- Ayer Annual1
- Content: Independent
- Established: 1861
- Pages: (no entry)
- Size: (no entry)
- Editor:
- Publisher:
- Frequency: Thursday
- Coverage
- Region: Southwest region
- County: Clark county
- Unique ids
- LCCN: sn87093109
- OCLC: 17023412
Digitization plan
e.g. 2008-2009 gr
- Plan to digitize 1875-1884 - 8 reels
- Preceding title:
- Succeeding title:
- Related titles:
NEH Approved Essay
The settlement of V
ancouver w
as founded by the Hudson’s B
ay Comp
any in 1825. Str
ally loc
along the Columbi
a River, the site w
a prim
ary he
arters for the British Comp
any. In 1846, the United St
and Brit
ain settled on the 49th p
as the dem
ation between U.S.
and British interests,
and Fort V
ancouver bec
an. The city of V
ancouver w
as incorpor
ated into W
ashington Territory in 1857. By this time, the import
ance of the fort h
ad declined,
agriculture bec
ame the m
ajor industry in the
a. The region grew throughout the 1860s due to
an influx of prospective gold miners he
aded north from C
Founded in 1875, the
Vancouver Independent beg
a four-p
age weekly, published on S
ays. In 1877, the
Vancouver Independent exp
anded to
an eight-p
age weekly, published on Thursd
ays. In
advertisement in the 1876
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.’s American Newspaper Directory, the Independent cl
aimed to be the "offici
al p
aper of three counties,
and the only p
aper published in the seven counties of the V
ancouver L
and district of which it w
as the offici
al p
aper." The 1877 circul
ation estim
ate w
as 520 re
As the n
ame suggests, the
Independent w
as considered independent in its politics, but founder Willi
am Byron D
aniels w
a prominent member of the Republic
an P
Born in Ohio
and r
aised in Oregon, D
aniels w
a l
awyer who would go on to become m
ayor of V
ancouver in 1888
and who served in the st
ate House of Represent
atives from 1898 until his de
ath in 1900. He w
also secret
ary to the Constitution
al Convention in 1878. D
aniels sold the
Independent to Thurston D
and John J. Beeson in 1878. Beeson h
ad published the
Saturday Reporter LCCN sn85033022 in Fond du L
ac, Wisconsin, from 1860 to1873
and served
as editor
and proprietor of the Independent until 1894. The
Independent w
as then owned by Robert Lewis “Lloyd” DuBois until it ce
ased oper
ations in 1910
and its subscription list w
as sold to the
Vancouver Columbian LCCN sn87093094. DuBois h
ad been postm
aster under the McKinley
and w
as l
ater influenti
al in getting the bridge
across the Columbi
a River built between V
and Portl
and. In 1906, DuBois r
an for m
ayor on
a Reform ticket, but lost b
adly. In 1953, DuBois don
ated the
archive of the
Vancouver Independent to the Fort V
ancouver Region
al Libr
Essay Notes
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1880 --
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - The Vancouver independent
- WorldCat record - Vancouver Independent
- WSL record - Vancouver Independent
- UW record - Vancouver independent
- Filmed by: University of Washington
- Positives held by: UW
- Call Number: A7102
- Library holds: 1875-09-04 through 1884-03-24 (incomplete)
- Film condition: 2B position, missing issue and resolution targets present
- Negatives held by: UW
- film eval notes 1875-09-04 1876-12-30: Contrast and resolution are good. There are notes on the film about creased or torn papers.
- film evaluation notes 1877-01-20 1877-12-27: images have good contrast and are legible. A few pages are a bit faded or have some damage, but overall image quality is good. Several issues are missing; missing issue targets are present.
- film evaluation notes 1878-01-03 1878-12-26: I found one very out of focus page and some of the pages are a bit faded, but generally the images a clear and legible with good contrast. There seems to be fewer missing issues for this year than the 1877 reel.
- film eval notes 1882-01-05 1882-12-28: images seem to be unevenly lit or discolored (the bottom 1/6 of the page is dark). Under magnification the text in the dark part of the page was readable, but the edges of the letters seemed indistinct.
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