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Final Reports — 7.6%

[...] Report (July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2010) NEH Award Number: PJ50038-08 Project Name: Washington State Digital Newspaper Project Awardee Institution: Washington State Library NDNP State: Washington Project Director: Marlys Rudeen Project Manager: Laura Robinson Report Date: September 30, 2010 Project Activities Project Administration Upon notice of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) award, an internal project team at the Washington State Library (WSL) was created, a search started for a project manager, and a request for proposal submitted [...]

Interim Reports — 6.8%

[...] type program with NDNP, which they call Directed Fieldwork (DFW). They learn valuable experience about newspaper digitization programs by learning OCR requirements, page evaluation, and preservation issues in exchange for credit toward graduation. In the case of our first student, Casey Lansinger, she was encouraged to write an article about her interest in the argument of access vs. preservation which we’ll publish on the Washington State Library blog “Between the Lines” and she will keep in her class portfolio. Each student has the opportunity to learn an aspect that [...]

NDNP News — 6.3%

NDNP Technical Guidelines TechNotes_2012-14 NDNP Related News Hot off the press! The latest and greatest Washington NDNP news NEH Approves Grant Extension through 2014 "We are very excited to announce that we will be able to continue our historic newspaper digitization project for an additional two years. The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) is a collaborative grant program between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress, seeking to [...]

Colville Examiner — 5.7%

[...] columns regularly. The area is noteworthy for its silver mining, timber, and agricultural industries. News, history, and legends of the nearby Spokane and Colville Indian tribes were included. News related to surveying activities on the Columbia River anticipating the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam appears occasionally. Reports of bootlegging and liquor smuggling were frequently related due to the community's proximity to the Canadian border. Harrigan was a witty and self-effacing writer who commented upon local, state, and national [...]

Progress Reports — 4.4%

[...] requirements. Staff Changes Carl Burnett has graciously volunteered to assist us in processing and newspaper essay research despite his busy schedule working at UW's Suzzallo Library and completing his portfolio before he graduates this June. Kate Ratcliff is a familiar face at the Washington State Library and UW as a recent graduate from their MLIS program. In between jobs at UW in Seattle and indexing political comics for a local cartoonist, she is volunteering in our WSL office assisting with processing. We have four volunteers in total contributing to about 15 [...]

Adams County News — 3.4%

[...] digitize 1898-1906 (2 reels) History Succeeding titles: Washington State journal and Adams County news (sn87093057), Washington State journal (sn87093055) Related titles: NEH Approved Essay In the spring of 1878, Philip Ritz led a group of white settlers into northern Adams County, Washington, staked off the land that would become Ritzville and within a year, began growing wheat. This tract of land had previously been a main thoroughfare used by the Nez Perce and other Pacific Northwest Native tribes and is located 65 miles southwest of Spokane. By 1881, the Northern [...]

Newspaper Titles — 3.4%

[...] Star, 1911-1922 (UW) Top 2010-2012 Grant Titles Aberdeen Herald , 1890-1917 (UW) Adams County News (Ritzville, WA), 1898-1906 (WSL) Washington State journal and Adams County news (Ritzville, WA), 1906-1907 (WSL) Washington State journal (Ritzville, WA), 1907 (WSL) Ellensburg Dawn , 1898-1913 (UW) The Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.), 1894-1898 (UW) Evening Statesman , (Walla Walla, Wash.), 1903-1910 (WSL) - imgs leftover from 2008 grant Kennewick Courier , 1905-1914 (WSL) Columbia Courier (Kennewick, Wash.), 1903-1905 (WSL) Labor Journal [...]

Bremerton News — 3.1%

[...] substitute list Master film location unknown, UW may refilm History Continued by: Twice-a-week Bremerton news WSL publish history chart: http://www.secstate.wa.gov/library/docs/iii/charts/sun.htm Research N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1903 -- pg. 879 NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2) Chronicling America record (LOC) - Bremerton news WorldCat record - Bremerton news WSL record - Bremerton News UW record - Bremerton [...]

Tacoma Times — 3.1%

[...] History Succeeding title: Related titles: Los Angeles Record, Seattle Star, Spokane Press, Portland News. These paper were also part of the Scripps-Canfield League (later Scripps League). Essay Draft The Tacoma Times was one of several west coast papers founded by E.W. Scripps. Scripps' approach to the newspaper business was to provide minimal funding for printing equipment and facilities in small or mid-sized cities. He would leave the day-to-day operation of the paper in the hands of ambitious young editors who were offered stock in [...]

Seattle Post-Intelligencer — 3.1%

[...] owner Samuel L. Maxwell in 1867, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (P-I) served as the region’s pioneering newspaper and Seattle’s oldest continually operating business. In a land rich with timber, minerals, and waterways, the P-I served a growing community of 150 persons in 1860. Having survived over 11 moves and more than 17 owners, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer as of March 2009 no longer prints news in broadsheet, but remains an active force in the world of digital publishing. Soon after its creation, the Post-Intelligencer experienced a [...]

Colfax Gazette — 2.9%

[...] their new enterprise, the Palouse Gazette [LCCN: sn 88085456]. During the spring and summer of 1877, news of the Nez Perce war sent a wave of panic through the white settlers of Palouse region of Washington Territory. Farmers abandoned their homesteads, seeking protection in the towns from a rumored uprising among the Palouse, Couer d'Alene and Spokane Indians. The tribes, for their part, were troubled by the sudden activity among the settlers. Fortunately, the misunderstanding was resolved without violence and the newspapermen were able to start the first weekly paper [...]

Vashon Island News — 2.9%

[...] e.g. 2008-2009 grant Plan to digitize 1907-1922 - 2 reels History Preceding title: Vashon Island news (DLC)sn 92038389 ; Vashon Island record (DLC)sn 92038390 ; Succeeding title: Islander (Vashon, Wash.) (DLC)sn 92038388 Islander news-record (DLC)sn 87093322 (OCoLC)17239182 Related titles: Essay Draft Essay Notes Research N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1919-- 1012 Vashon Island Record N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper [...]

Co-Operative News (Everett) — 2.9%

[...] 1917 the Socialist weekly The Northwest worker [LCCN:sn88085770] changed its name to the Co-operative News. This title lasted until at least June 1918. That last edition and the editions preceding it are filled with predictions of newspaper’s impending doom based on the federal government’s on-going suppression of other Socialist and radical publications taking place throughout the nation under the authority of the federal Espionage Act of 1917, as amended in April 1918. The Co-operative news continued to publish [...]

Essay Research Bibliography — 2.3%

Essays of 250-500 words accompany the newspaper images on the Library of Congress website. This page organizes resources that will aid in the historical research necessary to create these brief essays. Completed essay drafts may be found on the Newspaper Titles page. Essay Scope Requirements Essay Style Guidelines Bibliographies Dobb, Bartley. Theses and Dissertations Concerning the Pacific Northwest/Alaska Relating to Communication: A Subject Bibliography Through 1970. Seattle: University of Washington, 1994. Mitchell, Marlene. [...]

Walla Walla Evening Statesman — 2.1%

[...] chart: http://www.sos.wa.gov/library/docs/iii/charts/wallawalla.htm NEH Approved Essay The first newspaper in Walla Walla County was the "Washington Statesman" [LCCN: sn84022799], founded in 1861 as an independent weekly. Two pairs of newspaper entrepreneurs had separately obtained presses in order to begin a newspaper in the Walla Walla region. Brothers William and R.B. Smith had purchased a used press from the "Oregon Statesman" [LCCN: sn83025131]. Around the same time, Nemiah Northrop and Raymond Rees bought [...]

San Juan Islander — 1.8%

[...] Sound about half-way between Bellingham, Washington and Victoria, British Columbia. The paper included news from nearby Orcas Island and Lopez Island. The inhabitants of the islands were mostly fishermen and farmers and much of the paper is devoted to news of farmers' cooperatives, commodity prices, new agricultural production methods, and the movements of shipping vessels. The San Juan Islands also produced lime for concrete and the striking beauty of the setting encouraged tourism. It was common for rural newspapers of this period to experience [...]

Seattle Republican — 1.8%

[...] Republican - final draft Draft The Seattle Republican was Seattle's first truly successful African American newspaper. Out of seven black newspapers to appear in the city between 1891 and 1901, it alone survived into the early 20th century. First issued on May 19, 1894 and continuing until 1913, the paper (initially called simply the Republican ) represented the political views of the Republican Party, but not without critical scrutiny by its publisher and editor Horace Cayton Sr. Begun as a weekly, the Seattle Republican aimed for both a national and biracial audience, reporting [...]

Main Page — 1.8%

[...] wiki. It tracks the progress of the Washington State Library's participation in the National Digital Newspaper Program . With a grant from the National Endowment for Humanaties , the Washington State Library is participating in the National Digital Newspaper Program; an effort to digitize early (pre 1923) issues from newspapers around the United States. Currently Washington has contributed 23 newspapers from our large microfilm collection and continues to add more. These isues are full-text searchable and downloadable free online at the Library [...]

Seattle Star — 1.6%

[...] history chart: Top August 1, 1914 Seattle Star NEH Approved Essay E. W. (Edwin Willis) Scripps, newspaper businessman, once wrote "the best community in which to found a newspaper is one that is comparatively young and whose population has in very recent time increased." 1 . With a population of 40,000 and growing, Seattle, Washington in 1899 fit Scripps'description well. Scripps hired editor E. H. Wells to found his latest venture, the Seattle Star , on February 2, 1899. Scripps papers generally supported the principle of public ownership. [...]

Title template — 1.3%

[...] title: Succeeding title: Related titles: Essay Essay Notes Research N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1897 -- 828 NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2) Chronicling America record (LOC) - Title of newspaper [...]

Pullman Herald — 1.3%

[...] of alcohol was a heated topic in Pullman. The Herald promoted the "dry" side and in 1907 the Pullman News was started to argue the "wet" side. The town had a third paper at that time (the Pullman Tribune [LCCN: 88087185]).. The fight was quite bitter, but by 1910 Pullman was declared "dry." In 1911 the News was absorbed by the Herald and in 1919 the Tribune followed suit. In that year the Chamber of Commerce pledged itself to "discourage attempts at funding another paper in Pullman...one is sufficient: two would only create antagonism." Floods [...]

Spokane Press — 1.3%

[...] Approved Essay The Spokane Press was founded in 1902 by the Edward Willis (E. W.) Scripps as part of his newspaper chain. He wrote that "the journalistic policy of the new paper...be that of advocate and special pleader of the poor classes as against the whole plutocratic and aristocratic cominations, political, economic, and social." 1 Scripps himself did not oversee the day-to-day operations of the paper, but the Spokane Press fulfilled its mission of serving the working classes by supporting labor issues and maintaining its price at one penny per issue. The Scripps papers [...]

Ranch (Seattle) — 1.3%

[...] According to his memoirs, Miller Freeman had only $3.00 and a bicycle when he decided to start his own newspaper in 1897. At the age of twenty-one, Miller was the last of his siblings to leave the shadow of his father, Legh Freeman, who had published numerous small papers while moving the family westward. Miller had learned printing while working on the Frontier Index [LCCN:sn84022156] (also known as the "Press on Wheels") and most recently the Washington Farmer [LCCN:see note]. When Legh refused to pay Miller for his continued work on the papers, Miller decided to leave [...]

Washington Socialist (Everett) — 1.0%

[...] 1914-1915 (1 reel) Washington Socialist 1914-1915, The Northwest Worker 1915-1917, and Co-operative News 1917-1918 all appear on the same reel: A3099 Top History Preceding: The Commonwealth Succeeding: The Northwest Worker ; Co-operative News WSL publish history chart: Essay Draft The Commonwealth [LCCN:sn84025731], an Everett, Washington Socialist weekly, found itself deep in debt after only three years of publication. Though business manager Katherine Hodgins was able to make the paper pay its current bills and some of its debt [...]

Morning Olympian — 1.0%

[...] political happenings of Washington State, and the Morning Olympian dutifully covered the all legislative news of the day. It was published every day except Monday, from 1898 to 1927. Like many papers at the time, the paper was backed by a political party and its Republican leanings led to a healthy rivalry with the Democratic Washington Standard LCCN sn84022770 . But, Olympia wasn’t all about politics. In 1898, with a population of about 6,000 the city was a bustling seaport with thriving timber, farming, and mining industries. In 1898, the Morning Olympian was owned by [...]

Ellensburg Dawn — 1.0%

[...] and then reverted back to the Dawn from January 19, 1895 until March 11, 1898. On March 18, 1898, the newspaper was renamed the Ellensburg Dawn . By 1900, the thriving town of Ellensburg had several established creameries, stock production ranches (cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep), gold and coal mines, and small-scale mills and was the division headquarters of the Northern Pacific Railway. Because interest in the Populist movement was dwindling, Turner changed the Ellensburg Dawn’s political affiliation to Independent and turned his and the paper’s efforts to promoting [...]

Labor Journal (Everett) — 1.0%

[...] chapter of AFL, the Labor Journal quickly became the vehicle for Progressive politics and Labor Union news in Everett and surrounding regions through the political savvy of its leadership. In 1905, future WA State Senator, John E. Campbell became business manager of the Labor Journal partnering with editor and part-owner Ernest P. Marsh. By 1909, the duo was publishing the Labor Journal weekly and was keeping union members and the general public informed about Labor issues and perspectives. The need for such information is explained by the Washington State Federation [...]

Newport Miner — 1.0%

[...] Wolf’s local causes, the Miner also featured short stories, serialized fiction, legal notices, local news briefs, and advertisements during this period. Wolf remained at the helm of the paper for 38 years and is considered one of Pend Oreille’s greatest promoters and benefactors. The Miner has had several editors since but has continued as Newport’s primary weekly newspaper. In 1971, the paper also began being published as the Gem State Miner LCCN sn89055102 , serving Newport’s sister city of Oldtown, Idaho. Essay Notes Arksey, Laura. [...]

Latest Updates — 1.0%

[...] Milestones 2012-2014 Progress Chart Title Duplication Evaluation Scanning OCR QA Essay Delivered Online News release Seattle Post Intelligencer x x x x Seattle Star x x x + + x + + x Washington Standard x + + Note: x (finished), + (partial or in progress) Top 2010-2012 Progress Chart Title Duplication Evaluation Scanning OCR QA Essay Delivered Online News release Aberdeen Herald x x x x x x x x x Adams County News x x x x x x x x x Ellensburg Dawn x x x x x x x + Evening [...]

Lynden Tribune — 1.0%

[...] sn88087026]. By 1909 the Tribune had been purchased by Dan Cloud, former editor of the Tacoma Daily News [LCCN: sn86072044] and future owner of the Montesano Vidette [LCCN: sn87093197]. On October 19, 1911, Herman Rosenzweig became the proprietor of the Tribune after Cloud fell ill. In October of 1914, Sol H. Lewis took ownership of the paper. Lewis was among the first graduates of the University of Washington’s journalism program. After graduation, he taught journalism at the University of Kansas for two years, then went to New York City in 1913 to join the staff of [...]

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