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This search, performed through 830.08 KB (186 documents, 6351 words), completed in 0.5 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Interim Reports — 28.8%

[...] the quality of text in film and originals. This correction process is done by staff and volunteers with very specific guidelines in order to avoid “scope creep.” With a staff of librarians, library students, and retired teachers the urge to correct details can be very strong and lead to a loss in production time. In order to keep the balance of processing time and improved search results, we will keep the correction limited to vital statistics, election results, significant place names and topical subject terms contained within an article. [...]

Final Reports — 7.4%

[...] a week devoted to the NDNP grant. While this likely affected the speed of QA and some coordination with CONSER catalogers, QA time was made up by help from other WSL staff, and the refining and automating of much of the QA workflow with batch scripts. The titles were extensively researched before and during digitization. A list of titles, their lccns, and dates of coverage were delivered to NDNP staff at LC. Information about each title, including the condition of the film, where the film was stored, which regions the film covered and [...]

Progress Reports — 5.4%

Working Group Reports April 26, 2012 Spring Report Production We've really picked up speed with two more batches out the door and the next one in the data verfication stage. Batch_wa_bumping and batch_wa_columbia were shipped at the end of March and mid-April respectively. They have been received at the LC receiving center and are waiting to be approved and uploaded by LC. Newpspaer titles that will be uploaded from these batches include The Lynden Tribune (sn88085445) and The Spokane Press (LCCN: 88085947). Batch_wa_duwamish is in the hopper to be shipped within [...]

Colville Examiner — 4.7%

[...] perspective. He was active in many service organizations and served as president of Inland Empire Press Association. The introduction of a third newspaper into the small town of Colville resulted in fierce competition for government printing contracts and subscription income. The early editorials of the Colville Examiner and its rivals (the Colville Statesman-Index [LCCN: sn 88085320] and the Stevens County Reveille [LCCN: sn 88085325]) document a lively struggle for survival. The Reveille soon went out of business and the Statesman-Index was bought and sold several times. [...]

Seattle Post-Intelligencer — 2.7%

[...] the region’s pioneering newspaper and Seattle’s oldest continually operating business. In a land rich with timber, minerals, and waterways, the P-I served a growing community of 150 persons in 1860. Having survived over 11 moves and more than 17 owners, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer as of March 2009 no longer prints news in broadsheet, but remains an active force in the world of digital publishing. Soon after its creation, the Post-Intelligencer experienced a number of challenges and frequently changed owners for over a decade. After acquiring the paper in 1874 and [...]

Aberdeen Herald — 2.0%

[...] Chronicle LCCN sn87093214 and the Washington Economist LCCN sn87093199 . Carney merged the Economist with the Herald and went on to lead the paper longer than any other man, serving as editor and publisher until the Herald ’s demise on July 1, 1917, with the exception of a short period in 1915 when John A. Stimson served as editor. From about 1904 until about 1911, the paper was published twice a week. Circulation reached its highest point in 1916, at 2,100 readers. During these years, Aberdeen was known as a rough-and-tumble frontier town. [...]

Seattle Republican — 1.7%

[...] Republican - final draft Draft The Seattle Republican was Seattle's first truly successful African American newspaper. Out of seven black newspapers to appear in the city between 1891 and 1901, it alone survived into the early 20th century. First issued on May 19, 1894 and continuing until 1913, the paper (initially called simply the Republican ) represented the political views of the Republican Party, but not without critical scrutiny by its publisher and editor Horace Cayton Sr. Begun as a weekly, the Seattle Republican aimed for both a national and biracial audience, [...]

Grant 2 Batches — 1.7%

Batch details american Includes Wenatchee Daily World and Labor Journal See titles and reel list on spreadsheet due to error on doc# 38 had to leave reel 00211108630 out of batch (deleted reel and issue data from BATCH.xml) manually named batch in BATCH.xml (batch_wa_american) on validation there were integrity errors. I ran validation on the command line and learned that there are missing jp2 files. ( see Sharepoint issue ) Re-exported 7 reels and added missing jp2s one-at-a-time. Noticed some oddly named issues (batch_wa_american\sn88085620\00211107601\2010081901 [...]

Ellensburg Dawn — 1.7%

[...] sn88085011 , to advocate for the People’s Party and the Populist movement which “was sweeping westward with wonderful strength and had just reached Kittitas county in force,” according to Turner in An Illustrated History of Klickitat, Yakima, and Kittitas Counties . The paper quickly achieved popularity, and by August 4, 1894, Turner changed the title to the Dawn . In his editorial for the inaugural issue, Turner stated, “we find we cannot successfully combat the evils that obstruct the reform movement with a monthly, hence have concluded to [...]

Labor Journal (Everett) — 1.7%

[...] the Everett Trades Council, the Central Labor Council of Everett, and the Everett, WA chapter of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) until it ceased publication in October 1978. Originally published in 1891 as an annual newsletter for the Everett, WA chapter of AFL, the Labor Journal quickly became the vehicle for Progressive politics and Labor Union news in Everett and surrounding regions through the political savvy of its leadership. In 1905, future WA State Senator, John E. Campbell became business manager of the Labor Journal partnering with [...]

Ranch — 1.5%

[...] editing and publishing journals such as Scientific Farmer (Amherst and Boston) [LCCN: ca08002908], American Agriculturalist (New York)[LCCN:sf87090292], Land and Home (New York), Farmers’ Review (Chicago), the American Garden and Our Country Home (Greenfield, Mass) [LCCN: ca09000980], and contributed to the Irrigation Age (Chicago) [LCCN:ca17003583]. News of planned irrigation projects in North Yakima, Washington may have encouraged him to move there. The financial panic of 1893 contributed to instability in [...]

Ranch (Seattle) — 1.5%

[...] He sold the Ranch for a brief period between 1908-1910 to Leonard Fowler of Wenatchee. A discussion with a business colleague led him to reconsider his decision and to entertain the idea of starting a regional agricultural paper franchise. He bought back the the Ranch and renamed it the Washington Farmer [LCCN:2008252689]. He also purchased the Oregon Agriculturalist and Gem State Rural , renaming them the Oregon Farmer [LCCN:sv 88089129] and Idaho Farmer . During this period he also started Pacific Motorboat . The management of the three [...]

Grant 1 Batches — 1.5%

[...] errors No significant batch errors found (2010/03/11, drb) Top Gilia This batch was later combined with the Sample batch after LC let us know that batches cannot be combined on one hard drive. Titles Ranch , Ranche and Range and Ranch (Seattle) (4 reels - 00211107728, 0021110773A, 00211107741, 00211107753) Seattle Republican , Daily Republican , Republican , (1 reel - 00211100503) Batch errors None found Top Fir Titles Tacoma Times (11 reels - 0021110837A, 00211108381, 00211108393, 0021110840A, 00211108411, 00211108423, 00211108435, 00211108447, 00211108459, [...]

Walla Walla Evening Statesman — 1.5%

[...] son-in-law, Frank J. Parker, took over the paper, and in 1880, daily editions were tried again, this time with lasting success. In 1900, the ownership of the paper was transferred to the Statesman Publishing Co., owned by Dr. E.E. Fall. In 1907, the "Statesman" was consolidated with the "Walla Walla Union" [LCCN: sn84022798], with the "Union" as a morning paper, the "Statesman" remaining an evening paper, and a joint Sunday edition titled the "Sunday Union-Statesman" appearing as well. In 1910, the "Evening Statesman" [...]

Kennewick Courier — 1.5%

[...] governor as exceptionally “sterile.” This changed temporarily in the 1880s and again in the early 1890s with the construction of a railroad bridge over the Columbia River and a few failed irrigation schemes. However, Kennewick’s population growth began in earnest when the Northern Pacific Irrigation Company began advertising farmable land in 1902. The ensuing flood of settlers included Elwyn P. “Pea” Greene, a newspaperman from Milton, Oregon, who began publishing Kennewick’s first weekly paper, the Columbia Courier , on March 27, 1902. From the start Greene eschewed political [...]

Tacoma Times — 1.5%

[...] distributed to his newspaper chain through the Scripps-McRae telegraphic news service. This was combined with content about the local community created by the local editorial staff. In 1902 Scripps founded the National Enterprise Association (NEA), a service for distributing editorial cartoons, illustrations, and articles on specialized subjects such as fashion and sports. The Tacoma Times features many of these graphics. It was Scripps' ambition to provide news that would serve a working-class audience, and the Tacoma Times does occasionally [...]

Pullman Herald — 1.5%

[...] started his career as a newspaperman in the town of Dawson (ND), where he married Ada Allen. Frustrated with the pace of development in Dawson and lured by an magazine promotional piece, Neill became interested in the tiny town of Pullman in Washington Territory. He brought his editor, J. J. Sargent, and his wife with him where they founded the Pullman Herald together in 1881. Brothers-in-law Wilford, Ira, and Karl, who each would later serve as editors, soon followed. Fire and water are early themes in the history of Pullman, and their interplay [...]

Adams County News — 1.5%

[...] described in the Ritzville Journal Times - Pioneer Edition (1949) as “a lusty pioneer town in those days, with horses and wagons lurching up and down Main Street and even a few cows wandering through the main thoroughfare.” After Washington was admitted into the union in 1889, Ritzville was incorporated under state law the following year. Ritzville is surrounded by thriving wheat fields and relies on a prosperous flour milling industry which dates back to 1906 when the first mill, Ritzville Flouring Mill, was built and began operation. On February 3, 1898, John Albert Thompson, [...]

San Juan Islander — 1.2%

[...] LCCN: sn88085190 OCLC: ocm17347718 Digitization plan 2008-2009 grant WSL film 1894-1914 (merged with Islander title) (11 reels). Found that 1899 issues are merged with Islander film - going to evaluate and digitize all. Made it into final list sent to OCLC. Decided to add due to local need and geography. Plan to digitize WSL's film - 1899-1914 (9 reels) History Preceding title: Islander (Friday Harbor) Essay Draft The Islander was first published by James Cooper Wheeler on March 6, 1891 in Friday Harbor, Washington. Friday Harbor [...]

Morning Olympian — 1.2%

[...] time, the paper was backed by a political party and its Republican leanings led to a healthy rivalry with the Democratic Washington Standard LCCN sn84022770 . But, Olympia wasn’t all about politics. In 1898, with a population of about 6,000 the city was a bustling seaport with thriving timber, farming, and mining industries. In 1898, the Morning Olympian was owned by Edward C. Suiter and George Hopkins and was published by the Olympian-Tribune Publishing Company. Suiter and Hopkins took over the paper from John [...]

Co-Operative News (Everett) — 1.0%

[...] This title lasted until at least June 1918. That last edition and the editions preceding it are filled with predictions of newspaper’s impending doom based on the federal government’s on-going suppression of other Socialist and radical publications taking place throughout the nation under the authority of the federal Espionage Act of 1917, as amended in April 1918. The Co-operative news continued to publish news and propaganda of the local, state, and national Socialist party. The name change reflects a shift in interest towards the cooperative movement. During its brief [...]

Chehalis Bee-Nugget — 1.0%

[...] bee-nugget Title: The Chehalis bee-nugget Pub Info: Chehalis, Wash. : J.C. Bush, 1898-1938 Linked With: Chehalis bee and Chehalis nugget Linked With: Lewis County advocate, Chehalis advocate Hierarchical Place Name: United States - Washington - Lewis - Chehalis Descript: 40 v Frequency: Weekly Published: Vol. 16, no. 22 (Dec. 2, 1898)-v. 55, no. 56 (July 26, 1938) Notes Merger of: Chehalis bee; and, Chehalis nugget Merged with: Lewis County advocate; to form, Chehalis advocate Subjects: Chehalis (Wash.) [...]

Colfax Gazette — 1.0%

[...] Hopkins. Subscription price $3/year June 13, 1879 dissolution of partnership announced. Hopkins continues with paper. "Pioneers I have known" by SC Roberts of Pullman, Colfax Gazette-Commoner, May 8, 1936 (accessed through Dubuar scrapbooks) 1884 Hopkins installs first telephone line in eastern Washington in order to facilitate gathering news for his paper. Over next 15 years his company grew to be the Inland Telephone and Telegraph Co of Spokane. Hopkins sells paper (year?) to Ivan Chase, who had worked on gazette staff for several years. Name changed to Colfax Gazette. [...]

Newport Miner — 1.0%

[...] border. It was established in 1895 when townspeople from Newport (now Oldtown), Idaho migrated west with the Great Northern Railway line. Newport grew steadily as settlers developed agriculture (alfalfa and cattle), logging, milling (lumber and saw), and mining industries. The origin of the Newport Miner is a subject of debate amongst local historians. Many believe that the Miner was originally published as the Newport Pilot LCCN sn88085919 in 1897-1900 and became known as the Newport Miner thereafter. However, others maintain that the Pilot and Miner were separately [...]

Vancouver Independent — 1.0%

[...] the 49th parallel as the demarcation between U.S. and British interests, and Fort Vancouver became American. The city of Vancouver was incorporated into Washington Territory in 1857. By this time, the importance of the fort had declined, and agriculture became the major industry in the area. The region grew throughout the 1860s due to an influx of prospective gold miners headed north from California. Founded in 1875, the Vancouver Independent began as a four-page weekly, published on Saturdays. In 1877, the Vancouver Independent expanded to an eight-page weekly, published [...]

NDNP News — 1.0%

[...] for OCR (optical character recognition) software that will make each paper searchable. I am working with the Washington State Library as a part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP); a project that will digitize many historic newspapers across the United States. Now in the fourth year of the program we are deep in the midst of processing important Washington State newspaper titles. Papers like the Industrial Freedom from the tiny town of Edison, the Yakima Herald, and the Aberdeen Herald are already on their way to being published on the Chronicling America [...]

Digital object repository software — 1.0%

[...] Jonsson, J. (2005). Aggregating distributed digital collections in the Mountain West Digital Library with the CONTENTdmTM multi-site server. Library Hi Tech. 23 (2), 220-232. Fedora Commons website: http://www.fedora-commons.org/ spec sheet Features Batch processing page Bainbridge, D. W., Ian H. (2009). A fedora librarian interface. A clearly-written article about using the Fedora Librarian Interface with Fedora. It is basically the Greenstone interface. Examples of ingest processes are described. Plug-in emphasized. Demonstrates [...]

Newspaper Titles — 0.7%

[...] taken from Preliminary NDNP Candidate Titles (Appendix A from grant pkg) Aberdeen Herald Anacortes American Argus Bellingham Herald cont. Evening Herald cont. Fairhaven Herald Blaine Journal Boomerang, Palouse Bremerton misc. negatives Bremerton News Bremerton Searchlight Chehalis Bee Nugget Cascade Miner , Roslyn/Cle Elum Cayton's Weekly and Monthly Cle Elum Echo Cle Elum Tribune Colfax Gazette Columbia Chronicle , Dayton Columbian , Olympia Colville Examiner Commonwealth , Everett Co-Operative News , Everett Discontent , Lakebay and Home, WA [...]

Daily Republican (Seattle) — 0.7%

[...] Republican. This edition was created by Seattle Republican publisher Horace Roscoe Cayton in partnership with James D. Hoge Jr. who had a controlling interest in the daily Seattle Post Intelligencer. Their successful plan outmaneuvered the two rival dailies, the Seattle Daily Times and Seattle Evening News, which had teamed up in an attempt to win the second contract to publish the newly revised City Charter. The Daily Republican did win the second contract and gave the city a good price to print it. By aiding and abetting the Seattle Post Intelligencer plan, Cayton himself [...]

Industrial Freedom (Edison) — 0.7%

[...] courteous toward the colonists, other reports had been less favorable. In order to better communicate with the outside world and with members of the BCC who did not live in Washington the group decided to publish Industrial freedom. Lermond purchased a double cylinder press in late April of 1898. George E. Boomer, a former staff member of the Socialist weekly Appeal to Reason soon arrived in Edison work as pressman. 7,000 copies of the first issue were printed on May 7, 1898. William McDevitt served as editor-in-chief. Boomer contributed columns [...]

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