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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 10 results.
Ayer Annual 1 Publish day: Thursday Content: Socialist Established: 1912 Pages: Size: 15 1/2 x 19 3/4 in. Editor: Maynard Shipley Publisher: Press Committee of the Socialist Party of Snohomish County Frequency: Weekly Coverage Region: County: Snohomish Unique ids SN: sn88085769 OCLC: ocm18197849 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant
Plan to digitize 1914-1915 (1 reel) Washington Socialist 1914-1915, The Northwest Worker 1915-1917, and Co-operative News 1917-1918 all appear on the same reel: A3099 [...]
>>>>>See Washington Socialist Title info
Ayer Annual 1 Publish day: Content: Established: Pages: Size: Editor: Publisher: The Brotherhood Frequency: weekly Coverage Region: Northwest region County: Snohomish Unique ids SN: sn88085771 OCLC: ocm18198275 History Continues: The Northwest worker Continued by: WSL publish history chart: Essay Draft In October 1917 the Socialist weekly The Northwest worker [LCCN:sn88085770] changed its name to the Co-operative News. This title lasted until at least June 1918. That last edition and [...]
[...] Seattle Star (UW) - Browse issues online Tacoma Times (WSA) - Browse issues online Washington Socialist , Everett (UW) - Browse issues online Northwest Worker , Everett - Browse issues online Co-Operative News , Everett - Browse issues online Yakima Herald (UW and WSL) - Browse issues online 2010 Title Map Top Delivery Schedule See: Workflow: Delivery Schedule Top Candidate titles Note: taken from Preliminary NDNP Candidate Titles (Appendix A from grant pkg) Aberdeen Herald [...]
[...] Wallace Lermond and Ed Pelton of Maine decided that the best way to convert the United States to a Socialist system would be to start a network of communes in a sparsely populated state and peacefully gain control of the state government through elections. One the nation observed the general prosperity possibly under a Socialist system the entire country would soon follow their example. The plan was endorsed my leaders in the radical community. Because the state had ample natural resources, a fair climate, and a population generally sympathetic [...]
>>>>>See Washington Socialist Title info
Ayer Annual 1 Publish day: Content: Established: Pages: Size: Editor: Publisher: Frequency: Coverage Region: County: Unique ids SN: OCLC: History Continues: Continued by: WSL publish history chart: Essay Draft The Northwest Worker was published in Everett, Washington during a particularly violent chapter in local history. News coverage of this Socialist weekly focused on the unsuccessful reelection campaign of a Socialist city commissioner James M. Salter, [...]
[...] pdf Seattle Star x x x x draft x x pdf Yakima Herald x x x x draft x x pdf Washington Socialist x x x x draft x x x x pdf Note: x [...]
[...] WA 1896-1902 5 4668
Seattle Star Seattle, WA 1899-1910 22 24325
Tacoma Times Tacoma, WA 1894-1922 24 25023
Washington Socialist Everett, WA 1914-1915 1 601
Yakima Herald Yakima, [...]
[...] 18:00:47)§§ Documented Indian-plum_errors Hemlock
Titles Industrial Freedom - 00211108484 Washington Socialist (w/ Northwest Worker , Co-operative News , [...]
[...] 1896-1902 includes Daily Republican Republican Seattle Star 1899-1910 Tacoma Times 1894-1922 Washington Socialist 1914-1915 includes Co-operative News Northwest [...]