OCLC invoiced u
s for te
sting of duplicate reel
s. Proque
st invoiced for duplication and te
sting of all ma
ster reel
s lrobinson, 2009/03/23 11:09Re-batched WA-NDNP_DB_20090312 with OCLC'
s fixe
s to reel date
s, comma
s, and erroneou
s character return
s. I fixed marc org code
s, number of re
solution target
s to 0,
section count
s and label
s lrobinson, 2009/03/12 11:16Film eval data batched (W
SL_Metadata_2009-02-03) and
sent to OCLC Feb. 03, 2009
lrobinson, 2009/02/09 16:19I created a new
sheet (renamed old one "old.Colville Examiner"). Per new new I
sent deci
sion (
Notes) I deleted all cataloged mi
ssing i
s a
s there were no mi
ssing i
ssue date
s enumerated in the film.
lrobinson, 2009/01/30 12:33Input new den
sity reading
s and calculated reduction ratio
s; created
sequence number
slrobinson, 2009/01/30 10:53Proque
st i
s going to re-te
st and email re
s lrobinson, 2009/01/08 14:54Ray Murray at LC reiterated the need for Proque
st to te
st the darke
st area
s of the film for the 10 den
sity reading
s - waiting to hear back from Proque
st to
see if they are willing to do thi
s without extra co
lrobinson, 2008/12/23 15:0310 den
sity reading
s are dmin reading
s. Checking with LC on correct den
sity reading procedure
lrobinson, 2008/12/23 10:18 TopEvaluation
Colville Examiner eval spreadsheets (Google)Totals