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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.4 seconds and yielded 8 results.
[...] Established: 1877; 1893-1932 3 Pages: 8 Size: 15x22 in. Editor: Ivan Chase Publisher: Ivan Chase; Colfax Gazette Co. 3 Frequency: Coverage Region: Southeast County: Whitman Unique ids SN: sn88085460 OCLC: 17401202 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant
WSL ordered duplication and testing of 1900-1912 (8 reels) from Proquest Received order 2008-12-01 History Preceding: Palouse Gazette (Colfax, Wash) 1877 - 1893 3 Related Title: The Colfax Commoner (Colfax, [...]
[...] Seattle (WSL) - Browse issues online Cayton's Monthly , Seattle (WSL)- Browse issues online Colfax Gazette (WSL) - Browse issues online Colville Examiner (WSL) - Browse issues online Commonwealth , Everett (UW) - Browse issues online Industrial Freedom , Edison (UW)- Browse issues online Leavenworth Echo (UW) - Browse issues online Pullman Herald (WSL) - Browse issues online Ranch , Yakima (UW) - Browse issues online Ranche and Range (UW) - Browse issues online Ranch (Seattle) (UW) - Browse issues online Washington Farmer (UW) - Browse [...]
[...] Washington 2008-2010 Title List Title City Dates Reels Pages
Cayton's Weekly Seattle, WA 1917-1921 1 738
Colfax Gazette Colfax, [...]
[...] Delivery 2009-07-31 Title Duplication Evaluation Scanning QA Essay Delivered Online News release Colfax Gazette x x x x draft x x pdf Colville [...]
[...] attempted to order duplication and testing from Proquest - they couldn't locate the title. Substituted for Colfax Gazette . Top Notes e.g. Significant for [...]
[...] Seattle Republican ( 5 4 reels - 00211100503 , 00211100515, 00211100527, 00211100539, 00211100540) Colfax Gazette (8 reels - 00211108204, 00211108216, [...]
[...] final list. The final list is below: Cayton's Weekly (Seattle) 1917-1921 includes Cayton’s Monthly Colfax Gazette 1900-1912 Colville Examiner 1907-1922 [...]