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Hot off the press! The latest and greatest Washington NDNP news
NEH Approves Grant Extension through 2014
"We are very excited to announce that we will be able to continue our historic newspaper digitization project for an additional two years. The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) is a collaborative grant program between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress, seeking to fund state newspaper digitization projects and make select titles available through the Chronicling America website."
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How Digitizing is Changing my Life: Ashley Fejeran
"Each day, tucked deep in the cozy basement of Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington, my colleagues and I are working to prepare Washington newspapers from the late 1800′s to 1922 for OCR (optical character recognition) software that will make each paper searchable. I am working with the Washington State Library as a part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP); a project that will digitize many historic newspapers across the United States. Now in the fourth year of the program we are deep in the midst of processing important Washington State newspaper titles. Papers like the Industrial Freedom from the tiny town of Edison, the Yakima Herald, and the Aberdeen Herald are already on their way to being published on the Chronicling America Website which holds over four million pages of already processed papers. Our Washington program has already processed over 25 titles, with more to come in the next two years!"
Anna Agnes Maley, First Woman to Run for Washington Governor, 1912
"From the desk of Steve Willis, Central Library Services Program Manager of the Washington State Library:
The microfilm reel found at random this week contained The Clayton News-Letter, a publication that served the Stevens County community of Clayton for a little over a year, 1912-1913. The town was so named in recognition of the rich clay deposits in the area, a source for their main industries of brick and sewer pipes. Clayton had a large Italian American population of craftsmen, producing the well known Northwest artist Leno Prestini (1906-1963).
By no means a propaganda sheet, The Clayton News-Letter included a regular column devoted to socialism tucked between the advertisements, local gossip, and hard news. This was prior to World War I and the subsequent Red Scare. In the issue for August 15, 1912, the column featured coverage of a lecture by one of Washington State’s most overlooked political figures, Anna Agnes Maley."
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
Updates on new content, points of interest,
research and re-use of the Chronicling America digitized newspapers
Notice: May 7-9, 2012
"The Chronicling America historic newspaper archive, hosted by the Library of Congress, is currently offline. The Library is working to resolve the problem and regrets the inconvenience. "
National Digital Newspaper Program - The Kentucky Edition
Other Digital Newspaper related news
"Insightful articles, commentary and research that provide a more balanced perspective on what newspaper companies can do to survive and thrive in the years ahead"
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