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Page Revision: 2010/02/19 09:36

Darren Kuropatwa on Flickr with Creative Commons License
==Welcome to the Peer Learning Wiki==
Purpose of this resource
have been doing peer learning since the first library opened it's doors, between librarians, between patrons, community members and
organizations. Today this is still happening within the library buildings, but with web based tools, we have more possibilities. These
tools have expanded what it means to "be together" to learn with and from each other.
This web resource is a collection of basic materials about peer learning. There are explanations, links and resources about peer learner, how to facilitate peer learning, how to use online tools for peer learning. They can be used in a wide variety
of situations with, within and between libraries, patrons and communities.
How to use this resource
The resources have been organized in a series of "learning paths." The learning paths can be thought of as "mini-lessons" or thematic
collections within the overall site. The learning paths and resources are flexible elements that you can use in many ways. We have identified some specific learning paths but you can also create your own. You can dip in and out of the site to get information, ideas and resources whenever and however you wish.
(to see another example of this sort of format see - which also has some great resources we can use. Note, Jane has copyrighted those materials, so we can either link or ask for permission. I know Jane so the latter is a possibility.)You can also browse the
Peer Learning Resources which offers worksheets, fact sheets and links to useful resources and materials found elsewhere on the web.
We suggest you start with our quick "overview" learning path that gives you a sampling of the major areas of the site.
- Quick Overview Learning Path - To be drafted once we have a bit more here. It will include a short description of the learning paths, how to search for materials on the site, etc.It will also depend on which wiki tool we use.
- Learning Path #1: What is Peer Learning?
- Learning Path #2: Why use Peer Learning?
- Learning Path #3: A Communities of Practice Lens on Peer Learning
- Learning Path #4: Online and Offline Settings for Peer Learning
- Learning Path #5: Facilitating Peer Learning in Offline Settings
- Learning Path #6: Facilitating Peer Learning Online
- Learning Path #7: Stewarding Online Technology for Peer Learning
- Learning Path #8: Reflecting Upon, Assessing and Evaluating Peer Learning
How do contribute to this resource
This resource is built on a tool called a wiki. A wiki is a tool that creates easily editable websites that people can edit without knowing any special computer codes. New pages can be added, links can be created between pages, making this an evolving resource. You can comment on any resource, contribute new content, even design specific learning paths that reflect your need and which may be useful to others.
For more specific details on how to contribute, see the
How to Contribute page (
To be made once we have the wiki and I know the technical steps of that particular site.)