Cataloger writes:I can't remember now if the titles were connected
in the exist
ing OCLC
records. But
in any case, I decided to connect Ranch (North Yakima, Wash.)
(.b57920357) to Ranche and range (.b57920503) because:
1) The issues for June 10, 1897- were called new ser. v. 1, no. 10- and also
old ser. v. 3 , no. 43-. I was puzzled by the double number
ing, but then I
counted th
ings out on calendars for 1894-1897 and saw that yes, the June 10,
1897 issue would
indeed have been v. 3, no. 43 of Ranch. I put a note
the bib record about the double number
in a 515 field.
2) They were both published
in North Yakima.
3) Ranch (Seattle, Wash.) (.b4083895x), which is most def
initely the title
that cont
inues Ranche and range, has the very same slogan that appears on
Ranch (North Yakima, Wash.): "A journal of the land and the home
in the New
The double numbering:
The last known issue of the old "Ranch" 1894-08-18, vol 1 issue 31. Us
ing a
calendar and assum
ing that one issue was pr
inted each week and that 52 issues constitute a volume, the 1897-06-10 issue of the old "Ranch" would have been vol 4 issue 21. Of course this proves noth
ing because volume and issue number
in these early papers tends to be very
inconsistent and perhaps the old "Ranch" had stopped publish
in 1896 and the Ranch and Range just picked up the number
ing from there. There is an alternate explanation for the parallel number
ing, though, which I will now offer.
In the 1897-05-27 issue of Ranch and Range (2 issues before the parallel number
ing starts) a publisher's announcement appears: "The Times-Argus subscription list has been sold to Miller Freeman...and he is hearby authorized to collect all del
inquent subscriptions due the Times Argus up to May 21, 1897 and hereby agrees to carry out all unexpired subscriptions to said newspaper" Later
in the same issue: "by absorption of the Yakima Times-Argus, Ranche and Range has added eight hundred new names to its list this week." I have not found any bibliographic records for the Yakima Times-Argus, but a s
ingle issue of the Yakima Argus has survived. This issue is dated 1896-04-02 vol 2 no 25. If Times-Argus cont
inued with the Argus number
ing after the merger, and assum
ing that the paper produced one issue per week and 52 issues per volume, the 1897-06-10 issue of the Times-Argus would have been vol 3 no 35. On this date the Ranche and Range
indicates that the "old series" number was vol 3 no 43. This is not the same number, but it is closer than the old "Ranch" number would have been, plus there is a clear motive for
ing this parallel number
ing system. Freeman was under a f
inancial obligation to carry out the unexpired subscriptions to the Times-Argus. By pr
ing the old series alongside the new numbers Freeman could keep track of when the old subscriptions ran out and also clearly communicate that
information to the old subscribers. The parallel number
ing system was suspended at the end of 1897.
Argus in 1896 AyersThe slogan: The match
ing slogan clearly
indicated that the Range and Ranch owes an
intellectual debt to the old Ranch publication. From
Miller Freeman's memoirs (p.36): "For my publication I chose the name "Ranch and Range." There had been a paper
in Yakima called "the Ranch" which had been discont
inued. I felt that I wanted my paper to
include also the vigorous livestock bus
iness and so decided on a name which would be
indicative of its broader field of
interest." Though the two papers are l
intellectually, and perhaps should be l
in the bibliographic record, there is no
indication that they are l
inked f
inancially (that Miller Freeman took over the subscription list, pr
ing equipment, or any other assets of the old Ranch.)
In a bus
iness sense, the Ranch and Range did not succeed the old Ranch.
Who is E.H. Libby?

Who was E. H. Libby? Did he have someth
ing to do with the
Vineland project?
Yes! The same Edgar H. Libby

Chicago 1881?
See page 72
Edgar H Libby, pres of
UMass Amherst Alumni Assoc, 1879?
Father of artist Grace Libby Vollmer
----Edgar Libby Bio and Publish
Edgar Libby Bio