2010-2012 batch data
Batch details
Indian Plum
- Seattle Star - 00211107285, 00211107303, 00211107315, 00211107327, 00211107339, 00211107340, 00211107352, 00211107364, 00211107376, 00211107388, 00211107406, 00211107418, 0021110739A, 0021110742A, 00211107431, 00211107443, 00211107455, 00211107467, 00211107480, 00211107492
Batch errors
- minor error: sn87093407/00211107339/1903070201/1903070201 in xml file edition label is "last Edition". It would probably be better if "last" was capitalized in order to match the style of other edition labels.
- major error: sn87093407\00211107492\1910072201 issue 1910-07-23 is in this folder, should be moved to its own folder.
- minor issue: sn87093407\00211107480:1910-04-14, 1910-04-16, 1910-04-19; 00211107455: 1908-12-22, 1908-11-14; 00211107352: (1904-09-21 through 1904-10-01), 1904-10-07, 1904-09-08 are missing edition label information in the xml file.
1904-10-07 seems to be fine, reported the others
lrobinson, 2010/03/25 14:14 - minor issue: E:\QA_indian-plum\pdf-xml_only\sn87093407\00211107339\1903050602 edition label in xml file does not match spread sheet or edition label on the page. This might have been added in order to differentiate this edition from the other edition. The "other" edition may actually be a duplicate of this one. Not sure this is worth correcting. Similar problem occurs for : sn87093407\00211107339\1903051602, except that edition one does not have any edition label (which is correct). In this case, the edition label information is incorrect in the xml file for the second edition. Is should be "last edition" and appears as "extra edition".
Dana, I looked at all of these xml files and they all state "Last Edition"
lrobinson, 2010/03/17 17:02.
- minor issue E:\QA_indian-plum\pdf-xml_only\sn87093407\00211107352\1904083101 and 1904083001 have their edition labels mixed up. Also see E:\QA_indian-plum\pdf-xml_only\sn87093407\00211107352\1904090801
Looked at sn87093407\00211107352\1904090801 and didn't see any label edition error - reported the rest
lrobinson, 2010/03/24 18:00 - Documented Indian-plum_errors
- Industrial Freedom - 00211108484
- Washington Socialist (w/ Northwest Worker, Co-operative News, Commonwealth) - 00211108496,
- Seattle Star - 00211107479, 00211107509
Batch errors
No significant batch errors found (2010/03/11, drb)
This batch was later combined with the Sample batch after LC let us know that batches cannot be combined on one hard drive.
- Ranch, Ranche and Range and Ranch (Seattle) (4 reels - 00211107728, 0021110773A, 00211107741, 00211107753)
- Seattle Republican, Daily Republican, Republican, (1 reel - 00211100503)
Batch errors
None found
- Tacoma Times (11 reels - 0021110837A, 00211108381, 00211108393, 0021110840A, 00211108411, 00211108423, 00211108435, 00211108447, 00211108459, 00211108460, 00211108472)
- Yakima Herald (15 reels - 00211107224, 00211107236, 00211107248, 00211107807, 00211107819, 00211107820, 00211107832, 00211107844, 00211107856, 00211107868, 0021110787A, 00211107881, 00211108502, 00211108514, 00211107893)
Batch errors
- Tacoma Times reel 00211108381, incorrect end-date.
- LR: This is okay, CCS fixed in METS, metadata is correct. I fixed the database too.
- Yakima herald E:\QA_fir\pdf-xml_only\sn88085523\00211107248\1898021001 two images in wrong folder
- Yakima herald E:\QA_fir\pdf-xml_only\sn88085523\0021110787A\1908040101 two images in wrong folder
- Documented Fir_errors
- Caytons Weekly and Caytons Monthly (1 reel 002110725A)
- Tacoma Times (8 reels, 00211109344, ...8162, ...8186, ...8307, ...8320, ...8332, ...8356, ...8368)
Batch errors
- Cayton's Monthly/Weekly reel metadata: There seems to be a mistake in the date-microfilm-created field (date cannot be 1905)
- Cayton's Monthly images are present in folder, but they are marked "red" (not present) on issue QA report.
- Tacoma times:
- There are a few issues with fewer than 8 images present that have xml data describing 8 pages
- Some images in the wrong folder. See E:\batch_wa_20090903_elm\sn88085187\00211108186\1910070701
- issue 19121214 is in folder E:\batch_wa_20090903_elm\sn88085187\00211109344\1912121301
- Reel # 00211109344 incorrect, should be 00211108344
- Documented Elm_errors
- Pullman Herald (3 reels 0021110806A, 00211108071, 00211108083)
- San Juan Islander (9.5 reels 00211107960, 00211107972, 00211107984, 00211107923, 00211107935, 00211107947, 00211107959, 00211107996, 00211107297, 00211107911)
- Islander (1.5 reels 0021110790A, 00211107911)
- Tacoma times ( 5 reels 00211108149, 00211108150, 00211108174, 00211108198, 00211108319)
Batch errors
- file:///F:/batch_wa_20090903_dogwood/sn88085488/0021110806A/1904090301/1904090301.xml
img 0577 in the wrong folder - E:\batch_wa_20090903_dogwood\sn88085488\0021110806A\1904092401 image 0611 belongs in folder 1904091701
- In San Juan Islander there are some duplicate issues on separate reels. These issues are not in the same folder currently. These issues are highlighted in yellow on the googledocs spreadsheet.
- San Juan Islander reel...59. Image 0607 in folder 1908010401 needs to be moved to folder 1908011101
- A few other irregularities were highlighted in yellow for further discussion
- Tacoma times E:\batch_wa_20090903_dogwood\sn88085187\00211108149\1904061201 Date is incorrect, should be 1904061301
- Documented Dogwood_errors
- Commonwealth (1 reel - 00211107716)
- Leavenworth Echo (6 reels - 00211100552, 00211100564, 00211100576, 00211100588, 0021110059A, 00211107704)
- Pullman Herald (4 reels - 00211108009, 00211108058, 00211108095, 00211108101)
- Ranch (8 reels - 00211107728, 0021110773A, 00211107741, 00211107753, 00211107765, 00211107777, 00211107789, 00211107790)
Batch errors
- Passed verification
- Two Ranch titles with incorrect lccns (2007252175, 2007252185) - 4 reels need to be re-done (see reel numbers in red above)
- A few incorrect dates, one issue dups not re-ordered
- 1923 and 1924 issues need to be taken out of batch
- startDate and endDate METS reel files inconsistent from Sample reel (for whole reel vs. for title on reel) Need to investigate.
- Documented Cedar_errors
- Pullman Herald (4 reels - 00211108010, 00211108022, 00211108034, 00211108046)
Batch errors
Small rework done by wsl; batch accepted by LOC
lrobinson, 2009/09/11 15:56 TopAlder
- Seattle Republican (
5 4 reels - 00211100503, 00211100515, 00211100527, 00211100539, 00211100540) - Colfax Gazette (8 reels - 00211108204, 00211108216, 00211108228, 0021110823A, 00211108241, 00211108253, 00211108265, 00211108277)
- Colville Examiner (5 reels - 00211108113, 00211108125, 00211108137, 00211108289, 00211108290)
Batch errors
- Verification error: (see attached file error_batch.txt) BATCH.xml - Fixity check failed. Either fixity value is not present or is not correct. (all issue page image files)
- Ray @ LOC states verification should happen on last validated batch file (e.g. BATCH_1.xml). lr
- OK√
- Verification error: (see attached file error_batch_1.txt) BATCH_1.xml - Signature is not valid (all validated mets files)
- Contacted CCS via SP - they fessed to using the latest version of the dvv without telling me. Grr. Downloaded the latest version and was able to get BATCH_1.xml to verify. lr
- OK√
- Likely due to not using the latest dvv software version. CCS validated with ver. 1.4.1_3.1 and didn't tell us.
- Missing reel 00211100503
- CCS states internal communication error and will send reel. lr
- OK√
- Contents doesn't meet spec: GuideToContentsPresentFlag; LooseLeavesFlag; BoundVolumeFlag are all 1s and 0s (should be true or false). Followed DB - shouldn't it be converted to true false?
- Updated wslimaging batch mets files to true or false rather than 1 or 0. lr
- Ray @ LOC says 1s and 0s okay as long as it passes validation. lr
- OK√ - leave in batch
- Extra space in title elements from issueTbl for Colville examiner (made it into @LABEL in mets issue files)
- Confirmed error created during evaluation. lr
- OK√ - leave in batch
- Update DB in case of re-process
- Tif metadata mismatch - resolution of images doesn't match resolution declared in reel mets file (e.g. 00211100515.xml says 400 but image files from reel are 300 ppi) - some reels also have mixed resolution. Put a question in to LOC about this.
- Ray @ LOC says the important thing is for the TIFF to be correct. When mixed best thing to do is leave the element blank, we can also put in predominate value. lr
- Told OCLC about it
- OK√ - leave in batch
- Update DB incase of re-process
- Documented Alder_errors
Batch rejected by LC due to corrupt jp2s. CCS is re-working these images. ~~~
CCS is using version 1.4.1_3.1 - likely reasons for verification errors
lrobinson, 2009/06/02 14:15Emailed LOC - verification errors may be due to CCS using higher dvv version?!?! Will confirm what they are using. Also, CCS mentioned that they recieved a logging.properties file from LOC -
we would likely need this file in order to pass verification.
lrobinson, 2009/06/02 14:15Batch received on 2009-05-21 from Romainia. Batch failed verification, failed re-validation using 1.3.1_2.1 (dvv for 2008 specs). Ran QA-reports (see compiled errors).
lrobinson, 2009/06/02 14:15Sample
- Seattle Republican (1 reel - 00211100503)
Batch errors
- First sample batch(batch_wa_20081223_sample) validated but had issues associated with the wrong titles and embedded metadata in the tifs that designated the create as the 'Minnesota Historical Society'. I fixed much of the embedded metadata and reel and issue errors, revalidated the reel, and sent the reel to LC. We asked that the sample reel be reprocessed by vendor just in case. lr
- Second sample batch (batch_wa_20090528_sample) had corrected embedded metadata but the reel and issue data was not re-imported so all of the old errors were still present. Sample reel being re-processed (again). lr
- Documented Sample_errors (2009 version)
Ongoing issues with the sample reel. Most correct version is currently batch_wa_20081223_sample on the Imaging server.
lrobinson, 2009/07/27 13:37 Top