Search Engine
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Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
This search, performed through 321.18 KB (24 documents, 3280 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 3 results.
[...] friend. Exploring your Digital Identity Frances is a librarian in a small town library with active research interests. She was educated in the ‘pre-Internet’ era but over the past five years has understands that working online is a valuable part of her work. She knows some of her library patrons are very web savvy, and now their entire catalog is online. So the staff works online as part of their job. That is the reality. Frances belongs to a variety of professional associations and occasionally attends national conferences. She participates in a couple of library [...]
[...] The point of this section is to provide references for those who wish to understand the theory and research that sits beneath peer learning in the context of adult learning. The importance of peer learning comes from what we know about adult
learning and social learning theory. (For more on adult learning, see Adult Learning: An Overview by Stephen Brookfield.) These two fields suggest that adults learn from doing, from learning in context and from the social engagement they experience learning with others. David Kolb has described an adult learning cycle, also [...]
[...] Dept of State Workbook for Outcome Measurement of Library Programs Library Services [...]