>>>>>See Washington Socialist<<<<<Title info
- Ayer Annual1
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Essay Draft
Northwest Worker was published in Everett, Washington during a particularly violent chapter in local history.
News coverage of this Socialist weekly focused on the unsuccessful reelection campaign of a Socialist city commissioner James M. Salter, the paper’s financial struggles, and labor turmoil in Everett, leading up to and following the infamous “Everett Massacre” of November 5, 1916.
The paper was formerly known as the
Washington Socialist[LCCN:sn88085769]. Faced with relatively low circulation numbers, the paper sought to expand its coverage to the entire Pacific Northwest and the publishers changed the name to reflect their ambition. Under this title the paper was printed from July 1915 until it changed its name again to the
Co-operative News [LCCN:sn 88085771] in September 1917. Maynard Shipley served as editor until April 1916; Henry W. Watts took over editorial duties during the same month.
TopReel info
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Digitization plan
2008-2009 grant
- WSL attempted to order duplication and testing from Proquest - they couldn't locate the title. Substituted for Colfax Gazette.
e.g. Significant for its location on the U.S.-Canadian border -
pearson, 2008/10/14 16:11 TopResources
- N.W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual -- fill in year -- fill in page
- NDNP Candidate Title List (Appendix A1.2)
- Chronicling America record (LOC) - fill in title
- WorldCat record - fill in title
- WSL record - fill in title