Title info
- Ayer Annual1
- Publish day: daily except Sunday
- Content: Independent
- Established: 1899
- Pages: 4
- Size: 20x24 inches
- Size: 18 x22 inches 2
- Editor: E.H. Wells
- Publisher: Star Publishing Company
- Frequency: Daily, Evenings, except Sunday
- Coverage
- Unique ids
- SN: sn87093407
- OCLC: ocm17285351
Digitization plan
2010-2012 gr
- Plan to digitize 1911-1922 (41 reels)
2008-2010 gr
- Digitizing 1899-1910 (22 reels)
- Continues: NA
- Continued by: NA
- WSL publish history chart:

August 1, 1914 Seattle Star
NEH Approved Essay
E. W. (Edwin Willis) Scripps, newsp
aper businessm
an, once wrote "the best community in which to found
a newsp
aper is one th
at is comp
atively young
and whose popul
ation h
as in very recent time incre
1. With
a popul
ation of 40,000
and growing, Se
attle, W
ashington in 1899 fit Scripps'description well. Scripps hired editor E. H. Wells to found his l
atest venture, the Se
Star, on Febru
ary 2, 1899.
Scripps p
apers gener
ally supported the principle of public ownership. The
Star w
a strong
ate of
a 1902 b
allot initi
ative to
allow the city to gener
ate its own power, for inst
2 When editor Wells proposed st
a newsp
aper in T
a (W
ashington), Scripps proposed borrowing money for the venture from employees. The notes promised to p
ay 6 per cent interest for two ye
ars. This ide
a grew into the Newsp
aper S
aving Society
and the First Investment Comp
any, forms of employee ownership of the comp
3E. W. Scripps thought th
advertising h
a corrupting effect on journ
alism. In 1903 the Bon M
arché dep
artment store stopped
advertising in the
Star bec
ause the editori
al st
aff refused to suppress unf
about the store. When business m
ager E. F. Ch
ase told Scripps th
at he regretted losing the contr
act, Scripps congr
ated him for losing it. To reduce the p
apers reli
ance on
advertising, Scripps p
apers focused on incre
asing circul
and limiting
advertising sp
ace in order to infl
ate the v
alue of th
at sp
4Though Scripps gener
ally took
a h
ach to the d
aily m
agement of his p
apers, he conceived of his business
a service to the working people. Occ
ally his editori
al st
aff would drift from the centr
al mission of supporting the interests of l
and the poor,
and Scripps felt the need to intervene. For inst
ance, when editor B. H. C
anfield opposed the Se
attle Gener
al Strike of 1919, Scripps wrote
a he
ated "disquisition" in return. This disquisition h
as been published
as "Ingr
atitude?" in
I protest; Selected disquisitions of E. W. Scripps, edited by Oliver Knight, M
adison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1966.
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual 1903 page 885
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual 1908 page 913
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - Seattle Star
- Worldcat record - Seattle Star
- WSL record - Seattle Star
- University of Washington record - Seattle star
- Scripps, E. W., & Knight, O. (1966). I protest; Selected disquisitions of E. W. Scripps. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
- Baldasty, G. J. (1999). E.W. Scripps and the business of newspapers. The history of communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
- Cochran, N. D. (1933). E.W. Scripps. New York: Harcourt, Brace and.
- Baldasty, G. (1999). NEWSPAPERS FOR THE 'WAGE EARNING CLASS': E. W. SCRIPPS AND THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 90(4), 171-181. Retrieved from America: History & Life database.
- Filmed by: UW
- Positives held by: UW
- Negatives held by: UW
- Holdings 1899-02-27 - 1947-08-13 (194 reels)
Film eval notes 1919-08-01 1919-10-13: good contrast, even lighting. In the microfilm reader I find the pages to be legible, but under magnification it is evident that the images are slightly out of focus. The edges of each letter are not sharp. Resolution appears to be fair, but overall the text appears very grey under magnification rather than dark and dense. This positive may have low density.
- Film eval notes 1913-01-01 1913-05-13: This reel seems to be similar in quality to the other, including the general indistinctness of the text and softness of edges under magnification, even though it seems quite legible on the microfilm reader.
- film eval notes 1901-10-01 1902-05-31: 2 issues from 1900 on the end of this reel
- film eval notes 1903-04-01 1903-10-22: 2 editions present for 1903-05-01 through 1903-6-30. The editions are not next to one another on the reel and will need to be placed in the the right order.
- film eval notes 1909-05-01 1909-08-31: film says it was shot at 12x, likely actually 21x.
- film eval notes 1915-09-01 1915-12-31: The evaluated positive had many white marks on the film. They look like smears of white-out or white paint. For the most part this does not block too much information.
- Scan eval notes LR (from Sealth hard drive) 00200290938 reel, image # 0438 (1922-07-01, pages 2-3 0438.pdf). It looks like the tape caused the frame to not split. Archival copy had tape on it. Sent Bernie Service copy to scan and duplicate. Will replace image and delete bad image. For now, kept bad and spares Bernie will also try to duplicate service copy and repair archival. Received rescans for 3 images, one 2-up image and 2 individual pages. Only used page 2 as we already had a duplicate for page 3 on the original reel.
Seattle star eval spreadsheets (Google)Totals