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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.4 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Interim Reports — 20.1%

[...] 31, 2013 REPORT NARRATIVE 1. Describe any changes that you have made or that you anticipate making in the project work plan or methodology from the award proposal submitted to the competition . No major changes will be implemented during our third grant cycle though we are working on fine tuning the OCR correction process. By deciding to outsource our early stages of image processing, the de-skewing and text-zoning stages, we are speeding up some of the processing time and allowing more time for local correction of spelling people and place names and key search terms [...]

Final Reports — 5.6%

[...] grant period the project director and project manager attended the annual awardee meetings and turned in interim project and fiscal reports. A production schedule was created and batches delivered throughout the project. After communication from the Library of Congress (LC) regarding the upload and availability of newspaper pages, news was announced via the Washington State Library blog and press releases for each title were sent to media, the advisory committee, museums, schools, and other interested parties to announce the availability of new content on Chronicling [...]

Colfax Gazette — 4.8%

[...] record 3 Publish day: Friday Content: Republican Established: 1877; 1893-1932 3 Pages: 8 Size: 15x22 in. Editor: Ivan Chase Publisher: Ivan Chase; Colfax Gazette Co. 3 Frequency: Coverage Region: Southeast County: Whitman Unique ids SN: sn88085460 OCLC: 17401202 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant WSL ordered duplication and testing of 1900-1912 (8 reels) from Proquest Received order 2008-12-01 History Preceding: Palouse Gazette (Colfax, Wash) 1877 - 1893 3 Related Title: The Colfax Commoner (Colfax, Wash) 1911 - 1932 3 Succeeding: The Gazette-commoner (Colfax, [...]

Progress Reports — 4.6%

[...] Report Production We've really picked up speed with two more batches out the door and the next one in the data verfication stage. Batch_wa_bumping and batch_wa_columbia were shipped at the end of March and mid-April respectively. They have been received at the LC receiving center and are waiting to be approved and uploaded by LC. Newpspaer titles that will be uploaded from these batches include The Lynden Tribune (sn88085445) and The Spokane Press (LCCN: 88085947). Batch_wa_duwamish is in the hopper to be shipped within the week and will [...]

Colville Examiner — 4.0%

[...] Annual 1 ; 2 Publish day: Saturday Content: Democratic Established: 1907 Pages: 10; 8 Size: 9x12 in.; 15x22 in. Editor: J.C. Harrigan Publisher: Stevens County Publishing Co.; J.C. Harrigan Frequency: Weekly Coverage Region: Northeast 3 County: Stevens Unique ids LCCN: sn88085318 OCLC: 17365658 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant WSL ordered duplication and testing of 1907-1922 (5 reels) from Proquest Received order 2008-12-01 History Succeeding: Statesman-Examiner, Colville (1948) Related to: Scimitar and Statesman-Index, Colville [...]

Pullman Herald — 3.5%

[...] 1890 1 ; 1900 2 Publish day: Saturday Content: Republican Established:1888 Pages: 8; 6 Size: 24x36 in.; 18x24 in. Editor: Thos. Neill; Wilford Allen Publisher: Thos. Neill; Allen Bros.; Sargent & Neill 6 Frequency: Weekly Coverage Region: Southeast County: Whitman Unique ids LCCN: sn88085488 OCLC: 17408151 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant Reduction ratio high (20-25:1) Waiting on new density readings Received order 2008-12-01 WSL ordered duplication and testing of 1888-1922 (11 reels) from Proquest. History Continues: NA Continued [...]

Grant 1 Batches — 3.3%

[...] 00211107480, 00211107492 Batch errors TBD minor error: sn87093407/00211107339/1903070201/1903070201 in xml file edition label is "last Edition". It would probably be better if "last" was capitalized in order to match the style of other edition labels. major error: sn87093407\00211107492\1910072201 issue 1910-07-23 is in this folder, should be moved to its own folder. minor issue: sn87093407\00211107480:1910-04-14, 1910-04-16, 1910-04-19; 00211107455: 1908-12-22, 1908-11-14; 00211107352: (1904-09-21 through 1904-10-01), [...]

Aberdeen Herald — 2.3%

[...] Aberdeen Herald LCCN sn87093220 Aberdeen Weekly Herald LCCN sn90099799 Aberdeen is the largest city in Grays Harbor County (known as Chehalis County until 1915), situated on the central Washington coast. Named for Aberdeen, Scotland, the city is located at the confluence of the Chehalis and Wishkah Rivers, just east of Grays Harbor itself. The first white farmers settled in the area in the 1860s; in the following decades, Aberdeen blossomed into an industrial city that boasted numerous [...]

Vancouver Independent — 2.1%

[...] Related titles: NEH Approved Essay The settlement of Vancouver was founded by the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1825. Strategically located along the Columbia River, the site was a primary headquarters for the British Company. In 1846, the United States and Britain settled on the 49th parallel as the demarcation between U.S. and British interests, and Fort Vancouver became American. The city of Vancouver was incorporated into Washington Territory in 1857. By this time, the importance of the fort had declined, and agriculture [...]

Seattle Post-Intelligencer — 2.1%

[...] sure what years these measurments cover or where they came from - LR 17x24 "24x36, 36x48 on Fridays in 1884" Editor: Publisher: Post Intelligencer Company Frequency: daily Coverage Region: King County: King county Unique ids LCCN: sn 83045604 OCLC: 9563195 Digitization plan e.g. 2010-2012 grant Plan to digitize 1876-1892 - 35 reels (UW) (originally planned 73 reels (to 1900) but ran out of room in grant) Title carried into 2012-14 grant cycle and will digitized all 73 reels 1876-1900. ss History Preceding title: The daily intelligencer. [...]

Seattle Republican — 2.0%

[...] Title January 16, 1903 Ayer Annual 1 Content: Republican Established: 1896 Pages: 4; 8 (changed in Apr. 1903); some special issues of 30+ pages Size: 18 x 24 Editor: H.R. Cayton Publisher: H.R. Cayton Frequency: Weekly, Friday, AM paper Coverage Region: King county County: King county Unique ids LCCN: sn84025811 OCLC: 10328970 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant Plan to digitize 1900-1913 Sample reel - UW Microfilm # A3151, dates 1896.02.26 - 1902.12.26 (includes two issues of Daily republican and two issues of Republican). Reels ordered by UW History Continues: [...]

Walla Walla Evening Statesman — 2.0%

[...] published Saturday Content: Democratic Established: 1861 (weekly); 1880 (daily) Pages: 8 Size: 15x22 in. Editor: none listed Publisher: Statesman Publishing Co. Ayer Annual 2 Publish day: Evenings, except Sunday; There is also a weekly edition published Saturday Content: Independent Established: 1858 (weekly); 1880 (daily) Pages: 8 Size: 17x24 in Editor: Seth Maxwell Publisher: E. E. Fall Frequency: daily Coverage Region: Southeast County: Walla Walla Unique ids SN: sn88085421 OCLC: ocm17397533 Digitization plan 2008-2010 grant Text [...]

Leavenworth Echo — 1.9%

[...] Ayer Annual 1905 1 Publish day: Friday Content: Republican Established: 1904 Pages: 4 Size: 13x20 in. Editor: Deed H. Mayer Publisher: Deed H. Mayer Frequency: Weekly Coverage Region: North Cascades County: Chelan Unique ids LCCN: sn87093039 OCLC: 16996294 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant Plan to digitize 1904-1922 (6 reels) History Continues: Current Continued by: NA Essay Draft The first issue of the Leavenworth Echo was published January 15, 1904 by Deed H. Mayar. The community of Leavenworth had been growing since the 1890s when the Great Northern [...]

Yakima Herald — 1.9%

[...] Title 1905-03-15 Ayer Annual 1 Content: Independent Established: 1889 - 1914 Pages: 8 Size: 18x24 in. Editor: E.M. Reed Publisher: Reed and Coe; Yakima Herald Pub. Co. (later 19??) 3 Frequency: Thursday; Weekly 3 Coverage Region: South Cascades 2 County: Yakima Unique ids LCCN: sn88085523 OCLC: 17416264 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant Also adding Recordak film (permission received from publisher) 1893-1899, 1905 (3 reels) Checking to see if 1905 from Recordak film can be added Plan to digitize 1900-1912 (12 reels), perhaps also 1905 from WSL (1 reel) [...]

QA Report — 1.9%

[...] folder. You can easily convert Access tables to xml (see sample_database.mdb) Our input data is delivered in MS Access in three tables (titleTbl, reelTbl, issueTbl) From Access save each table as xml into the QA_Report folder (e.g. Export > More > XML File > C:\NDNP\OUT\QA\QA_Report\reelTbl.xml) Click OK Export XML window will open, save 'Data (XML)' only (uncheck 'Schema of the data (XSD)' - this isn't needed) Click OK Save Export Steps if you like, click Close You may close the database QA_Report should now have three xml files (titleTbl.xml, [...]

San Juan Islander — 1.9%

[...] (Friday Harbor) Essay Draft The Islander was first published by James Cooper Wheeler on March 6, 1891 in Friday Harbor, Washington. Friday Harbor is located on San Juan Island in the Puget Sound about half-way between Bellingham, Washington and Victoria, British Columbia. The paper included news from nearby Orcas Island and Lopez Island. The inhabitants of the islands were mostly fishermen and farmers and much of the paper is devoted to news of farmers' cooperatives, commodity prices, new agricultural production methods, and the movements [...]

Newport Miner — 1.8%

[...] Gem State miner (Old Town, Ida.) 1971-current NEH Approved Essay Newport, Washington, is located in the Pend Oreille Valley on the Washington/Idaho border. It was established in 1895 when townspeople from Newport (now Oldtown), Idaho migrated west with the Great Northern Railway line. Newport grew steadily as settlers developed agriculture (alfalfa and cattle), logging, milling (lumber and saw), and mining industries. The origin of the Newport Miner is a subject of debate amongst local historians. Many believe that the Miner was originally [...]

Industrial Freedom (Edison) — 1.4%

[...] Content: collectivist (The Equality Colony of Skagit County) Established: 1898 Pages: 4 Size: 15 x 22 in. Editor: none listed Publisher: The Brotherhood of the Cooperative Commonwealth Frequency: Weekly Coverage Region: Northwest County: Skagit Unique ids LCCN: sn88085617 OCLC: ocm18032509 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant 1898-1901 (1 reel) History Continues: na Related titles: na Essay Draft The Brotherhood of the Cooperative Commonwealth (BCC) emerged from the ruins of William Jennings Bryan's 1896 presidential campaign. Leaders Norman Wallace Lermond and [...]

Labor Journal (Everett) — 1.4%

[...] sn88085620 OCLC: ocm18036796 Digitization plan 2008-2010 grant Substitute title, not digitized in this grant cycle 1909-1922 (3 reels) History Continues: Related titles: NEH Approved Essay The Labor Journal [LCCN: sn88085620] was the official paper of the Everett Trades Council, the Central Labor Council of Everett, and the Everett, WA chapter of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) until it ceased publication in October 1978. Originally published in 1891 as an annual newsletter for the Everett, [...]

Tacoma Times — 1.4%

Title Ayer Annual 1 Content: Independent Established: 1903-1949 Pages: 4 Size: 17x22 in. Editor: Publisher: Tacoma Times Publishing Co.; Yakima Herald Pub. Co. (later 19??) 3 Frequency: Daily (evening, except Sun.) Coverage Region: Pierce 2 County: Pierce Unique ids LCCN: sn88085187 OCLC: 17347623 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant Plan to digitize WSL's 1909-1918 reels (24 reels) and UW's 1903-1904; 1907 reel (1 reel) Also checking on paper copies Substitute for now. Checking to see where negatives are. History Succeeding title: Related titles: Los [...]

Northwest Worker (Everett) — 1.3%

[...] Continues: Continued by: WSL publish history chart: Essay Draft The Northwest Worker was published in Everett, Washington during a particularly violent chapter in local history. News coverage of this Socialist weekly focused on the unsuccessful reelection campaign of a Socialist city commissioner James M. Salter, the paper’s financial struggles, and labor turmoil in Everett, leading up to and following the infamous “Everett Massacre” of November 5, 1916. The paper was formerly known as the Washington Socialist [...]

ranch research — 1.3%

Succession Cataloger writes :I can't remember now if the titles were connected in the existing OCLC records. But in any case, I decided to connect Ranch (North Yakima, Wash.) (.b57920357) to Ranche and range (.b57920503) because: 1) The issues for June 10, 1897- were called new ser. v. 1, no. 10- and also old ser. v. 3 , no. 43-. I was puzzled by the double numbering, but then I counted things out on calendars for 1894-1897 and saw that yes, the June 10, 1897 issue would indeed have been v. 3, no. 43 of Ranch. I put a note in the [...]

Ranch — 1.3%

[...] Not listed Publish day: Thursdays Content: Agriculture Established: 1894 Pages: 16-20 Size: 11 x 13 in Editor: Publisher: Frequency: weekly, then semi-monthly Coverage Region: South Cascades, Statewide County: Yakima Unique ids LCCN: 2007252175; 2007252185; sn98047754; sn98047755 OCLC: 226861055 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant Suggested by Glenda Pearson 2009-06-29 Digitizing 1894-1912 (title changes from Ranch to Ranche and Range > The Ranch (Seattle) > Washington Farmer ) (8 reels) Top History Continued by: Ranche and Range , Ranch (Seattle) , Washington [...]

Wenatchee Daily World — 1.2%

[...] 1971-current WSL publish history chart: NA NEH Approved Essay The Wenatchee Daily World was founded in 1905 by C.A. Briggs and Nat Ament, as a Republican paper. The paper was the town’s first daily newspaper and initially consisted of four pages. In 1907, Briggs and Ament sold the ailing paper after threats were made on their lives over their anti-saloon stances. Rufus Woods, who had previously published the Wenatchee Advance [LCCN: sn87093051] and written for the Republic [LCCN: sn87093278], purchased the paper with his twin brother Ralph [...]

Adams County News — 1.2%

[...] County news (sn87093057), Washington State journal (sn87093055) Related titles: NEH Approved Essay In the spring of 1878, Philip Ritz led a group of white settlers into northern Adams County, Washington, staked off the land that would become Ritzville and within a year, began growing wheat. This tract of land had previously been a main thoroughfare used by the Nez Perce and other Pacific Northwest Native tribes and is located 65 miles southwest of Spokane. By 1881, the Northern Pacific Railway line reached the area, bringing more settlers and officially establishing [...]

Lynden Tribune — 1.1%

[...] sn 88085445 OCLC: ocm17398139 Digitization plan 2008-2010 grant Substitute title, not digitized in this grant cycle 1908-1922 (6 reels) History NEH Approved Essay Lynden Tribune (LCCN: sn88085445) Washington State Library The town of Lynden is situated near the Canadian border in northwest Washington State. The Nooksack Indians dominated this area prior to the 1870s. English and Scandinavian settlers incorporated the city in 1891, but an economic depression caused the population to drop significantly [...]

Seattle Star — 1.1%

[...] Approved Essay E. W. (Edwin Willis) Scripps, newspaper businessman, once wrote "the best community in which to found a newspaper is one that is comparatively young and whose population has in very recent time increased." 1 . With a population of 40,000 and growing, Seattle, Washington in 1899 fit Scripps'description well. Scripps hired editor E. H. Wells to found his latest venture, the Seattle Star , on February 2, 1899. Scripps papers generally supported the principle of public ownership. The Star was a strong [...]

Kennewick Courier — 1.1%

[...] being described by a Hudson’s Bay Company governor as exceptionally “sterile.” This changed temporarily in the 1880s and again in the early 1890s with the construction of a railroad bridge over the Columbia River and a few failed irrigation schemes. However, Kennewick’s population growth began in earnest when the Northern Pacific Irrigation Company began advertising farmable land in 1902. The ensuing flood of settlers included Elwyn P. “Pea” Greene, a newspaperman from Milton, Oregon, [...]

Co-Operative News (Everett) — 1.0%

[...] History Continues: The Northwest worker Continued by: WSL publish history chart: Essay Draft In October 1917 the Socialist weekly The Northwest worker [LCCN:sn88085770] changed its name to the Co-operative News. This title lasted until at least June 1918. That last edition and the editions preceding it are filled with predictions of newspaper’s impending doom based on the federal government’s on-going suppression of other Socialist and radical publications taking place throughout the nation under the authority of the federal Espionage Act of 1917, as amended [...]

Ellensburg Dawn — 1.0%

[...] Approved Essay Robert A. Turner, a newspaperman from Missouri, moved to Washington for health reasons in 1890. He and his wife, Minnerva, first settled in Seattle, but when he could not secure an adequately affordable space for his paper plant, they moved to Ellensburg in 1891. In November 1893, Turner began publishing a 12-page monthly, the Reformer’s Dawn LCCN sn88085011 , to advocate for the People’s Party and the Populist movement which “was sweeping westward with wonderful strength [...]

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