Page History: Learning Path #2: Why use Peer Learning?
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Page Revision: 2010/02/19 09:43
There are many ways we can and do learn. The question is, when is it useful to adopt a peer learning strategy? What are the benefits? Risks?
Benefits of Peer Learning
* We learn as we do. As adults, we learn in context, through exchanges with others. Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline (Doubleday, 1990),
* We learn when it is relevant. We learn in moments of need, challenge or action.
* Build on formal learning. Complement other forms of learning.
* Self-managed
* Scalable
* Flexible
Risks of Peer Learning
When to Consider Using Peer Learning
To solve problems/address opportunities
To build new skills and capacity
For continued professional development
To be connected to other practitioners
Process Note: How We'll Use Peer Learning in our work together
* Wiki
* Synchronous Coaching Sessions
* Asynchronous Discussions
* What else?
Identified needs for Peer Learning in Washington State Libraries
Would be great to make this a wiki page where we can start gathering examples and stories. Maybe we can harvest a few at the Feb training.
Examples and Stories of Peer Learning¶