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*Instructions [https://www.courts.wa.gov/forms/documents/CROP%20instructions_2016%2012.pdf]
*Instructions [https://www.courts.wa.gov/forms/documents/CROP%20instructions_2016%2012.pdf]
*Petition for Certificate of Restoration of Opportunity [https://www.courts.wa.gov/forms/documents/CRO%2001_0100%20Petition%20for%20Certificate%20of%20Restoration%20of%20Opportunities_2016%2012.pdf]
*Petition for Certificate of Restoration of Opportunity [https://www.courts.wa.gov/forms/documents/CRO%2001_0100%20Petition%20for%20Certificate%20of%20Restoration%20of%20Opportunities_2016%2012.pdf]
*Also on [[Restored Rights]] page.
*Also on [[Restored Rights#Certificate of Restoration of Opportunity (CROP)]] page.

Revision as of 11:06, 7 February 2022

Employment Security Department, Washington State - Employment History [1]

  • Immediately get your employment history information as far back as 2005 and most recent unemployment claim information. These are considered Public Records.
  • Requesting Public Records and Contact Information [2]
  • Self-Request for Records Form [3]

WorkSource Office Locations [4]

  • When requesting information about WorkSource Office Locations please specify which county and/or cities you would like the information for.

Washington State Registered Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship Prep from Labor and Industries

  • Apprenticeship is a program where you earn wages while you learn a skilled profession in a specific field, such as construction, medical or culinary arts. Apprenticeship combines classroom studies with on-the-job training supervised by a trade professional. Much like a college education, it takes several years to become fully trained in the occupation you choose.
  • Apprenticeship Preparation [5] PRINTING NOTE Click the button "expand all" before printing.
    • Apprenticeship preparation programs help you find and prepare for registered apprenticeship opportunities. Each recognized program listed below has working relationships with one or more registered apprenticeship program sponsors. Also known as pre-apprenticeship.
  • Catalog of Programs and Services [6]
    • This resources is available in print in your branch of the Washington State Library. Please access the print copy and request photocopies of specific pages.
    • Source Page [7]
  • Apprenticeship Registration & Tracking System (ARTS) [8]
    • A lookup tool to search for apprenticeship programs registered in Washington State by county and occupation.

Apprenticeship Preparation Programs Formally Recognized by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council (WSATC) [9]

  • Apprenticeship preparation programs help you find and prepare for registered apprenticeship opportunities. Each recognized program listed below has working relationships with one or more registered apprenticeship program sponsors. These programs are recognized by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council (WSATC) and follow standards outlined in WSATC Policy 2012-03, as passed in April, 2012.
  • For more information about a specific program ask Library Staff.

Directory of Labor Organizations in Washington State 2018-19 [10]

  • Washington State Labor Council's Directory of organizations.
  • Source Page [11]

Flagger Certification from Evergreen Safety Council [12]

  • Offered in Mt. Vernon, Everett, Renton, Kent, Tacoma, Sumner, Lakewood, Olympia and Chehalis, this class prepares students to receive a Flagger Certification card, which is valid for 3 years in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Students must be at least 18 years old and must bring a valid State I.D. Card or Drivers License to the class. There is an open book test at the end of class in which you must have a passing score of 80% in order to receive your certification.

WSDOT Work Zone Flagger Training Information [13]

  • Washington State Flagger Certification courses are available at many Community Colleges and through the Evergreen Safety Council (800) 521-0778 and American Traffic Safety Services Association (877) 642-4637. Oregon, Idaho and Montana State flagging cards are also accepted in Washington.

Approved CDL Training Schools [14]

  • Washington Department of Licensing approved CDL training courses and the type/class of training provided.

Washington Bonding Program [15]

  • This program provides, at no cost to the employer or applicant, individual fidelity bonds to employers for applicants who are, or may be, denied coverage by commercial carriers because of their at-risk status. The fidelity bonds issued by the WBP function as an employer job-hire incentive. These bonds come from the Travelers Insurance Company and provide employers protection against employee dishonesty. The bond insurance covers any loss resulting from any form of stealing by employees, including theft, forgery, larceny and embezzlement. It does not cover liability due to poor workmanship, job injuries or work accidents. It is not a bail bond or court bond for the legal system, nor is it a contract bond, performance bond or license bond necessary to be self employed.
  • Informational brochure for Employers and Job Seekers [16]
  • Fact Sheet [17]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit [18]

  • The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. WOTC joins other workforce programs that incentivize workplace diversity and facilitate access to good jobs for American workers.
  • Washington ESD Information [19]
    • WA ESD Fact Sheet [20]

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation [21]

  • Transforming lives by empowering people with disabilities to achieve a greater quality of life by obtaining and maintaining employment. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) believes employment contributes to a person’s ability to live independently and everyone has a right to work. With offices located throughout Washington, DVR develops partnerships within communities to help meet the employment needs of people with disabilities and employers.
  • DVR Guide to Services [22]
  • También disponible en español Recursos Washington DSHS

Guide to Criminal Records and Employment in Washington State American Civil Liberties Union ACLU [24]

  • This guide provides general information about the rights and responsibilities of people with a criminal record who are looking for a job. It is not intended to provide legal advice.
  • Source Page [25]

Apprenticeship Agencies by State

  • List of contact information for all United State's states and territories. [26]
  • When requesting information from this source please specify to library staff which states you would like more information about.

CROP from Washington State Courts [27]

CROP from Northwest Justice Project [31]

  • Should I read this? Yes, if both of these are true: You have a criminal conviction history, especially one that caused you to lose an occupational license. AND You have finished your sentence for this crime.
  • Source Page [32]
  • Also on Restored Rights page.

Federal Student Aid (FSA) - Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) [33]

  • The FAFSA, officially known as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is the form that people fill out to apply for federal grants, loans, and work-study funds for college students. It is administered by the U.S. Department of Education, which provides more than $150 billion in student aid each year. Your eligibility for federal grants (which don’t have to be repaid) and federal loans (which do) will generally be based on your financial need, as determined by the information you supply on your FAFSA.
  • FAFSA Application 2019-2020 [34]
  • FAFSA Application 2020-2021 [35]
    • NOTE: You need to fill out a new FAFSA for each year in which you are or plan to be a student.
  • Do You Need Money for College?: The Guide to Federal Student Aid 2019-20 [36]
  • Federal Student Aid for Adult Students [37]
  • FSA Eligibility for Students Confined in Adult Correctional or Juvenile Justice Facilities [38]
  • Students with criminal convictions have limited eligibility for federal student aid [39]
    • Make sure you understand your status, and don't assume you can't get aid.
    • Student Aid Eligibility Worksheet for Question 23, 2020-2021 [40] link note: PDF downloads directly after clicking
      • Each year, Question 23 of the FAFSA asks if you have had a conviction for possessing or selling illegal drugs. If you answer affirmatively or simply don't answer the question, you will need to fill out this worksheet which will be included in your Student Aid Report (SAR).
  • Student Aid Report (SAR) [41]
    • After you submit your FAFSA, you’ll receive your SAR that summarizes the information you provided on your application. Review your SAR carefully to make sure it’s correct and complete.
  • Federal School Code List 2018-2019 Excel Document [42] link note: link downloads directly as an excel file after clicking
    • The Federal School Code List contains the unique codes assigned by the Department of Education for schools participating in the Title IV federal student aid programs. Students can enter these codes on their FAFSA to indicate which postsecondary schools they want to receive their financial application results.
    • Source Page [43]
  • También disponible en español Recursos en español

Selective Service System (SSS)

  • Registration is required for men who are 18-25 years of age in order to submit their FAFSA and receive federal student aid.
  • Selective Service System (SSS) Registration Form for Men Age 18-25 [44]
  • Who Must Register [45]
  • Who Must Register Chart [46]
    • Hospitalized or Incarcerated Men [47]
  • Men 26 and Older - Born After 1960 [48]
  • Request for Status Information Form [49]
    • If you did not register with Selective Service, and are now a man 26 years old or older, you may be ineligible for certain federal or state programs and benefits, including U.S. citizenship. Some agencies may ask you to provide an official response from the Selective Service indicating if you were or were not required to register. Complete a request form for a status information letter which simply states the facts: Whether or not the man is registered; whether or not the man should have registered or if he is exempt. Complete a request form for a status information letter available here. You will have to describe, in detail, the circumstances you believe prevented you from registering and provide copies of documents showing any periods when you were hospitalized, institutionalized, or incarcerated occurring between your 18th and 26th birthdays.

State Board of Community and Technical Colleges

  • Learn more about Washington’s 34 community and technical colleges!
  • Explore our Colleges [50]
  • If you have questions about colleges and college programs in Washington have an in-depth conversation with Library Staff about what programs you are interested. Don't know where to start? Just ask! The library has several resources in print and online to help aid you in make decisions and getting more information.

John Jay Prisoner Reentry Institute

  • Back-to-School: A guide to continuing your education after prison July 2015 [51]
    • This reentry guide, funded and revised in 2010 by the U.S. Department of Education, is intended to assist people in state prison planning to pursue or continue their education after release. It walks readers through the process of planning for and accessing education programs, including adult basic, GED, vocational, and higher education; provides instructions for accessing community resources, financial assistance, and other services; and offers practical advice at each step along the way in the form of testimonials from formerly incarcerated individuals who have realized a diverse array of educational achievements. The guide is designed to assist the work of correctional and community-based reentry staff, as well as inspire and support people leaving prison to take advantage of educational resources in their communities.
  • Is College for Me? March 2019 [52]
    • Is College For Me? is a a pocket-sized fold out designed in collaboration with the Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP) that demystifies the process of enrolling in college. The colorful resource explains the various types of degrees, schools, and resources available to students. Is College For Me? also breaks down the steps students can take while in still in prison and after coming home.
  • Source Page [53]
  • Also on Reentry Guides page.

Post-Prison Education Program

  • The goal of the Post-Prison Education Program is to dramatically reduce recidivism by harnessing the power of education and meeting the legitimate needs of former prisoners. Education opens the door to a living wage, clean and sober housing, empowered and responsible living and strengthened families—the most important factors in breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and crime, thereby increasing community safety. The Post-Prison Education Program provides access to education and unwavering support through wrap around services including tuition, housing, groceries, daycare and intensive mentoring. The Program’s innovative approach provides extensive outreach in prisons and intensive support post-release.
  • About [54]
  • Application [55]

The Wash Board

  • Looking for scholarships? theWashBoard.org makes it simple. We connect Washington students of all types with Washington scholarship providers….for FREE. Whether you’ll be attending in state or out, you save time by entering your profile once and letting us find the scholarship opportunities that fit. theWashBoard.org is spam-free and will never sell your information.
  • How does theWashBoard.org work? [56]
    • Printing Note - cannot link to PDF. Click the link for "How does theWashBoard.org work.pdf?"
  • Source Page [57]

Basic Food Employment and Training

  • Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET) provides training and education with a goal of assisting Basic Food clients to attaining a living wage career. BFET services are available from all WA State community and technical colleges as well as many non-college community based organization (CBO) contractors. [58]
  • Program Overview [59]
  • Brochure East of the Cascades [60]
  • Brochure West side: Whatcom south through King County [61]
  • Brochure West side: Pierce County, south and around the sound to Clallam [62]
  • También disponible en español Recursos en español

Alternative Solutions[63]

  • The Alternative Solutions Program is a statewide initiative within the Division of Child Support (DCS) aimed at helping parents toward self-sufficiency. At DCS we put great value on the noncustodial parent’s role in our communities and with their families. While most parents pay their child support, others have trouble meeting their responsibility. Our well-rounded approach to child support services works as a bridge between community groups and the people they help; dealing with issues such as joblessness, housing, medical, legal issues, and transition from jail and prison. The Alternative Solutions Program links parents with government and community groups to increase their ability to get a job and be financially stable.
  • Brochure [64]
  • Also on Family Resources page.

On-The-Job Training Support Services – Highway Construction Trades Scholarships [65]

  • WSDOT's On-the-Job Training Support Services Program (OJT/SS) provides pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship scholarship opportunities, to increase the participation of women, minorities, and other disadvantaged individuals in the federal-aid highway construction workforce.
  • Application [66]