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Interim Report March 31, 2013 Posted to NDNP 4/02/2013
NDNP Awardee Interim Performance Report
(September 1, 2012—March 31, 2013)
NEH Award Number: PJ-50038-08
NDNP State: Washington
Submitted By: Shawn Schollmeyer
Report Date: March 31, 2013 REPORT NARRATIVE 1. Describe any changes that you have made or that you anticipate making in the project work plan or methodology from the award proposal submitted to the competition . No major changes will be implemented [...]
About QA_Report was written to compare WSL's newspaper input data (i.e. data created for NDNP during reel evaluation) to the NDNP output after data conversion (i.e. the batch, mets issue and mets reel files). You may be able to adapt the script for use but be aware that these instructions are written for use with data from an MS Access 2007 database and a Windows operating system. Download QA_Report.tar v1 or v1 Feel free to download but please help us improve it by emailing me if you find [...]
2010 Final Report NDNP Awardee Final Report
(July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2010)
NEH Award Number: PJ50038-08
Project Name: Washington State Digital Newspaper Project
Awardee Institution: Washington State Library
NDNP State: Washington
Project Director: Marlys Rudeen
Project Manager: Laura Robinson
Report Date: September 30, 2010 Project Activities Project Administration Upon notice of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) award, an internal project team at the Washington State Library (WSL) was [...]
Working Group Reports
April 26, 2012 Spring Report Production
We've really picked up speed with two more batches out the door and the next one in the data verfication stage. Batch_wa_bumping and batch_wa_columbia were shipped at the end of March and mid-April respectively. They have been received at the LC receiving center and are waiting to be approved and uploaded by LC. Newpspaer titles that will be uploaded from these batches include The Lynden Tribune (sn88085445) and The Spokane Press (LCCN: 88085947). Batch_wa_duwamish is in the hopper to be shipped within [...]
[...] (batch_wa_american\sn88085620\00211107601\2010081901 and batch_wa_american\sn88085620\00211107601\2011062601) After running QA_Report realized there are a lot of wrong issue dates [...]
[...] changed to the Kennewick Courier . The paper continued to support the area’s commercial growth and report on its flourishing agriculture, such as the [...]
[...] Cayton's Monthly images are present in folder, but they are marked "red" (not present) on issue QA report. Tacoma times: There are a few issues with [...]