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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.1 seconds and yielded 4 results.
[...] Range (2 issues before the parallel numbering starts) a publisher's announcement appears: "The Times-Argus subscription list has been sold to Miller Freeman...and he is hearby authorized to collect all delinquent subscriptions due the Times Argus up to May 21, 1897 and hereby agrees to carry out all unexpired subscriptions to said newspaper" Later in the same issue: "by absorption of the Yakima Times-Argus, Ranche and Range has added eight hundred new names to its list this week." I have not found any bibliographic [...]
[...] Preliminary NDNP Candidate Titles (Appendix A from grant pkg) Aberdeen Herald Anacortes American Argus Bellingham Herald cont. Evening Herald cont. Fairhaven Herald Blaine Journal Boomerang, Palouse Bremerton misc. negatives Bremerton News Bremerton Searchlight Chehalis Bee Nugget Cascade Miner , Roslyn/Cle Elum Cayton's Weekly and Monthly Cle Elum Echo Cle Elum Tribune Colfax Gazette Columbia Chronicle , Dayton Columbian , Olympia Colville Examiner Commonwealth , Everett Co-Operative News , Everett Discontent , Lakebay and Home, WA Ellensburg [...]
[...] Hopkins - his father was the US Marshall for the Washington Territory - Page 1, Puget Sound Weekly Argus (Port Townsend : 1876), August 31, 1877 Palouse [...]
[...] 1879), with a total of 1874 pages. We anticipate expanding an existing title, the Puget Sound Weekly Argus from Port Townsend within the month. These [...]