- Ayer Annual1
- Content: Republican
- Established: 1898 (as San Juan Islander); Islander estab. 1891
- Pages: 4
- Size: 17x24, 13x20, 15x22
- Editor: FN & OH Culver
- Publisher: Culver Bros.
- Frequency: Weekly
- Coverage
- Region: Northwest
- County: San Juan
- Unique ids
- LCCN: sn88085190
- OCLC: ocm17347718
Digitization plan
2008-2009 grant
- WSL film 1894-1914 (merged with Islander title) (11 reels).
- Found that 1899 issues are merged with Islander film - going to evaluate and digitize all.
- Made it into final list sent to OCLC. Decided to add due to local need and geography. Plan to digitize WSL's film - 1899-1914 (9 reels)
- Preceding title: Islander (Friday Harbor)
Essay Draft
Islander wa
s fir
st publi
shed by Jame
s Cooper Wheeler on March 6, 1891 in Friday Harbor, Wa
shington. Friday Harbor i
s located on
San Juan I
sland in the Puget
Sound about half-way between Bellingham, Wa
shington and Victoria, Briti
sh Columbia. The paper included new
s from nearby Orca
s I
sland and Lopez I
sland. The inhabitant
s of the i
s were mo
stly fi
shermen and farmer
s and much of the paper i
s devoted to new
s of farmer
s' cooperative
s, commodity price
s, new agricultural production method
s, and the movement
s of
shipping ve
s. The
San Juan I
s al
so produced lime for concrete and the
striking beauty of the
setting encouraged touri
It wa
s common for rural new
s of thi
s period to experience delay
s due to the difficulty of moving equipment to remote location
s, and the
Islander wa
s no exception. The fir
st i
ssue noted that, in addition to other initial
s, "our keg of printing ink wa
s lo
st overboard and floated around the bay two or three day
s before being found." The fir
st i
ssue of the paper declare
s it
s oppo
sition to the other Friday Harbor weekly paper, the
San Juan Graphic, publi
shed by Frank L. Baum (no relation to the famou
s author). The
Islander promi
sed to be independent in politic
s and kinder toward tho
se who frequented the local
A.J. Pax
served a
s owner and editor of the
Islander from July 1894 to June 1895. He wa
s a member of the Populi
st party and, though the paper never took a
strong political tone, Pax
son wa
s quite critical of "patrioti
sm" and extremi
sm in hi
s editorial
O.H. Culver and hi
s brother Fred Culver bought the
Islander in 1896. Prior to thi
s purcha
se, O.H. Culver had worked on a new
spaper in northern Idaho from 1884-1889. He relocated to Wa
shington and
succeeded William Lightfoot Vi
sscher a
s editor at the
Fairhaven Herald in 1890. He al
so managed the
Bellingham Herald for two year
s. The Culver Brother
s declared their member
ship to the Republican party in the fir
st i
ssue of the
Islander they publi
shed. In 1898 the name of the paper wa
s changed to the
San Juan Islander. O. H. Culver al
so became a cu
s official in 1897, managing the port in Roche Harbor for three year
s before e
shing the port at Friday Harbor where he remained cu
s official until 1920.
O.H. Culver left the new
spaper in 1909. Fred Culver and the "I
slander Company Publi
s" continued the
San Juan Islander until April of 1913 when it wa
s sold by Fred Culver'
s widow to John N. Dickie of
Seattle. The
San Juan Islander cea
sed publication in 1914.
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1900 -- 338N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1904 -- 878N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- 1906 -- 896
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - San Juan Islander
- WorldCat record - San Juan Islander
- WSL record - San Juan Islander
- UW record - San Juan Islander
- History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 41-42.
- Info on AJ Paxson
- Filmed by: WSL
- Positives held by: WSL and UW (same 11 reels)
- Condition of film (based on first full issue on reel 1)
- No targets
- Filmed in 1964 for State Library
- Image size 1.45 x 1 in.
- Contrast seems good in reader
- Resolution ?
- Negatives held by: UMI/Proquest and UW
- WSL has 1891; 1894-1914 (11 reels)
- UW has 1902-1914 (4 reels - incomplete)
- Positive Holdings
- Location: WSL; UW
- Call Number: drawer 60/59; A2359
- Library holds: 1899 Nov 2 - 1914 Jun 5 (includes Islander 1891; 1894-1899; UW holds WSL film for years 1891; 1894-1914
Double checked and Proque
st doe
s have all year
s (only li
sted to 1902 on their
sheet li
st). Ordered 1891-1914 (11 reel
s). Ordered te
sting of negative
s a
s well.
lrobinson, 2009/04/01 13:54UW ha
s 4 reel
s of negative
s covering date
- 1902/09/18-1905/11/18;
- 1905/12/25-1909/04/16;
- 1909/04/23-1912/05/31;
- 1912/05/17-1914-06-05.
Newspapers appear to be shot in 2b orientation. - The positives available in the UW stacks do not match the negatives. 11 reels are available covering dates:
- 1891/05/06-1897/01/08 (incomplete);
- 1897/01/07-1899/11/02;
- 1899/11/02-1902/09/04;
- 1902/0904-1905/03/05;
- 1905/03/04-1906/08/04;
- 1906/08/05-1908/01/04;
- 1908/01/04-1909/06/04;
- 1909/06/04-1910/11/04;
- 1910/11/04-1912/04/05;
- 1912/04/05-1914/09/05;
All of these papers are shot in 1a orientation; drb24, 2009/03/31 10:01
UW ha
s 4 reel
s covering
Sept 1902-1914 Jun - date
s don't match po
sitive reel
s in UW
s. It
s UW neg
s are different than their po
lrobinson, 2009/02/20 12:53Proque
st only ha
s 1891-1902 negative
s (reel
s 1-3?) - where are W
s remaining 8 reel
s (reel 4-11)?;
lrobinson, 2009/02/20 10:53Checked out and took W
SL po
s to UW
lrobinson, 2009/02/19 15:01Evaluation
San Juan islander eval spreadsheets (Google)Totals