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Working Group Reports
Sept. 30, 2008
Our NDNP coordinator, Laura Robinson, is now in place. She will be out of the office from Oct. 1-10 to get married and have a short honeymoon. When she returns, you can contact her at 360.570.5568 in Olympia, or at 360.915.4156 on her cell phone. You may want to try her cell phone first as she will be at UW for part of each week. Her email is
The RFP for scanning was issued on Sept. 15 and responses are due Oct. 15. We plan to announce our selection by Oct. 24.
Laura and Marlys were able to attend the third meta|morphosis conference in Lexington, Ky., Sept. 24-25. It was a valuable experience and included some hands-on time with film scanners, densitometers and XML files. It was also a good chance to talk to some of the vendors and other NDNP participants.
We will be working closely with University of Kentucky and plan to use their web form for collecting title and collation metadata for the film we’ll be examining.
Title selection is moving along, and at a meeting between UW and WSL on Sept. 12, both organizations decided on the first titles to be purchased. Minutes of that meeting can be found on the NDNP wiki at
The contract between WSL and UW to allow us to reimburse them for film and student workers is still in our contracts office, but should be emerging soon.
Laura has established a wiki for the project to use for maintaining files and communicating. The NDNP wiki is located at
MainPage In the interests of keeping a coherent record of the project, we will continue to send information and updates out via listserv, but will also add the updates, discussions, etc. to the wiki. At present I believe anyone can read the wiki. If you want to be able to add to the wiki, please contact Laura.
TopAug. 20, 2008
Greetings from overcast Olympia!
I just want to take a minute to update everyone on where we are in the NDNP project.
We have hired an NDNP Project Coordinator, Laura Robinson, who will start work officially on Sept. 1. Laura has been working on the Washington Rural Heritage project, traveling around the state doing scanning and training at rural libraries and heritage organizations to help them convert some of their unique holdings. Before that she worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico developing a quality assurance program for cross-walking and normalization of huge databases. Needless to say we are delighted to have her with us.
Laura will be spending part of her time in Olympia and part of it in Seattle at UW. Once we nail down phone numbers and such, I’ll send out her contact information. In the next 2 months Laura will also be getting married, buying a house and moving – so she’ll be very busy!
We have a draft of an RFP for a vendor that is currently being reviewed by our contracts office. We hope to release it soon and have a vendor nailed down by Nov. I’ve started working on a contract with UW that will allow us to reimburse them for film and for student workers.
Glenda is working on our preliminary list of titles so we can place our first orders of film and get started on the film evaluation and testing, as well as the gathering of metadata.
Laura and I attended the participants meeting for NDNP in Washington, DC Aug. 6-8, and had a chance to meet the participants from all the other libraries and the LC staff we will be working with. The agenda covered a lot of the nuts and bolts of the project as well as presentations from several of the continuing awardees on project design and troubleshooting. It was a very positive experience.
We had hoped to also attend the metamorphosis08 conference at the University of Kentucky which focuses on conversion of film to digital, but with the ban on out-of-state travel that looks doubtful.
That’s about it for now – hope you are all having a great summer!
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